Message from the Technical Program Chairs
The CHI Technical Program consists of a wide variety of forums to which you can contribute. Please feel free to contact the Technical Program chairs if you have any difficulty determining which forum is most appropriate to share your ideas.
Patrick Baudisch, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Université Paris-Sud, France
New for CHI 2013: Video Previews and new Case Studies format
This year we are introducing video previews: Several venues will ask for a ~30sec video clip when uploading the final version of your accepted work. This video preview will accompany your contribution in the online program and may also play in public places at the conference. Also, it will help attendees plan their conference time and allow you to reach a wider audience.
This year we are also introducing a new format for Case Studies. The submission and presentation format both change to better match the target audience and type of content for this venue — see the details on the Case Studies.
Call for participation
The submission process is detailed in the Call for Participation. Templates are available for the different submission formats. All submissions are made through the PCS on-line system. See the PCS Submissions FAQ for instructions.
There are three deadlines for submitting to CHI 2013:
- 19 September 2012, 5pm PST, for Papers & Notes;
5 October 2012, 5pm PST, for Case Studies, Courses, Doctoral Consortium, Panels, SIGs, and Workshops organizers;9 January 2013, 5pm PST, for alt.chi, Interactivity, Student Competitions, Video Showcase, and Works-In-Progress.18 January 2013, 5pm PST, for workshops participants
Please note that this year, the calls for SIGs and Video showcase have been moved to the October deadline. To ease the transition, SIG meetings will also feature Birds-of-a-feather sessions to be scheduled at the conference.
Guides for Submissions
A number of guides are available to help you submit your work, present it at the conference, and review it if you are on one of the reviewing committees.
Contributor Guides
- Guide to a Successful HCI Archive Submission
- Guide to a Successful Extended Abstracts Submission
- Guide to a Successful Video Submission
- Guide to a Successful Presentation
- Information for Poster Presenters