General Information - Two Days Workshops - Saturday’s Workshops - Sunday’s Workshop
W07: Designing Social Media for Change
Social media technologies are ubiquitous, and are used as a design mechanism to promote behaviour change. This workshop explores the challenges in design and evaluation of social media systems that aim to change behaviour.
Noreen Kamal, University of British Columbia
Sidney Fels, University of British Columbia
Michael Fergusson, Ayogo Games Inc.
Jenny Preece, University of Maryland iSchool
Dan Cosley, Cornell University
Sean Munson, University of Washington
W08: Exploring and Enhancing the User Experience for TV
The rich range of interactivity available on Internet-connected televisions has exposed exciting new opportunities for HCI practice and methodology and innovative forms of user experience. We bring together user experience researchers and practitioners in order to scope out these opportunities.
Jhilmil Jain, Google
Michael Evans, British Broadcasting Corporation
Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy, British Broadcasting Corporation
W09: Interactive City Lighting
The lighting in our cities is transforming from passive to interactive illumination enabled by the LED and mass connectivity. Now is the time to explore how interactive lighting could enhance people’s lives in the city.
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Philips Research Europe
Harm van Essen, Eindhoven University of Technology
Andrés Lucero, Nokia Research Center
Jon Mason, Philips Research Europe
Bernt Meerbeek, Philips Research
Alexander Wiethoff, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
W10: Gaze Interaction in the Post-WIMP World
Eye-gaze is a highly effective, seamless, and fast means of human-computer interaction in various contexts. This workshop discusses novel ways, promising concepts and applications of gaze input in combination with post-WIMP interface styles in emerging usage contexts.
Andreas Bulling, University of Cambridge
Raimund Dachselt, Technische Universität Dresden
Andrew Duchowski, Clemson University
Robert Jacob, Tufts University
Sophie Stellmach, Technische Universität Dresden
Veronica Sundstedt, Blekinge Institute of Technology
W11: Let’s talk about Failures: Why was the Game for Children not a Success?
We want to learn from game projects and enthusiastic game design initiatives that started with a promising idea, but failed or faced severe challenges. Contribute to the discussion on failures in the design, development and evaluation of games for and/or with children.
Christiane Moser, University of Salzburg
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg
Bieke Zaman, K.U.Leuven
Vero Vanden Abeele, Leuven Engineering College
Luc Geurts, e-Media Lab, Groep T – Leuven Engineering College, Leuven
Panos Markopoulos, Eindhoven University of Technology
Peta Wyeth, Queensland University of Technology
Jörg Hofstätter, Ovos GmbH
W12: HCI Fieldwork in Healthcare – Creating a Graduate Guidebook
We aim to create a graduate guidebook that distils the community’s experience and expertise in how to set-up, run and maximise the benefit of HCI fieldwork studies in healthcare.
Dominic Furniss, University College London
Aisling O’Kane, University College London
Rebecca Randell, University of Leeds
Svetlena Taneva, University Health Network
Helena Mentis, Harvard Medical School
Ann Blandford, University College London
W13: Methods for Studying Technology in the Home
Technology is becoming ever more integrated with our home lives, but homes are uniquely challenging environments for research. In this workshop we will share understanding of methods, issues, opportunities for innovation and collaboration in research around the home.
Tim Coughlan, University of Nottingham
Michael Brown, University of Nottingham
Sarah Martindale, University of Nottingham
Rob Comber, Newcastle University
Thomas Ploetz, Newcastle University
Kerstin Leder Mackley, Loughborough University
Val Mitchell, Loughborough University
Sharon Baurley, Brunel University
W14: Changing Perspectives of Time in HCI
Our experience of time can be quite different to that as counted by a ticking clock. This will be a hands-on workshop that unpacks different ways of thinking about time, exploring these as a resource for HCI research and technology innovation.
Siân Lindley, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Robert Corish, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Elsa Kosmack Vaara, Mobile Life
Pedro Ferreira, Kungliga Tekniska Hֳ¶gskolan
Vygandas Simbelis, Royal Institute of Technology
W15: Motherhood and HCI
The experience of being or becoming a mother are increasingly influenced, mediated and invaded by technology and digital interactions. We will explore research and design issues related to conception, pregnancy and infertility, labour, childcare and the mother’s work in the family and home.
