CHI 2013 Schedule with Video Previews

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9:00-10:20 9:00-10:20 9:00-10:20 9:00-10:20
11:00-12:20 11:00-12:20 11:00-12:20 11:00-12:20
14:00-15:20 14:00-15:20 14:00-15:20 14:00-15:20
16:00-17:20 16:00-17:20 16:00-17:20 16:00-17:20


Monday, 9:00-10:20

Opening Keynote Plenary

Monday 9:00-10:20 Grand
Opening Plenary The Opening Keynote speaker is Paola Antonelli, from New York's Museum of Modern Art, whose talk is entitled: The New Frontiers of Design.

Monday, 11:00-12:20

Alt.CHI papers – Reflection and Evaluation

Session chair: Amanda Williams
Monday 11:00-12:20 252B
Changing Perspectives on Evaluation in HCI: Past, Present, and Future Craig M. MacDonald, Michael E. Atwood We review the history of evaluation and outline five research directions that will help researchers, practitioners, and educators adapt to meet new evaluation challenges.
Personal Informatics and Reflection: A Critical Examination of the Nature of Reflection Afarin Pirzadeh, Li He, Erik Stolterman This study critically examined the process of reflection on one’s experiences, thoughts, and insights through design research; and Wandering Mind was designed as a support tool to facilitate this process.
Pattern Language and HCI: Expectations and Experiences Yue Pan, Erik Stolterman This paper examines the experiences and expectations that HCI researchers have had with Pattern Language and provides reflections and directions on the use of Pattern Language in HCI.
Comparative Appraisal of Expressive Artifacts Melanie Feinberg Describes a form of comparative, structured appraisal of expressive artifacts that adds to the existing repertoire of HCI assessment techniques.
Sound Design As Human Matter Interaction Xin Wei Sha, Adrian Freed, Navid Navab Realtime responsive sound design provides models for non-anthropocentric approaches to interactions between humans and computational matter. We approach this in light of new materiality and material computation.
Crafting Against Robotic Fakelore: On the Critical Practice of ArtBot Artists Mattias Jacobsson, Ylva Fernaeus, Henriette Cramer, Sara Ljungblad We report on topics raised in encounters with robotics oriented artworks, which to us were interpreted as a general critique to what could be framed as robotic fakelore, or mythology.

Papers – Managing Social Media

Session chair: Louise Barkhuus
Monday 11:00-12:20 Blue
Paper: The Many Faces of Facebook: Experiencing Social Media as Performance, Exhibition, and Personal Archive Xuan Zhao, Niloufar Salehi, Sasha Naranjit, Sara Alwaalan, Stephen Voida, Dan Cosley We bring new perspectives to the design of social media by drawing from Goffman’s theatrical metaphor and Hogan’s exhibition approach to explore how people manage social media data over time.
Paper: Favors from Facebook Friends: Unpacking Dimensions of Social Capital Yumi Jung, Rebecca Gray, Cliff Lampe, Nicole Ellison This paper provides an innovative way of using Williams’ (2006) social capital measures which are the most widely-used social capital measures in social media studies.
Paper: Quantifying the Invisible Audience in Social Networks Michael S Bernstein, Eytan Bakshy, Moira Burke, Brian Karrer When you share content in a social network, who is listening? We combine survey and log data to examine how well users' audience perceptions match their true audience on Facebook.
Note: Gender, Topic, and Audience Response: An Analysis of User-Generated Content on Facebook Yi-Chia Wang, Moira Burke, Robert E Kraut This paper identifies topics that men and women talk about in Facebook status updates and determines which topics are more likely to receive feedback.
Note: Using Contextual Integrity to Examine Interpersonal Information Boundary on Social Network Sites Pan Shi, Heng Xu, Yunan Chen Through a case analysis of Friendship Pages on Facebook, this paper identifies users' interpersonal privacy concerns that are rooted from informational norms outlined in the theory of contextual integrity.

Panels – Call All Game Changers: BYOD (Bring Your Own Disruption)

Monday 11:00-12:20 241
Call All Game Changers: BYOD (Bring Your Own Disruption) Iram W Mirza, Jannie Lai, Chris Maliwat, Evelyn Huang, Marcy Barton

Papers – Enhancing Access

Session chair: Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Monday 11:00-12:20 242AB
Paper: Older Adults as Digital Content Producers Jenny Waycott, Frank Vetere, Sonja Pedell, Lars Kulik, Elizabeth Ozanne, Alan Gruner, John Downs This paper examines the self-expression and social engagement that occurred when older adults used an iPad application to create and share photographs and messages within a small peer community.
Paper: Health Vlogger-Viewer Interaction in Chronic Illness Management Leslie S. Liu, Jina Huh, Tina Neogi, Kori Inkpen, Wanda Pratt Health vlogs allow individuals with chronic illnesses to share experiences. We examined methods that vloggers use to connect with viewers. We present design implications that facilitate sustainable communities for vloggers.
Paper: Accessible Online Content Creation By End Users Katie Kuksenok, Michael Brooks, Jennifer Mankoff End-user generated content is common, yet often not accessibility. Our case studies of online communities that create accessible content, shows the importance of negotiated and community-defined notions of accessibility.
Paper: Augmented Endurance: Controlling Fatigue while Handling Objects by Affecting Weight Perception using Augmented Reality Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, Tatsuya Fujii, Sho Sakurai, Jun Imura, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose "Augmented Endurance" reveals the implicit effect of augmented reality on our perception of weight and realizes a method to utilize it for human interfaces.

