CHI 2013 anticipates submission of over 1,800 Papers and Notes. The review process needs to handle this load while also providing high-quality reviews. The organization of the CHI program committee into topical subcommittees helps achieve this by having you, the author, select the best subcommittee to review your submission.
The subcommittee structure empowers you to choose the appropriate community of researchers to review your research. An important thing to consider in selecting a subcommittee is that you are not describing your paper, you are instead providing information about your most important contribution and therefore the type of researcher who you feel is most qualified to review your paper.
Note: CHI will employ the subcommittee organization for review purposes only. Paper sessions at the conference will not be tracked or grouped based on the subcommittees.
The author decides which subcommittee reviews his or her submission. When you submit a paper or note, you will designate which subcommittee you want to handle your submission. You will see a list of subcommittees and descriptions of the topics they are covering, the name of each Subcommittee Chair, and the names of some of the Associate Chairs serving on each subcommittee. Using all of this information, it is your responsibility to select the subcommittee that best matches the expertise needed to assess your research, and that you believe will most fully appreciate your contribution to the field of HCI.
CHI has traditionally supported diverse and interdisciplinary work and continues to expand into new topics not previously explored. We recognize that as a result, you may find several different subcommittees which are plausible matches for aspects of your work. Hence it may be difficult to choose between subcommittees. However, for a number of reasons it will be necessary for you to select one target subcommittee, and you should strive to find the best match based on what you think is the main contribution of your submission (examples of papers that are considered good matches are linked below for each subcommittee). You can also email the Subcommittee Chairs for guidance if you are unsure.
Note that the scope of each subcommittee is not rigidly defined. Each has a broad mandate and most subcommittees cover a collection of different topics. Further, Subcommittee Chairs are all seasoned researchers, experienced with program committee review work, and each is committed to a process which seeks to assign each paper reviewers who are true experts in whatever the subject matter of the paper is. Subcommittee Chairs recognize that many papers, or perhaps even most papers, will not perfectly fit the definition of their subcommittee’s scope. Consequently, papers will not be penalized or downgraded because they do not align perfectly with a particular subcommittee. Interdisciplinary, multi-topic, and cross-topic papers are encouraged, and will be carefully and professionally judged by all subcommittees.
In making a subcommittee choice you should make careful consideration of what the most central and salient contribution of your work is, even if there are several different contributions. As an example, let’s say you are writing a paper about Ergonomic Business Practices for the Elderly using Novel Input Devices. Perhaps this is a very new topic. It covers a lot of ground. It’s not an exact fit for any of the subcommittees, but several choices are plausible. To choose between them, you need to make a reasoned decision about the core contributions of your work. Should it be evaluated in terms of the usage context for the target user community? The novel methodology developed for your study? The system and interaction techniques you have developed? Each of these evaluation criteria may partially apply, but try to consider which is most central and which you most want to highlight for your readers. Also look at the subcommittees, the people who will serve on them, and the kind of work they have been associated with in the past. Even if there are several subcommittees that could offer fair and expert assessments of this work, go with the one that really fits the most important and novel contributions of your paper. That committee will be in the best position to offer constructive and expert review feedback on the contributions of your research.
Each subcommittee description also links one or two recent CHI papers that the subcommittee chairs feel are good examples of papers that fit the intent and aim of that subcommittee. Please look at these examples as a way to decide on the best subcommittee for your paper – but remember that these are just a few examples, and do not specify the full range of topics that would fit with any subcommittee. (Note: the example papers will be linked as they are selected by the chairs).
List of the subcommittees
Subcommittees are listed and described below. Each has a title, short description, and an indication of who will Chair and serve on the subcommittee. Subcommittees have been constructed with an eye to maintaining logically coherent clusters of topics. These are largely as set up for CHI 2010 with some changes, in part as a result of the need to balance the expected number of papers for each subcommittee and in part based on experiences in 2010.
