Student Design Competition Quick Facts
- Submission: 9 January 2013 (5:00pm PDT) PCS Submission System
- Notification: 10 February 2013
- Camera Ready: 17 February 2013
- Submission Format: Camera-ready unanonymized six-page document in Extended Abstract Format and proof of all team members’ student status.
- Selection process: Juried
- At the Conference: Up to 12 accepted design competition submissions will present posters at the conference; 4 of these teams will be chosen to give a presentation. Please see the Information for Poster Presenters.
- Archives: Extended abstracts; DVD and ACM Digital Library
Message from the Student Design Competition Chairs
This is the 11th year of the CHI Student Design Competition. We are excited to be chairing the Student Design Competition and the maturing role of student design within CHI. The Student Design Competition continues to grow each year with increased international representation. The competition always draws a large audience at CHI and has also become a major recruiting opportunity for identifying talented students. In 2012 there were over 62 international submissions from 12 countries and we hope to continue this trend in both submission numbers and quality.
Thecla Schiphorst, School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), Simon Fraser University, Canada
Carola Zwick, Weissensee School of Art, Germany
The Design Problem
Empowering the Crowd: Changing Perspectives Through Collaboration
This year’s conference theme “Changing Perspectives” focuses our design challenge on the importance of perception and knowledge as a goal and value of design. Collaboration is a social strategy that is evidenced in both the harvesting and seeding of Crowd Sourcing data. The collective (crowd) aggregates individual perceptions, continuously collecting multiple shared perspectives. Our collective voices and deeds combine to form the ubiquitous fabric that shapes our combined lives, agency, social structures and world outcomes. Our technologies have entered the rhetoric of our everyday perspectives yet our future outlooks depend upon our ability to alter and transform our perspectives in fluid, collaborative and improvisational ways. Crowd sourcing has appropriated technologies from social networks; there is a rich context of sensory-rich date from biometric, neo-analog, DIY culture and geophysical sensing that expands our ability to enrich or shift our perspectives and our knowledge.
Collective voices vary tremendously by culture, community, income, age, politics, economic development and education. While emerging social network technologies are inextricably tied to historical concepts of tribe, identity, vanity, and gamification not all social networks are created equal. The Crowd contains both public and private, constructed by local needs and desires, as well as social and cultural influence. In addition to identify, crowd dynamics function as a threshold between continuums of knowledge and perception such as public and private, collaboration and soltitude.
This year’s challenge is to design an object, interface, system, or service intended to help us to develop and share awareness, understanding or appreciation for our collective and collaborative crowd experience as it relates to our changing perspectives through collaboration.
We want you to find new solutions, new groups of people and new issues that could benefit from the application of good design with appropriate technology.
Use appropriate design methods such as ethnography, contextual and phenomenological research to understand the problem space, and develop human-focused design solutions to support, assist, enhance or otherwise benefit your target audience. Your solution should address the issues of helping us to develop and share awareness, understanding or appreciation for collaboration.
To enter the competition, student teams may present either a concept (a clear, detailed design specification that can be taken to prototype), or a fully realized prototype. Either way, teams must clearly illustrate their design decisions and demonstrate the design processes that have been followed. Additionally, as this problem has a broad cultural and social focus, “system design thinking” is encouraged. We strongly encourage consideration of:
- Previous work in this and adjacent areas, and relevant creative and technological opportunities.
- Appropriate methodologies to ground your research decisions. These can include ethnography, contextual research, phenomenological/autobiographical methods, secondary sources (including trends) or other research approaches that inform, inspire or rationalize your design process.
- Elaboration of methods for evaluating your designs within your iterative design framework
- Contextualize your design through scenario and narrative.
The Competition Structure
The competition follows a three-round process. Each round focuses on communicating the team’s ideas through a different mode, as follows:
- Teams will submit a short paper in Extended Abstract Format(six pages maximum) summarising their design solution and its evolution. Supplementary material should be provided as an interactive pdf. This material should illustrate the development of the design solution. Expert reviewers will evaluate submissions and a maximum of 12 teams will be selected to attend the CHI conference.
- Accepted teams will be expected to attend the conference to give a poster presentation outlining their design, and discuss their proposed solution with a panel of Student Design Competition Judges. The Judges will select 4 teams to participate in the competition final.
- The 4 finalists will give an oral presentation on their design to the panel of Student Design Competition Judges and CHI conference attendees. Based on the criteria below, the competition judges will rank and identify an overall winner of the competition as well as second and third place teams.
Attendance at the CHI 2013 conference is mandatory for selected teams to reach stage 2 of the above process.