Courses – User Interface Design and Adaptation for Multi-Device Environments

Monday 11:00-12:20 243
User Interface Design and Adaptation for Multi-Device Environments Fabio Paternò This course provides a discussion of the possible solutions in terms of concepts, techniques, and tools for multi-device interactive applications, accessed by mobile and stationary devices even through different modalities

Papers – Learning

Session chair: Andruid Kerne
Monday 11:00-12:20 251
Paper: In Search of Learning: Facilitating Data Analysis in Educational Games Erik Harpstead, Brad A. Myers, Vincent Aleven We present a toolkit and methodology for recording and analyzing player log data in educational games, that allows game designers and researches multiple ways to explore student learning.
Paper: Optimizing Challenge in an Educational Game Using Large-Scale Design Experiments Derek Lomas, Kishan Patel, Jodi L Forlizzi, Kenneth R Koedinger Online experiments (>80,000 game players in >14,400 conditions) optimized challenge to maximize engagement and learning in an educational game. Alas, what was optimal for engagement was not optimal for learning.
Paper: From Competition to Metacognition: Designing Diverse, Sustainable Educational Games Stephen R Foster, Sarah Esper, William G Griswold Educational games are traditionally single-player games. We evaluate commercial multiplayer games in order to inform the design of educational multiplayer games.
Paper: Why Interactive Learning Environments Can Have It All: Resolving Design Conflicts Between Competing Goals Martina A Rau, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel, Stacie Rohrbach We present a principled, approach to resolving conflicts between competing goals in educational settings. We provide evidence that our approach lead to the development of a successful interactive learning environment.

Courses – Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI

Monday 11:00-12:20 252A
Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI Thecla Schiphorst, Lian Loke This course will illustrate how somatic principles can be applied to design and evaluation of user experience methods within HCI utilizing case studies, videos and in class experiential examples.

Courses – Six Steps to Successful UX in an Agile World

Monday 11:00-12:20 253
Six Steps to Successful UX in an Agile World Hugh Beyer, Karen Holtzblatt Participants in this course will learn the UX role and tasks at each point in an Agile project. They will learn specific, tested techniques for performing that role effectively.

Lifetime Research Award

Session chair: Mary Czerwinski
Monday 11:00-12:20 Bordeaux
Lifetime Research Award The 2013 SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award is presented to George Robertson, formerly at Microsoft Research and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, for outstanding contributions to the study of human-computer interaction.

Papers – Interaction in the Wild

Session chair: Marina Jirotka
Monday 11:00-12:20 342A
Paper: Electric Materialities and Interactive Technology James J Pierce, Eric Paulos Characterizes electric technology by three forms of materiality: the electric object, its electric materiality, and electric power. Presents and analyzes novel interactive form prototypes.
Paper: A Conversation Between Trees: What Data Feels Like In The Forest Rachel Jacobs, Steve Benford, Mark Selby, Michael Golembewski, Dominic Price, Gabriella Giannachi Study of an environmentally engaged artwork reveals how artists’ strategies of embodying, performing and juxtaposing different views of climate data fostered emotional engagement and interpretation among visitors.
Paper: Unlimited Editions: Three Approaches to the Dissemination and Display of Digital Art Mark Blythe, Jo Briggs, Jonathan Hook, Peter C Wright, Patrick L Olivier Three approaches to digital art are explored: in “s[editon]” a limited digital editions website, the iPad “Brushes” Gallery and a field study using digital frames and an immersive projection room.
Paper: ‘See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me, Hear Me’: Trajectories and Interpretation in a Sculpture Garden Lesley Fosh, Steve Benford, Stuart Reeves, Boriana Koleva, Patrick Brundell Describes the application of the trajectories framework to the design of a user experience in a sculpture garden. Can assist in designing experiences for engagement and interpretation.