Usability, Accessibility and User Experience
This subcommittee is suitable for papers that contribute by extending the knowledge, approaches, practices, methods, components and tools that make technology more useful, usable, desirable and/or accessible by people. Successful papers will present results, practical approaches, tools, technologies and research methods that demonstrably advance our understanding and design capabilities for user experience, usability and/or accessibility. The focus is on usability and accessibility of widely used technologies. Applications targeting select user groups should be submitted to the Specific Applications subcommittee. Contributions will be judged substantially on the basis of their demonstrable potential for effective reuse and applicability across a range of application domains and/or design, research, or user communities.
Daniela Busse
Vicki Hanson
Antti Oulasvirta
Joanna McGrenere
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers and Notes:
Specific Application Areas
This subcommittee will focus on papers that extend the design and understanding of applications for specific user communities or domains of interest to the HCI community. Examples of user communities include but are not limited to: older adults, children, families, disabled people, and people in developing countries. Examples of application areas include but are not limited to: education, health, home, sustainability, security, privacy and creativity. These contributions will be evaluated in part based on their impact on the specific application area and/or community that they address, in addition to their impact on HCI. Papers focused on increasing the accessibility of widely used technologies, as opposed to technologies designed for disabled people only, should be submitted to the Usability, Accessibility and User Experience subcommittee.
JP Hourcade
Andrew Ko
Wanda Pratt
Bill Thies
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers:
Interaction Beyond the Individual
We focus on papers and notes which consider how two or more people interact with one another through technology, in groups of two people to two million. Submissions will be judged in part by their contribution of data and interpretation; description and analysis of systems to support relationships and interactions; and/or theories and well-structured arguments regarding human communication, collaboration, conflict, play, and other activities supported or mediated by technologies.
Myriam Lewkowicz
Mark Ackerman
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers:
This subcommittee will focus on papers that make a contribution to the design of interactive products, services, or systems; or that advance knowledge of the human activity of design as it relates to HCI. It will cover a broad range of design approaches: participatory, user-centered, experience, and service. It will also cover a range of design practices: interaction, industrial, experience, information, architecture, visual communication, and sensorial. Finally, it will focus on design research issues such as aesthetics, values, effects (such as emotion), methods, practices, critique, and theory.
This subcommittee is also the home for papers related to the design of computer games.
Jodi Forlizzi
Steve Harrison
Youn-Kyung Lim
Bilge Mutlu
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers:
Interaction Using Specific Capabilities or Modalities
This subcommittee will focus on advances in interaction that use capabilities, modalities, or technologies that have not yet been fully exploited in standard approaches to interaction. These contributions will be judged in part by their novelty and their ability to extend user capabilities in powerful new ways or to new contexts. Example areas include, but are not limited to: multimodal user interfaces, tangible interfaces, speech I/O, auditory I/O, physiological computing, brain-computer interfaces, perception and vision-based systems, augmented reality, and visualisation.
Andy Wilson
Stephen Fairclough
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers:
- A role for haptics in mobile interaction: initial design using a handheld tactile display prototype
- Sizing the horizon: the effects of chart size and layering on the graphical perception of time series visualizations
- Musink: composing music through augmented drawing
- Skinput: appropriating the body as an input surface
Understanding People: Theory, Concepts, Methods
This subcommittee will focus on papers whose primary contribution is improved understanding of people and/or interactional contexts, as applied to address HCI problems. This understanding can be derived from qualitative or quantitative research, and can be study-based or more conceptual in nature. The core contribution is likely to take the form of evolved theories, concepts or methods. These contributions will be judged in part by their extension of our basic understanding of human behavior and/or their context of activity and the practical impact this may have on HCI practice and research.
Bonnie John
Jacky ONeill
Victoria Belotti
David Kirk
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers:
- Blogging in a region of conflict: supporting transition to recovery
- The effects of diversity on group productivity and member withdrawal in online volunteer groups
- The Case of the Disappearing Ox: Seeing Through Digital Images to an Analysis of Ancient Texts
- Why it’s quick to be square: modelling new and existing hierarchical menu designs
- How does search behavior change as search becomes more difficult?