Round One: Extended Abstract and Supplementary Material
Teams should prepare a camera ready unanonymized Extended Abstract (six pages maximum) written in the Extended Abstracts format. This document should be submitted as a single PDF to the PCS submission system. The file must be no larger than 4 Mb in size. Additional supplementary material should be submitted as an interactive pdf, with a filesize no larger than 4Mb.
The Extended Abstract should include:
- A description of your chosen design focus and proposed solution, with a summary of the approaches taken within your design process, and your main claims for your proposed solution
- Reference to design principles, sources of inspiration, and HCI theory where appropriate and relevant
- Acknowledgement of partial or incomplete solutions
- Acknowledgement of any assistance drawn from outside the student team (advisors, faculty, domain experts, existing solutions, users, etc.)
The Supplementary Material should include:
- Examples of significant contextual data and its analysis (primary, secondary research or both)
- Key creative sources of design inspiration (existing designs and systems)
- Sketches of the evolving solution
- Imagery (as appropriate) to illustrate the design solution
- Significant evaluation data in support of claims in the extended abstract
All submissions must be in English and must include title and author information, including author affiliations. Please be sure that submissions do not contain proprietary or confidential material and do not cite proprietary or confidential publications. Due to tight publication schedules, revisions to the extended abstract will not be possible. The submitted PDF version should be camera-ready final version.
Round Two: Poster
Up to 12 successful submissions will be invited to CHI 2013 to take part in the next stage(s) of the competition, based upon reviewer ratings and comments. Teams will be provided space in the convention center to display posters and discuss their proposed solutions with the CHI 2013 attendees.
A scheduled 80-minute poster presentation event will take place during the conference. Student teams will be expected to host their posters and discuss their approach, design method and solutions with the Student Design Competition Judges. The competition judges will select four teams to present their proposed solutions orally during a scheduled presentation session named “Student Design Competition Final”.
Specific guidelines for preparing posters:
- Each poster will have a display space approximately 8 feet wide and 4 feet high.
- The poster is expected to follow the International Standards Organization (ISO) poster size format (A0). The dimensions for A0 format are 84cm x 119cm, or approximately 33″ x 47″. Either landscape or portrait orientation is acceptable.
- Audiovisual and computing equipment will not be supplied. Power outlets will not be available.
The poster must include:
- The proposed solution’s name, team name, school affiliation
- The perspective taken to address the design challenge
- A concise description of the proposed solution
- Clear illustrations of key aspects of your proposed solution
- Compelling, effective visual design
Please see the Information for Poster Presenters.
Round Three: Presentation
The four teams selected by the judges following the Poster Presentations will present their design process and solution during a short presentation to the Judges and CHI attendees. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes plus a subsequent 5 minutes to answer questions from the judges and audience. Presentations must include:
- The design process that was followed
- A concise description of the proposed solution
- Reference to design principles and theory where appropriate
- Acknowledgement of partial or incomplete solutions
Reviewing Criteria
Each team’s short paper submission will be reviewed by both academic and professional usability experts.
Round one, the written submission, will be reviewed based on:
- Use of appropriate design methods such as ethnography, contextual research, phenomenological/autobiographical methods, secondary research, reflection, critique, analysis, and empirical evaluation.
- Clarity and credibility of design focus, purpose and solution relative to the posed challenge.
- Originality and quality of the design solution, including claims and their supporting evidence.
- Innovation within the design process.
- Quality of design management.
- Clarity of extended abstract and supplementary material.
Round two, the poster submission, will be judged based on:
- Clear communication of key aspects of solution
- Clear communication of design approaches
- Clear communication of arguments for proposed solution
- Craft quality of the solution
Round three, the presentation, will be judged based on:
- Clarity and organization of the oral presentation
- Relevance and clarity of presentation material (slides, video, etc)
- Quality of argument used to justify why the solution is worthy of consideration
- Quality, originality and relevance of design solution
The top four entries to the Student Competition earn a Certificate of Recognition. The winning entry will be recognized during the closing plenary session of the CHI 2013 conference. In addition, the top entry will receive a special award at the conference.
Proof of Student Status
To be eligible for the student competition, all participants must provide a signed letter from their academic supervisor confirming that at least 50% of their working week is spent following an academic course of study, and that they were not employed within HCI-related industries when working on the team’s submission. All students must provide proof of their student status. For this proof of their student status, they should show that they registered for the Fall semester of 2012 and completed it. Each team must provide one proof package (a single file containing scanned signed letters for each team member) together with their project submission.
Student Team Requirements
Teams must consist of at least two, but no more than five students. There is no limit to the number of teams that may compete from any given University or organization.
Submissions are invited from all students at all stages of their university careers, from undergraduate to postgraduate. While not a mandatory requirement, it is strongly encouraged that the teams put forward a multidisciplinary, multi-national team.