Courses – Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation 1/3

Monday 11:00-12:20 343
Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation Jim Nieters, Carola Fellenz Thompson, Amit Pande Jim Nieters, Carola Thompson, and Amit Pande will empower designers and UX teams to act as a catalyst to systemically identify and drive game-changing ideas to market with rapid design labs.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Designing Interactive Secure System: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group

Monday 11:00-12:20 361
Designing Interactive Secure System: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group Shamal Faily, Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Paul Dunphy, Mike Just, Yoko Akama, Alexander De Luca

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Human Computer Interaction for Development (HCI4D)

Monday 11:00-12:20 362/363
Human Computer Interaction for Development (HCI4D) Ban Al-Ani, Melissa Densmore, Edward Cutrell, Rebecca E Grinter, John C Thomas, Andy Dearden, Matthew Kam, Anicia N Peters

Papers – 3D User Interfaces

Session chair: Pierre Cubaud
Monday 11:00-12:20 Havane
Paper: Pointing at 3D Target Projections with One-Eyed and Stereo Cursors Robert J. Teather, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger We investigate 2D-projected 3D pointing tasks. In particular, we look at the modeling of perspective-scaled 3D targets in screen-plane pointing, while comparing mouse and remote pointing techniques.
Paper: Creating and Analyzing Stereoscopic 3D Graphical User Interfaces in Digital Games Jonas Schild, Liane Bölicke, Joseph J. J LaViola Jr., Maic Masuch Supports GUI designers with a design space to create stereoscopic 3D GUIs for games. Our evaluation shows that perceptual, spatial and diegetic integration provide helpful constraints for influencing user experience.
Paper: BeThere: 3D Mobile Collaboration with Spatial Input Rajinder S Sodhi, Brett R Jones, David Forsyth, Brian P Bailey, Giuliano Maciocci We contribute a proof-of-concept system and interactions that show how mobile devices equipped with depth sensors can leverage spatial input and knowledge of our 3D environment to enrich communication.
Note: SpaceTop: Integrating 2D and Spatial 3D Interactions in a See-through Desktop Environment Jinha Lee, Alex Olwal, Hiroshi Ishii, Cati Boulanger SpaceTop is a concept that integrates 2D and 3D spatial interactions in a desktop workspace. It extends the desktop interface with interaction technology and visualization techniques that enable seamless transitions between 2D and 3D manipulations.
Note: 3D Object Position using Automatic Viewpoint Transitions Michael Ortega IUCA is a new technique for 3D objects manipulation. IUCA proposes to interact in a full-resolution perspective view by integrating transients animated transitions to orthographic views into the manipulation task.

Papers – Crowdsourcing: People Power

Session chair: Tapan Parikh
Monday 11:00-12:20 351
Paper: Form Digitization in BPO: From Outsourcing to Crowdsourcing? Jacki O'Neill, Shourya Roy, Antonietta Grasso, David B Martin This work describes findings from an ethnographic study of an outsourced business process for “form digitization”. It is a first step to how crowdsourcing might be applied to business processes.
Paper: Crowdsourcing Performance Evaluations of User Interfaces Steven Komarov, Katharina Reinecke, Krzysztof Z. Gajos We explored the feasibility of using Amazon Mechanical Turk for user interface evaluation by replicating three well-known UI experiments both in lab and online.
Paper: A Multi-Site Field Study of Crowdsourced Contextual Help: Usage and Perspectives of End Users and Software Teams Parmit K Chilana, Andrew J Ko, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Tovi Grossman We present a field study of a crowdsourced contextual help system deployed on 4 large web sites. Data was collected over several weeks through usage logs, surveys, and interviews.
Paper: A Pilot Study of Using Crowds in the Classroom Steven P Dow, Elizabeth M Gerber, Audris Wong We contribute early evidence and discuss implications for creating a socio-technical infrastructure to use online crowds to increase the authenticity of innovation education.

Papers – Multitouch and Gesture

Session chair: James Fogarty
Monday 11:00-12:20 352AB
Paper: A Multi-touch Interface for Fast Architectural Sketching and Massing Qian Sun, Juncong Lin, Chi-Wing Fu, Sawako Kaijima, Ying He This paper proposes a novel multi-touch interface for architectural Sketching and Massing; it offers a rich set of direct finger gestures for rapid prototyping of contemporary building designs.
Paper: Gesture Studio: Authoring Multi-Touch Interactions through Demonstration and Declaration Hao Lü, Yang Li We present Gesture Studio, a tool for creating multi-touch interactions. It combines the strengths of both programming by demonstration and declaration in an intuitive UI based on video-editing metaphor.
Paper: EventHurdle: Supporting Designers’ Exploratory Interaction Prototyping with Gesture-Based Sensors Ju-Whan Kim, Tek-Jin Nam This paper presents EventHurdle, a visual gesture authoring tool for designers that supports connecting gesture-based sensors, visually intuitive gesture definitions, and easy prototyping without programming expertise.
Note: Small, Medium, or Large? Estimating the User-Perceived Scale of Stroke Gestures Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Géry Casiez, Laurent Grisoni We explore scale as parameter for gesture commands. We deliver a training-free, user- and device-independent scale estimator that can be integrated into existing gestural interfaces with three lines of code.
Note: Indirect Shear Force Estimation for Multi-Point Shear Force Operations Seongkook Heo, Geehyuk Lee We designed a novel method to indirectly estimate shear forces at multiple points. We show the feasibility by implementing a prototype and a demo application.