Interaction Techniques and Devices
This subcommittee will focus on contributions in the form of new input or interaction techniques, or devices. These contributions will be judged in part based on their novelty or on a demonstrated improvement in an existing interaction type of interest to the HCI community. Example areas include but are not limited to: new sensors and actuators, mobile devices, 3-D interaction, touch and multi-touch, graphical and tangible UI, tabletop and large display interaction.
Bjorn Hartman
Shahram Izadi
Tovi Grossman
Stephen Feiner
Subcommittee: list of members
Expanding Interaction through Technology, Systems & Tools
This subcommittee will focus on contributions to how interactive systems are built. This will include new tools and techniques for more effective construction of interactive systems. This includes both software and hardware technologies or systems that move interaction into new contexts or support mobile/ubiquitous human-computer interaction. These contributions will be judged in part by their technical innovation and/or ability to connect, simplify or enrich interactions across many modalities of use.
Hans Gellersen
Antonio Krueger
Subcommittee: list of members
Example Papers:
Subcommittee membership
Usability, Accessibility and User Experience subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Vicki Hanson | University of Dundee | chair |
Joanna McGrenere | UBC | dep |
Daniela Busse | Samsung Research America | chair |
Antti Oulasvirta | Max Planck Institute for Informatics | dep |
Andrea Bunt | University of Manitoba | AC |
Andrew Sears | UMBC | AC |
Anna Cox | UCL | AC |
Effie Law | University of Leicester | AC |
Jaime Teevan | Microsoft Research | AC |
Lynne Baille | Glasgow Caledonian University | AC |
Margaret Burnett | Oregon State University | AC |
Matt Huenerfauth | CUNY | AC |
Shari Trewin | IBM Research | AC |
Shaun Kane | UMBC | AC |
Jettie Hoonhout | Phillips Research | AC |
John C Thomas | IBM Research | AC |
Manfred Tscheligi | Salzburg University | AC |
Mark Dunlop | Strathclyde University | AC |
Richard Beckwith | Intel | AC |
Gunnar Stevens | University of Siegen | AC |
Gahgene Gweon | KAIST | AC |
Luciano Gamberini | University of Padova | AC |
Jan Gulliksen | KTH Stockholm | AC |
Specific Application Areas subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Andrew Ko | University of Washington | chair |
Bill Thies | Microsoft Research India | dep |
Juan Pablo Hourcade | University of Iowa | chair |
Wanda Pratt | University of Washington | dep |
Amy Hurst | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | AC |
Celine Latulipe | University of Carolina, Charlotte | AC |
Chris Quintana | University of Michigan | AC |
Elaine Huang | University of Zurich | AC |
Geraldine Fitzpatrick | University of Vienna | AC |
Glenda Revelle | Sesame Workshop | AC |
Hilary Hutchinson | Google Research | AC |
Jon Froehlich | University of Maryland | AC |
Karrie Karahalios | University of Illinois | AC |
Karyn Moffatt | University of Toronto | AC |
Kasper Hornbæk | University of Copenhagen | AC |
Katie Siek | University of Colorado | AC |
Leah Findlater | University of Maryland | AC |
Lena Mamykina | Columbia University | AC |
Louise Barkhuus | Stockholm University | AC |
Lyn Bartram | Simon Fraser University | AC |
Tom Rodden | University of Nottingham | AC |
Matt Jones | Swansea University | AC |
Mikael Skov | Aalborg University | AC |
Pedja Klasnja | University of Michigan | AC |
Richard Banks | Microsoft Research Cambridge | AC |
Tapan Parikh | University of California, Berkeley | AC |
Andrea Grimes Parker | Georgia Tech (soon to be Northeastern) | AC |
Alexander De Luca | University of Munich (LMU) | AC |
Emmanuel Pietriga | INRIA | AC |
