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Submit a Workshop – Quick Facts

  • Submission deadline: 5 October 2012 (5:00 PM PDT) using the PCS Submission System
  • Notification: 9 November 2012 16 November 2012
  • Camera-ready deadline: 14 December 2012
  • Submission format: 3-page proposal and 4-page Extended Abstract Format, 250 word Call for Participation, and a cover sheet with contact information.
  • Selection Process: Juried
  • At the conference: One-day or two-day sessions (27 – 28 April 2013)
  • Archives: Extended Abstracts (DVD and ACM Digital Library)

For Workshop Participants, please see here

Message from the Workshops Chairs

Workshops are a chance for attendees with common interests to meet in the context of a focused and interactive discussion. They are an opportunity to move a field forward and build community. CHI workshops might address basic research, applied research, HCI practice, HCI education, new methodologies, emerging application areas, design innovations, or management, strategy, and organizational issues. Each workshop should generate ideas that will give the HCI community a new, organized way of thinking about the topic or that suggest promising directions for future work. If you are working in an emerging area in HCI, please consider organizing a workshop. Some workshops have resulted in edited books or special issues of journals; you may consider including this goal in the design of your workshop. Others have created communities that spawned new, more specialized conferences. We invite you to participate in the CHI 2013 Workshops!

Ido Guy, IBM Haifa, Israel
Nadir Weibel, UC San Diego, USA

Workshops Jury / Program Committee

  • Madeline Balaam, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
  • Federico Botella, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Spain
  • Daniela Busse, Samsung Research America, USA
  • Ed Chi, Google, Inc., USA
  • Kay Connelly, Indiana University, USA
  • Seth Cooper, University of Washington, USA
  • Henriette Cramer, Mobile Life Centre, Sweden
  • Raimund Dachselt, TU Dresden, Germany
  • Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • David England, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
  • Andrew Fiore, Facebook, USA
  • Andrea Forte, Drexel University, USA
  • David Geerts, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Maria Håkansson, Cornell University, USA
  • David Huffaker, Google, Inc., USA
  • Robert Jacob, Tufts University, USA
  • Jhilmil Jain, Google, USA
  • Daniel Johnson, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Shiri Kremer-Davidson, IBM Research, Israel
  • Per Ola Kristensson, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
  • Tuck Leong, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
  • Ian Li, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Arnie Lund, General electric, USA
  • Samuel Mann, Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand
  • Célia Martinie, Université Toulouse 3, France
  • Gerrit Meixner, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI, Germany
  • Alistair Morrison, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • Max Mühlhäuser, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • Sean Munson, University of Washington, USA
  • Lisa Nathan, University of British Columbia, Canada
  • Will Odom, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Lora Oehlberg, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Pennsylvania State University, USA
  • Patrick Olivier, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
  • Philippe Palanque, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France
  • Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI, Italy
  • James Pierce, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Janet Read, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
  • Janice Rohn, Experian, USA
  • Michael Rohs, University of Hannover, Germany
  • Mario Romero, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Virpi Roto, Aalto University, Finland
  • Enrico Rukzio, Ulm University, Germany
  • Carmen Santoro, CNR-ISTI, Italy
  • Irina Shklovski, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Beat Signer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • Adam Sporka, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU),Czech Republic
  • Jürgen Steimle, MIT Media Lab, USA
  • Aurélien Tabard, University of Munich (LMU), Germany
  • Jayne Wallace, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
  • Susan Wyche, Michigan State University, USA

What is a CHI Workshop?

Workshops are held the weekend before the start of the conference, on Saturday and Sunday, April 27 & 28, 2013. A workshop may be one or two days in length. They are scheduled for six working hours per day, with a mid-morning break, a lunch break and a mid-afternoon break. A typical workshop will have 15 to 25 participants.

Workshops are intended to foster discussion and exchange. Because focused interaction among participants is important, participants should have informed positions based on prior experience, as expressed in their position papers. Workshops should not be miniature paper presentation sessions, but focus on community building and communal knowledge creation. Please note that CHI workshops are not classes in which instructors teach content (see CHI Courses and Shall I offer a course or a workshop? for further guidance).

There are two groups of people involved in a workshop: the organizers and the participants. Organizers are responsible for the workshop’s topic, logistics, and final outcome. Participants are responsible for the content and discussion. The following is an outline of the submission and organization process.

  1. Workshop organizers submit a workshop submission package (see below for content and format) to CHI, which is reviewed by a jury of domain and logistics experts (See Juried) and are either accepted or rejected.
  2. If a workshop is accepted, both CHI and the workshop organizers will publicize the workshop to solicit potential participants to submit position papers. Workshop organizers solicit participants for their workshop through a Workshop Participants Call for Participation and CHI places a link to the workshop’s website on the CHI2013 Workshops Page.
  3. Interested participants in the workshop submit a position paper to the organizers of the workshop. Position papers are statements of interest and/or expertise in the workshop topic, in any format or media as defined by the workshop organizers.
  4. The workshop organizers will review position papers using their own criteria, and will decide on the final list of participants.

Workshop submissions from members of all CHI Communities are strongly encouraged. CHI workshops offer value to members of all communities of practice and research represented in CHI: Design, Management, Engineering, User Experience, Education, Entertainment, Health, Sustainability, and HCI for Development. If you have any questions in regards to the suitability of a workshop topic, please contact us at workshops@chi2013.acm.org, or contact your community chairs.