Monday, 14:00-15:20

Papers – Co-Design with Users

Session chair: Andrea Parker
Monday 14:00-15:20 252B
Paper: Large-Scale Participation: A Case Study of a Participatory Approach to Developing a New Public Library Peter Dalsgaard, Eva Eriksson A case study of a participatory large-scale project in the development of a new public library, with a range of activities and the main lessons from the project.
Paper: Probing Bus Stop for Insights on Transit Co-design Daisy Yoo, John Zimmerman, Tad Hirsch We investigate how social computing might support citizens co-design their transit service. We conducted a field study with public transit riders, exploring the issues and controversies that reveal conflicting communities.
Paper: A Value Sensitive Action-Reflection Model: Evolving a Co-Design Space with Stakeholder and Designer Prompts Daisy Yoo, Alina Huldtgren, Jill Palzkill Woelfer, David G Hendry, Batya Friedman We introduce the Value Sensitive Action-Reflection Model: a co-design method focus on the social context of use and values that lie with individuals, groups, and societies.
Paper: Configuring Participation: On How We Involve People In Design John Vines, Rachel Clarke, Peter Wright, John McCarthy, Patrick Olivier Critically examines the goals of user participation in design processes in contemporary HCI. Highlights limitations in how participatory processes are documented by the community, and outlines strategies for future research.

Panels – Will Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Change Education?

Monday 14:00-15:20 Blue
Will Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Change Education? Daniel M Russell, Scott R Klemmer, Armando Fox, Celine E Latulipe, Mitchell Duneier, Elizabeth Losh

Papers – Gaze

Session chair: Lyn Bartram
Monday 14:00-15:20 241
Paper: Still Looking: Investigating Seamless Gaze-supported Selection, Positioning, and Manipulation of Distant Targets Sophie Stellmach, Raimund Dachselt Describes and compares interaction techniques for combining gaze/head and touch input for fluently selecting, positioning and manipulating distant graphical objects. This can help supporting more seamless interactions with distant displays.
Paper: Individual User Characteristics and Information Visualization: Connecting the Dots through Eye Tracking Dereck J Toker, Cristina Conati, Ben Steichen, Giuseppe Carenini We present results from an eye tracking user study, showing that a user’s cognitive abilities have a significant impact on gaze behavior when performing common information visualization tasks.
Study of Polynomial Mapping Functions in Video-Oculography Eye Trackers Juan J. J. Cerrolaza, Arantxa Villanueva, Rafael Cabeza In this study we enlighten one of the most employed and least explored techniques for gaze estimation in eye-tracking systems. We obtain a sort of precise and simpler alternative equations.
Note: EyeContext: Recognition of High-level Contextual Cues from Human Visual Behaviour Andreas Bulling, Christian Weichel, Hans Gellersen We present EyeContext, a system to automatically infer high-level contextual cues from visual behaviour. We demonstrate the large information content available in long-term visual behaviour that's potentially useful for eye-based behavioural monitoring or life logging.
Note: A Preliminary Investigation of Human Adaptations for Various Virtual Eyes in Video See-Through HMDs Joong Ho Lee, Sei-young Kim, Hae cheol Yoon, Bo Kyung Huh, Ji-Hyung Park We investigated whether any differences in visuomotor and adaptation trends exist across 16 distinct VD conditions. The performance tasks studied were of two types: foot placement and finger touch.

Papers – Technologies for Life 1

Session chair: Jeffrey Bigham
Monday 14:00-15:20 242AB
Paper: ‘Digital Motherhood’: How does technology help new mothers? Lorna Gibson, Vicki L Hanson This research identified two themes where technology supports mothers: improving confidence and being more than ‘just’ a mother. Findings have implications for digital engagement, digital identity and social networking.
Paper: Age-Related Performance Issues for PIN and Face-Based Authentication Systems James Nicholson, Lynne Coventry, Pam Briggs A PIN system and a face-based graphical system were evaluated with younger and older adults. Old benefitted from own-age faces most while young performed well with faces overall.
Paper: The Presentation of Health-Related Search Results and Its Impact on Negative Emotional Outcomes Carolyn Lauckner, Gary Hsieh This experiment demonstrates features of health symptom search results that can influence negative emotional outcomes, with results suggesting strategies for web developers and users to help avoid such effects.
Note: Age-Related Differences in Performance with Touchscreens Compared to Traditional Mouse Input Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich, Kays Fattal, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Tanya Dastyar We compared performance of older and younger adults on a range of desktop and touchscreen tasks. The touchscreen reduced the performance gap between the two groups relative to the desktop.
Note: Access Lens: A Gesture-Based Screen Reader for Real-World Documents Shaun K. Kane, Brian Frey, Jacob O. Wobbrock Introduces Access Lens, a computer vision-based system that comboines gesture tracking and optical character recognition to enable blind people to explore physical documents using accessible gestures.