Pierre Cubaud | Cnam | AC |
Michael Massimi | Microsoft | AC |
Gavin Doherty | Trinity College Dublin | AC |
Jina Huh | University of Washington | AC |
Interaction Beyond the Individual subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Myriam Lewkowicz | Troyes University of Technology, France | chair |
Mark Ackerman | University of Michigan, USA | dep |
Pernille Bjorn | IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark | AC |
Antonella de angeli | University of Trento, Italy | AC |
Darren Gergle | Northwestern University, USA | AC |
Michael Muller | IBM Research, USA | AC |
Scott Mainwaring | Intel Labs, USA | AC |
Sean Munson | University of Washington, USA | AC |
Volkmar Pipek | University of Siegen, Germany | AC |
Sadat Shami | IBM Research, USA | AC |
Hilda Tellioglu | Vienna University of Technology, Austria | AC |
Janet Vertesi | Princeton University, USA | AC |
Volker Wulf | University of Siegen, Germany | AC |
Ed Chi | Google, USA | AC |
Jamie Teevan | Microsoft | AC |
Marilyn McGee-Lennon | University of Glasgow | AC |
Susan Fussell | Cornell University | AC |
Xiaomu Zhou | Rutgers University | AC |
Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck | University of Michigan | AC |
Alexander Boden | University of Siegen | AC |
Michal Jacovi | IBM | AC |
Design subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Jodi Forlizzi | Carnegie Mellon University | chair |
Bilge Mutlu | University Wisconsin-Madison | dep |
Steve Harrison | Virginia Tech | chair |
Youn-Kyung Lim | KAIST | dep |
Chris LeDantec | Georgia Tech | AC |
Eric Paulos | Carnegie Mellon University (soon UC Berkeley) | AC |
Evan Karapanos | Carnegie Mellon University Madeira | AC |
Floyd Mueller | RMIT University | AC |
Giulio Jacucci | Aalto University | AC |
Jennifer Rode | Drexel University | AC |
Lucian Leahu | Cornell University | AC |
Shaowen Bardzell | Indiana University | AC |
Steven Dow | Carnegie Mellon University | AC |
Valentina Nisi | Carnegie Mellon University Madeira | AC |
Elizabeth Gerber | Northwestern University | AC |
Joonhwan Lee | Seoul National University | AC |
Mark Blythe | Northhumbria University | AC |
Vanessa Evers | University of Twente | AC |
Daniela Rosner | UC Berkeley (soon U Washington) | AC |
Haakon Faste | Carnegie Mellon University | AC |
Ann Light | Sheffield Hallam University | AC |
Darren Edge | Microsoft Research Asia | AC |
Elisa Giaccardi | TU Delft | AC |
Eva Hornecker | University of Strathclyde, UK | AC |
Jeff Bardzell | Indiana University, Bloomington | AC |
Joep Frens | TU Eindhoven | AC |
John Zimmerman | Carnegie Mellon University | AC |
Katherine Isbster | Buffalo | AC |
Kia Hook | Stockholm University | AC |
Kim Halskov | Aarhus University | AC |
Lian Loke | The University of Sydney | AC |
Margot Brereton | Queensland University | AC |
Mikael Wiberg | Umeå University, Sweden | AC |
Peter Wright | Newcastle | AC |
Pieter Jan Stappers | TU Delft | AC |
Ian Oakley | CMU Madeira | AC |
Stephan Wensveen | University of Southern Denmark | AC |
Deborah Tatar | Virginia Tech | AC |
Interaction Using Specific Capabilities or Modalities subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Andy Wilson | Microsoft Research | chair |
Stephen Fairclough | Liverpool John Moores University | dep |
Karon Maclean | University of Bristish Columbia | AC |
Mira Dontcheva | Adobe | AC |
Scott Hudson | Carnegie Mellon University | AC |
Mark BIllinghurst | University of Canterbury | AC |
Clifton Forlines | Draper labs | AC |
Erin Solovey | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | AC |
Shengdong Zhao | National University of Singapore | AC |
Andreas Butz | University of Munich | AC |
Petra Isenberg | INRIA | AC |
Anton Nijholt | TU Twente | AC |
Andrew Duchowski | Clemson University | AC |