Madeline Balaam, Newcastle University
Judy Robertson, Heriot-Watt University
Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Vienna University of Technology
Rebecca Say, Newcastle University
Gillian Hayes, University of California, Irvine
Melissa Mazmanian, University of California, Irvine
W16: Games User Research: Practice, Methods, and Applications
Games User Research (GUR) is a new area using novel HCI evaluation methods for improving game design to optimize the user experience. In this workshop, we investigate different methodologies to optimize evaluation for GUR.
Pejman Mirza-Babaei, University of Sussex
Veronica Zammitto, Electronic Arts
Jörg Niesenhaus, University of Duisburg-Essen
Mirweis Sangin, Sony Computer Entertainment
Lennart Nacke, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
W17: Crafting Interactive Systems: Learning from Digital Art Practice
We bring together participants from a variety of backgrounds, including art, music, design, and engineering to explore the role of technical process in interdisciplinary design, investigating the effect of hands-on technical development on the experience of digital art creation.
Robyn Taylor, University of Alberta
Guy Schofield, Newcastle University
Jonathan Hook, Newcastle University
Karim Ladha, Newcastle University
John Bowers, Goldsmiths, University of London
Peter Wright, Newcastle University
W18: POWERWALL: 1st Int. Workshop on Interactive, Ultra-High-Resolution Displays
The place to be for those interested in interactive, ultra-High-resolution, wall-size displays. The workshop will be hosted at Univ. Paris-Sud and INRIA in front of their WILD display.
Chris Rooney, Middlesex University
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA
Alex Endert, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Chris North, Virginia Tech
Kasper Hornbäk, University of Copenhagen
W19: Designing For- and With- Vulnerable People
In recent years there has been an increase in examples of designing technologies for and with vulnerable groups of people.We will examine practical and ethical issues related to working with such groups, aiming for a journal special issue in late 2013.
John Vines, Newcastle University
Roisin McNaney, Newcastle University
Rachel Clarke, Newcastle University
Stephen Lindsay, Swansea University
John McCarthy, University College Cork
Steve Howard, The University of Melbourne
Mario Romero, Uppsala University
Jayne Wallace, Northumbria University
W20: Made for Sharing: HCI Stories of Transfer, Triumph and Tragedy
Share your triumphs and tragedies with methods in structured case studies of HCI professionals transfer design and evaluation methods across project contexts through appropriating and configuring method-resources. Let’s narrate, analyze and synthesize the shared stories together.
Effie Law, University of Leicester
Ebba Thora Hvannberg, University of Iceland
Arnold Vermeeren, Delft University of Technology
Gilbert Cockton, Northumbria University
Timo Jokela, Joticon Oy
W22: Methods of Working with Teenagers in Interaction Design
Teenagers are a unique but little studied user group in Interaction Design. Current research methodologies focuses on younger age groups and leaves a distinct gap with methods used with adults. We want to bridge this gap focusing on interaction design and research with teenagers.
Janet C Read, University of Central Lancashire
Matthew Horton, University of Central Lancashire
Ole Iversen, Aarhus University
Daniel Fitton, University of Central Lancashire
Linda Little, Northumbria University
W23: The Future of Personal Video Communication: Moving Beyond Talking Heads to Shared Experiences
The use of video chat systems for personal communications and a design paradigm largely focused on “talking heads” has rapidly increased over the last several years. We will explore alternatives that move beyond this to focus on shared experiences.
Erick Oduor, Simon Fraser University
Carman Neustaedter, Simon Fraser University
Gina Venolia, Microsoft Research
Tejinder Judge, Google Inc.
W24: POST_SUSTAINABILITY: A CHI Sustainability Community Workshop
Join us in crafting a research agenda for HCI that moves beyond persuasion, adopting a deeper perspective of sustainability while preparing for transformations induced by collapse scale social and environmental change
Chris Preist, University of Bristol
Daniela Busse, Samsung Research America
Lisa Nathan, University of British Columbia
Samuel Mann, Otago Polytechnic