Courses – Practical Statistics for User Experience Part I 1/2

Monday 14:00-15:20 243
Practical Statistics for User Experience Part I Jeff Sauro, James Lewis Learn to generate confidence intervals and compare two designs using rating scale data, binary measures and task times for large and small sample sizes.

Papers – Evaluation Methods 1

Session chair: Anthony Jameson
Monday 14:00-15:20 251
Paper: LEMtool - Measuring Emotions in Visual Interfaces Gijs Huisman, Marco Van Hout, Elisabeth M.A.G. van Dijk, Thea M. Van der Geest, Dirk K.J. Heylen The paper describes the development and validation of the LEMtool: a non-verbal self-report method for indicating emotions during interaction with a visual interface.
Paper: Exploring Personality-Targeted UI Design in Online Social Participation Systems Oded Nov, Ofer Arazy, Claudia López, Peter Brusilovsky We show how personality-targeted UI design can be more effective than design applied to entire populations – much like a medical treatment applied to a person based on his genetic profile.
Paper: Designing and Theorizing Co-Located Interactions Thomas Reitmaier, Pierre Benz, Gary Marsden This paper gives an interwoven account of the theoretical and practical work we undertook in pursuit of designing co-located interactions on mobile devices.
Note: Scenario-Based Interactive UI Design Koki Kusano, Momoko Nakatani, Takehiko Ohno Our proposal is a novel tool that enhances the designer’s skill in writing scenarios and designing UIs smoothly and easily.
Note: Regularly Visited Patches in Human Mobility Yan Qu, Jun Zhang This paper proposes a new analytic unit for human mobility research – the patch. Regularly Visited Patches (RVP) identified from GPS-based location data were analyzed, revealing fundamental mobility patterns.

Courses – Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities 1/2

Monday 14:00-15:20 252A
Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn Learn how speech recognition and synthesis works, what are its limitations and usability challenges, how can it enhance interaction paradigms, and what is the current research and commercial state-of-the-art.

Courses – Agile User Experience and UCD 1/2

Monday 14:00-15:20 253
Agile User Experience and UCD William Hudson This course shows how to integrate UCD with Agile methods to create great user experiences. It takes an ‘emotionally intelligent’ approach to engaging all team members in UCD.

Papers – Language and Translation

Session chair: Gahgene Gweon
Monday 14:00-15:20 Bordeaux
Paper: The Efficacy of Human Post-Editing for Language Translation Spence Green, Jeffrey Heer, Christopher D Manning We analyzed human post-editing of machine translation output, a common feature in translator interfaces. We found that machine suggestions reduce human translation time and improved final quality.
Paper: Same Translation but Different Experience: The Effects of Highlighting on Machine-Translated Conversations Ge Gao, Hao-Chuan Wang, Dan Cosley, Susan R. Fussell This study demonstrates that keyword highlighting is useful for improving the quality of MT-mediated communication. It informs the design of tools to support communication and collaboration across language boundaries.
Paper: Improving Teamwork Using Real-Time Language Feedback Yla R. Tausczik, James W. Pennebaker We develop a real-time language feedback system that monitors the communication patterns among students in a discussion group and provides real-time instructions to shape the way the group works together.
Note: SpatialEase: Learning Language through Body Motion Darren Edge, Kai-Yin Cheng, Michael Whitney Motivates and evaluates the design of the SpatialEase system for the kinesthetic learning of second language constructions grounded in space and motion, leading to implications for mixed-modality learning games.

Papers – Brain Sensing and Analysis

Session chair: Petra Isenberg
Monday 14:00-15:20 342A
Paper: Using fNIRS Brain Sensing to Evaluate Information Visualization Interfaces Evan M M Peck, Beste F F Yuksel, Alvitta Ottley, Robert J.K. Jacob, Remco Chang We explore the use of fNIRS brain sensing to evaluate information visualization interfaces.
A Predictive Speller Controlled by a Brain-Computer Interface Based on Motor Imagery Tiziano D'Albis, Rossella Blatt, Roberto Tedesco, Licia Sbattella, Matteo Matteucci Persons suffering from severe motor disorders have limited possibilities to communicate. We present a speller, based on a brain-computer interface, improved by a smart UI and a text predictor.
Paper: Weighted Graph Comparison Techniques for Brain Connectivity Analysis Basak Alper, Benjamin Bach, Nathalie Henry Riche, Tobias Isenberg, Jean-Daniel Fekete This paper presents the design and evaluation of two visualizations for comparing weighted graphs. Results have implications for the design of brain connectivity analysis and other graph visualization tools.
Paper: At the Interface of Biology and Computation Alex S Taylor, Nir Piterman, Samin Ishtiaq, Jasmin Fisher, Byron Cook, Caitlin Cockerton, Sam Bourton, David Benque Presents study of scientific tool for proving stabilization in biological systems. Shows how such tools, using new computational techniques, can introduce frictions but that these frictions can be used constructively.