Regan Mandryk | University of Saskatchewan | AC |
Timothy Bickmore | Northeastern University | AC |
Steve Drucker | Microsoft | AC |
Evan Suma | University of Southern California | AC |
David McGookin | University of Glasgow | AC |
Matthew Turk | University of California, Santa Barbara | AC |
Pierre Dragicevic | INRIA | AC |
Aaron Quigley | The University of St Andrews | AC |
Understanding People subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Bonnie E. John | IBM | chair |
Victoria Bellotti | PARC | dep |
Jacki O’Neill | Xerox | chair |
David Kirk | University of Newcastle | dep |
Duncam Brumby | University College London | AC |
Leonghwee Teo | DSO, Singapore | AC |
Gloria Mark | University of California, Irvine | AC |
Yunan Chen | University of California, Irvine | AC |
Sunny Consolvo | AC | |
Sameer Patil | Indiana University | AC |
Ryen White | Microsoft | AC |
Wai Tat Fu | University of Illinois | AC |
Stephen Payne | University of Bath | AC |
Gary Hsieh | Michigan State University | AC |
Anthony Jameson | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | AC |
Marina Jirotka | Oxford University | AC |
Paul Van Schaik | Teeside University | AC |
Carla Simone | Milano Bicocca University | AC |
Xianghua (Sharon) Ding | Fudan University | AC |
Ann Blandford | UCL | AC |
Barry Brown | Mobile Life Center | AC |
Claire O’Malley | University of Nottingham | AC |
Danae Stanton Fraser | University of Bath | AC |
David Martin | Xerox | AC |
David Randall | Manchester University | AC |
Erika Poole | Penn State | AC |
Judd Antin | Faceboook | AC |
Kenton O’Hara | Microsoft Research | AC |
Marianna Obrist | Newcastle University | AC |
Mark Perry | Brunell University | AC |
Mark Rouncefield | Lancaster University | AC |
Paul Luff | Kings College London | AC |
Prof. Xiangshi Ren | Kochi University of Technology | AC |
Honglu Du | PARC | AC |
Paul Marshall | UCL | AC |
Serge Engelman | Guanotronic | AC |
Sian Lindley | Microsoft Research | AC |
Luigina Ciolfi | University of Limerick | AC |
Interaction Techniques & Devices subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Shahram Izadi | Microsoft Research, Cambridge | chair |
Steven Feiner | Columbia University | dep |
Björn Hartmann | University of California, Berkeley | chair |
Tovi Grossman | Autodesk Research | dep |
Sriram Subramanian | Bristol University | AC |
Alex Olwal | MIT Media Lab | AC |
Stéphane Huot | INRIA | AC |
Jan Borchers | Aachen | AC |
Dan Wigdor | University of Toronto | AC |
Per Ola Kristensson | University of St. Andrews | AC |
Yang Li | AC | |
Koji Yatani | Microsoft | AC |
mc schraefel | University of Southampton | AC |
Chris Harrison | Carnegie Mellon University | AC |
Andruid Kerne | Texas A&M | AC |
Otmar Hilliges | Microsoft Research | AC |
Géry Casiez | University of Lille | AC |
Tomer Moscovich | Lab126 | AC |
Pourang Irani | University of Manitoba | AC |
Nick Chen | University of Maryland | AC |
Caroline Appert | Université Paris-Sud | AC |
Nic Villar | Microsoft Research | AC |
Edward Lank | University of Waterloo | AC |
Lennart Nacke | University of Ontario Institute of Technology | AC |
Technology, Systems & Tools subcommittee
Name | Affiliation | Position |
Hans Gellersen | Lancaster University | chair |
Antonio Krueger | DFKI | dep |
Andreas Bulling | Cambridge University | AC |
Anne Roudaut | Bristol University | AC |
Jeff Bigham | Rochester University | AC |
Judy Kay | Sydney University | AC |
Krzysztof Gajos | Harvard University | AC |
Tessa Lau | IBM | AC |
Elisabeth Andre | Augsburg University | AC |
Xiang Cao | Microsoft Research Asia | AC |
Nadir Weibel | University of California, San Diego | AC |
Albrecht Schmidt | University of Stuttgart | AC |
James Fogarty | University of Washington | AC |