Workshop Selection Process

Workshops are a Juried track. Juried content will be reviewed by a jury of experts who will evaluate the work based on how compelling they expect it to be to CHI attendees; while not considered archival, juried content will be represented in the ACM Digital Library. The jury will consider several factors during the selection process, including:

  • The potential for the topic of the workshop to generate stimulating discussions and useful results.
  • The expected interest level in the topic to the various CHI communities.
  • The organizers’ ability to demonstrate in the proposal a well-organized process and plan for the workshop that fosters interactivity.
  • The overall balance of topics in the Workshops program.
  • The proposed size of the workshop. For large workshops, a clear and workable plan for facilitating a lively environment for discussion for all participants will be scrutinized.
  • If multiple submissions are received on the same or similar topics, the organizers may be encouraged to merge them.

Preparing and Submitting a Workshop Package

A workshop submission package must be submitted as a single PDF file via the PCS Submission System by 5 October 2012. Workshop organizers will be asked to select zero or more CHI Communities to which their workshop is expected to be of particular interest. This information will be used to help identify appropriate jurors for the submission. The submission package is composed of the following four distinct sections:

  1. A cover sheet
  2. A proposal (3 pages)
  3. An extended abstract (4 pages)
  4. A call for participation (250 words)

The proposal and extended abstract must be in the CHI Extended Abstract Format; and the cover sheet and call for participation may be in any format. All of these parts must be submitted in one combined file, in PDF format, no larger than 4 megabytes, via the PCS submission system PCS Submission System.

Part 1. Cover Sheet

Each submission must have a cover sheet giving contact information for the primary workshop organizer. This person will serve as the main point of contact with the Workshops Chairs.

Part 2. Proposal

he proposal must describe the topic and rationale for the workshop, the organizers’ backgrounds and a detailed plan for conducting the workshop (before, during and after). Workshop proposals that articulate concrete plans for pre-workshop preparation and community building (e.g., through a website or other communication with participants) and/or post-workshop follow-up for the creation of tangible outcomes (e.g., poster presentation at the “spotlight on workshops” poster session, publication of a workshop report in the SIGCHI Bulletin or a similar publication, plans for a special issue of a journal) are strongly encouraged. The proposal must be 3-pages long and prepared in the Conference Extended Abstract Format .

Part 3. Extended Abstract

The extended abstract is a description of the workshop intended for publication in the CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts and may not exceed four pages. It must contain a summary of the workshop goals, an overview of the workshop topic, and issues to be addressed. It must be 4-pages long and be prepared in the Conference Extended Abstract Format. Note that this is the only document from the workshop that will be included in the CHI conference publications.

Part 4. Call for Participation

The call for participation is a 250-word document that will be posted on the Conference site to recruit participants for the workshop. It should describe the format and goals of the workshop, the participant selection criteria, requirements for position papers (e.g., topics to address, page length), where these papers should be submitted, and state the requirement that at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. The Workshop organizers may decide to cap the number of attendees per accepted position paper.
Consider creating a web page with workshop specific information. If you plan to create such a page, please mention it in your submission.

Upon Acceptance of your CHI Workshop

Organizers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 9 November 2012. Organizers of accepted workshops should begin publicizing right away – the call for workshop participation will be posted to the CHI web site shortly after the notification date. We will send instructions to workshop organizers on how to submit the final, publication-ready Extended Abstract, which is due on 14 December 2012.

Organizer Responsibilities: Before the Conference

  • Publicize their workshop: organizers of an accepted workshop are encouraged set up and maintain their own web page in which they provide further and updated information about their workshop. The workshop page will be linked to from the official CHI workshop site. Consider circulating your call for participation widely, e.g. publicizing it on relevant mailing lists (e.g. CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS).
  • Solicit position papers from potential participants: A position paper might be 2-4 pages long and outlines the submitter’s view on the workshop theme and the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the topic. The deadline for any participant to submit a position paper should be no later than 4 Jan 2013.
  • Select participants on the basis of position papers submitted to you: Notify the participants of acceptance or rejection by no later than 1 Feb 2013.
  • Send the list of confirmed participants to the Workshops Chairs.
  • Note that your workshop size is capped by the size expectations you set in your initial workshop proposal. The registration system will not allow more participants to register for your workshop. Contact the Workshop chairs (workshops@chi2013.acm.org) if it becomes necessary to change the size of your accepted workshop. Workshops that do not attract at least 8 participants may have to be cancelled by the Workshop chairs.
  • Distribute position papers and other pre-workshop materials to participants in advance of the workshop.
  • Develop a final agenda of workshop activities.
  • Develop a plan for any follow-up activities.

Organizer Responsibilities: At the Conference

Facilitating discussion, maintaining productive interaction, and encouraging participation. The emphasis should be on group discussion, rather than on presentation of individual position papers. Diversity of perspectives should be encouraged.

Organizer Responsibilities: After the Conference

It is expected that workshop results will be communicated to a larger audience. We ask workshop organizers to produce a report for publication in the SIGCHI Bulletin or Interactions. We encourage additional avenues of communication, such as organizing an informal Special Interest Group (SIG) at the conference, preparing an edited book or special issues of journals following the conference, or maintaining a web site or email list to network with others who might be interested.

Workshop Registration Fees for Organizers

The workshop registration fee will be waived for up to two workshop organizers, but all other organizers and participants who attend the workshop will need to pay the workshop participation fee. Workshop fees for participants in 2013 are expected to be similar to CHI 2012 fees. In addition to the workshop fees, all workshop attendees (including organizers whose workshop fee has been waved) are required to register for at least one day of the CHI conference.