Courses – Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation 2/3

Monday 14:00-15:20 343
Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation Jim Nieters, Carola Fellenz Thompson, Amit Pande Jim Nieters, Carola Thompson, and Amit Pande will empower designers and UX teams to act as a catalyst to systemically identify and drive game-changing ideas to market with rapid design labs.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – The Role of Engineering Work in CHI

Monday 14:00-15:20 362/363
The Role of Engineering Work in CHI Philippe Palanque, Fabio Paternò, Jeffrey Nichols, Nuno J.N. Nunes, Brad A. Myers

Papers – Crowdwork and Online Communities

Session chair: Krzysztof Gajos
Monday 14:00-15:20 Havane
Paper: Crowdfunding inside the Enterprise: Employee-Initiatives for Innovation and Collaboration Michael Muller, Werner Geyer, Todd Soule, Steven Daniels, Li-Te Cheng Crowdfunding behind a company firewall showed diverse projects, inter-organizational collaborations, and collaborative motivations. Potential interest for HCI researchers, organizational practitioners, and consultants.
Paper: Community Insights: Helping Community Leaders Enhance the Value of Enterprise Online Communities Tara Matthews, Steve Whittaker, Hernan Badenes, Barton A. Smith, Michael Muller, Kate Ehrlich, Michelle X. Zhou, Tessa Lau Evidence-based design and evaluation of a novel tool that provides community leaders with useful, actionable, and contextualized analytics. Benefits designers of and practitioners using analytic tools to foster successful communities.
Paper: CommunityCompare: Visually Comparing Communities for Online Community Leaders in the Enterprise Anbang Xu, Jilin Chen, Tara L Matthews, Michael Muller, Hernan Badenes Design and evaluation of a new visual, comparison-based analytic system, CommunityCompare, to help leaders assess and identify actions to improve community health. Can enhance design of systems for community leaders.
Paper: Analyzing Crowd Workers in Mobile Pay-for-Answer Q&A Uichin Lee, Jihyoung Kim, Eunhee Yi, Juyup Sung, Mario Gerla We studied one of the largest mobile pay-for-answer Q&A services called Jisiklog to understand behaviors of crowdworkers: key motivators of participation, working strategies of experienced users, and longitudinal interaction dynamics.

Papers – Keyboards and Hotkeys

Session chair: Mark Dunlop
Monday 14:00-15:20 351
Paper: Octopus: Evaluating Touchscreen Keyboard Correction and Recognition Algorithms via “Remulation” Xiaojun Bi, Shiri Azenkot, Kurt Partridge, Shumin Zhai Proposed and tested remulation, an efficient method for evaluating touchscreen keyboards by replicating prior user study data in real-time, on-device simulation. Implemented Octopus, a remulation-based evaluation tool.
Paper: TapBoard: Making a Touch Screen Keyboard More Touchable Sunjun Kim, Jeongmin Son, Geehyuk Lee, Hwan Kim, Woohun Lee TapBoard is a touch screen software keyboard that regards tapping actions as keystrokes and enables other touches for more useful operations; such as resting, feeling surface textures, and making gestures.
Paper: Métamorphe: Augmenting Hotkey Usage with Actuated Keys Gilles Bailly, Thomas Pietrzak, Jonathan Deber, Daniel J Wigdor Demonstrate the advantages of shape-changing keyboards for command selection. The Metamorphe keyboard offers a novel height-changing mechanism that provides haptic feedback and enables new key gestures.
Paper: Promoting Hotkey Use through Rehearsal with ExposeHK Sylvain Malacria, Gilles Bailly, Joel Harrison, Andy Cockburn, Carl Gutwin Introduces ExposeHK, a new interface that promotes hotkey selection. Presents results of three studies showing that ExposeHK increases hotkey use, improves performance and was strongly prefered.

Papers – Flexible Displays

Session chair: Edward Lank
Monday 14:00-15:20 352AB
Paper: Flexpad: Highly Flexible Bending Interactions for Projected Handheld Displays Jürgen Steimle, Andreas Jordt, Pattie Maes Introduces highly flexible handheld displays as user interfaces. Contributes a novel real-time method for capturing complex deformations of flexible surfaces and novel interactions that leverage highly flexible deformations of displays.
Paper: MorePhone: A Study of Actuated Shape Deformations for Flexible Thin-Film Smartphone Notifications Antonio Gomes, Andrea Nesbitt, Roel Vertegaal Presents a shape changing flexible smartphone that actuates its body for the purpose of providing notifications. Empirically evaluates mapping between shape actuations, urgency and notification type.
Paper: Morphees: Toward High “Shape Resolution” in Self-Actuated Flexible Mobile Devices Anne Roudaut, Abhijit Karnik, Markus Löchtefeld, Sriram Subramanian We introduce the term shape resolution in 10 features, which adds to the existing definitions of screen and touch resolution and helps the design of shape-shifting mobile devices.
Note: LightCloth: Senseable Illuminating Optical Fiber Cloth for Creating Interactive Surfaces Sunao Hashimoto, Ryohei Suzuki, Youichi Kamiyama, Masahiko Inami, Takeo Igarashi LightCloth is a fabric interface that enables illumination, light communication, and position sensing. We added a sensory function to diffusive optical fibers, and widened the possibilities for new fabric interactions.
Note: Bending the Rules: Bend Gesture Classification for Flexible Displays Kristen Warren, Jessica Lo, Vaibhav Vadgama, Audrey Girouard We propose a bend gesture classification scheme and we evaluate how users naturally perform bend gestures on deformable displays with minimal instruction.

Monday, 16:00-17:20

Case Studies – Innovating User-Centered Design

Session chair: John Boyd
Monday 16:00-17:20 252B
Project Pokerface: Building User-Centered Culture at Scale Asif M Baki, Patrick Bowen, Brianna Brekke, Elizabeth Ferrall-Nunge, Gueorgi Kossinets, Jens Riegelsberger, Nina Weber, Marissa Mayer Learn about a compact, lightweight user immersion process that engages entire teams in user research. It creates lasting impressions and therefore provides momentum for change with minimal time and resources.
Data-driven Design Process in Adoption of Marking Menus for Large Scale Software Ji-Young Oh, Ananth Uggirala This case study presents the user-centered design process that helped delivering the successful integration of marking menu into Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk’s flagship mechanical engineering software.
Creating Small Products at a Big Company: Adobe's "Pipeline" Innovation Process Rob J. Adams, Bradee Evans, Joel Brandt Pipeline is a new development process at Adobe designed to rapidly evaluate product ideas. We detail our adaption of lean approaches to the realities of a 10,000+ person company.
UX Design with International Teams: Challenges and Best Practices Charles Yiu Being a UX designer at Microsoft leading projects with multiple stakeholders from U.S., China and Israel, I would like to share my insights on the challenges and best practices.

Papers – Smart Tools, Smart Work

Session chair: Steven Dow
Monday 16:00-17:20 Blue
Paper: Turkopticon: Interrupting Worker Invisibility in Amazon Mechanical Turk Lilly C Irani, M. Silberman With Turkopticon, we contribute an example of a long-term systems building project that reworks employer-worker relations in Amazon Mechanical Turk. We analyze the system in feminist, infrastrastructural, and political terms.
Paper: Don't Hide in the Crowd! Increasing Social Transparency Between Peer Workers Improves Crowdsourcing Outcomes Shih-Wen Huang, Wai-Tat Fu Our study suggests that a careful combination of methods that increase social transparency and different peer-dependent reward schemes can significantly improve crowdsourcing outcomes.
Paper: Combining Crowdsourcing and Google Street View to Identify Street-level Accessibility Problems Kotaro Hara, Vicki Le, Jon Froehlich In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of using untrained crowd workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk (turkers) to find, label, and assess sidewalk accessibility problems in Google Street View imagery
Paper: Labor Dynamics in a Mobile Micro-Task Market Mohamed Musthag, Deepak Ganesan This paper provides an in-depth exploration of labor dynamics in mobile task markets which require spatial mobility based on a year-long dataset from a leading mobile crowdsourcing platform.

Panels – Leveraging the Progress of Women in the HCI Field to Address the Diversity Chasm

Monday 16:00-17:20 241
Leveraging the Progress of Women in the HCI Field to Address the Diversity Chasm Susan M. Dray, Anicia N. Peters, Anke Marei Brock, Andrea J. Peer, Shikoh Gitau, Pamela Jennings, Janaki Kumar, Dianne Murray

Papers – Creating and Authoring

Session chair: Andrew Ko
Monday 16:00-17:20 242AB
Paper: Creativity Support for Novice Digital Filmmaking Nicholas Davis, Alexander Zook, Brian O'Neill, Ashton Grosz, Brandon Headrick, Michael Nitsche, Mark Riedl We show that novice digital filmmakers have difficulty adhering to certain cinematographic conventions. Our subsequent Wizard-of-Oz study showed that a rule-based cinematic critic can reduce the frequency of errors.
Paper: AutoGami: A Low-cost Rapid Prototyping Toolkit for Automated Movable Paper Craft Kening Zhu, Shengdong Zhao We presents a systematic analysis of the design space for automated movable paper craft, and developed a low-cost rapid prototyping toolkit for automated movable paper craft using the technology of selective inductive power transmission.
Paper: HyperSlides: Dynamic Presentation Prototyping Darren Edge, Joan Savage, Koji Yatani Motivates and evaluates the design of the HyperSlides system for dynamic prototyping of PowerPoint presentations that are themselves dynamic in their ability to help presenters rehearse and deliver their story.
Note: SidePoint: A Peripheral Knowledge Panel for Presentation Slide Authoring Yefeng Liu, Darren Edge, Koji Yatani Implements an implicit search and peripheral panel system for presentation authoring by showing concise knowledge items relevant to the slide content, and investigates the benefits and issues of such peripheral knowledge panels.

Courses – Practical Statistics for User Experience Part I 2/2

Monday 16:00-17:20 243
Practical Statistics for User Experience Part I Jeff Sauro, James Lewis Learn to generate confidence intervals and compare two designs using rating scale data, binary measures and task times for large and small sample sizes.

Papers – Exploring Games

Session chair: Lennart Nacke
Monday 16:00-17:20 251
Paper: Control Your Game-Self: Effects of Controller Type on Enjoyment, Motivation, and Personality in Game Max Birk, Regan Mandryk We show that controller choice affects a player’s enjoyment and motivation of a game, but also affects a player’s perception of themselves during play as measured by their in-game personality.
Paper: Mastering the Art of War: How Patterns of Gameplay Influence Skill in Halo Jeff Huang, Thomas Zimmermann, Nachiappan Nagapan, Charles Harrison, Bruce C Phillips We look at patterns of skill through large-scale gameplay analysis and player surveys to identify how different factors (play intensity, skill change over time, demographics, breaks, and prior games played) affect players' skill in Halo.
Paper: Villains, Architects and Micro-Managers: What Tabula Rasa Teaches Us About Game Orchestration T.C. Nicholas Graham, Irina Schumann, Mrunal Patel, Quentin Bellay, Raimund Dachselt Describes how digital games can allow design like activities at play-time, and how players use them when playing games.
Paper: Playing with Leadership and Expertise: Military Tropes and Teamwork in an ARG Tamara Peyton, Alyson Leigh Young, Wayne Lutters Explores how ARG teams arrange and militarize play within unstructured ludic systems. Illustrates that the development of expertise and emergence of leadership occurs in response to this lack of structure.

Courses – Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities 2/2

Monday 16:00-17:20 252A
Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn Learn how speech recognition and synthesis works, what are its limitations and usability challenges, how can it enhance interaction paradigms, and what is the current research and commercial state-of-the-art.

Courses – Agile User Experience and UCD 2/2

Monday 16:00-17:20 253
Agile User Experience and UCD William Hudson This course shows how to integrate UCD with Agile methods to create great user experiences. It takes an ‘emotionally intelligent’ approach to engaging all team members in UCD.

Papers – Tables and Floors

Session chair: Sriram Subramanian
Monday 16:00-17:20 Bordeaux
Paper: GravitySpace: Tracking Users and Their Poses in a Smart Room Using a Pressure-Sensing Floor Alan Bränzel, Christian Holz, Daniel Hoffmann, Dominik Schmidt, Marius Knaust, Patrick Lühne, René Meusel, Stephan R Richter, Patrick Baudisch Introduces new approach to tracking people and objects in smart rooms based on a high-resolution pressure-sensitive floor. Provides consistent wall-to-wall coverage, is less susceptible and less privacy-critical than camera-based systems.
Paper: Improving Digital Object Handoff Using the Space Above the Table Steven W.T. Sutcliffe, Zenja Ivkovic, David R Flatla, Andriy Pavlovych, Ian Stavness, Carl Gutwin We developed and evaluated two new above-the-table digital object handoff techniques, Force-Field and a new innovation ElectroTouch, and found they are significantly faster and less error-prone than traditional surface-only techniques.
Paper: An Evaluation of State Switching Methods for Indirect Touch Systems Simon Voelker, Chat Wacharamanotham, Jan Borchers Comparing four different state switching techniques for indirect touch systems that allow the users to rest their arms on the surfaces while they are in the Tracking state.
Note: Improving Touch Accuracy on Large Tabletops Using Predecessor and Successor Max Möllers, Norbert Dumont, Stefan Ladwig, Jan Borchers We explore how one touch affects the location and orientation of its successor. We show how this can be used to increase touch accuracy on tabletops.
Note: Touchbugs: Actuated Tangibles on Multi-Touch Tables Diana Nowacka, Karim Ladha, Nils Y. Hammerla, Daniel Jackson, Cassim Ladha, Enrico Rukzio, Patrick Olivier We present a novel approach to graspable interfaces using Touchbugs, small tangibles that are able to move across surfaces by employing vibrating motors and to communicate with interactive surfaces by using infrared LEDs.

Papers – Design for Classrooms 1

Session chair: Deborah Tatar
Monday 16:00-17:20 342A
Paper: The Effect of Virtual Achievements on Student Engagement Paul Denny Do badge-based achievement systems actually engage users? We present the first large-scale study providing empirical evidence of their impact within an online learning tool.
Paper: A Trace-based Framework for Analyzing and Synthesizing Educational Progressions Erik L Andersen, Sumit Gulwani, Zoran Popovic Proposes a framework for using program execution traces to automatically analyze and synthesize progressions of practice problems for any procedural task, focusing on grade-school mathematics and learning games.
Paper: Wikipedia Classroom Experiment: Bidirectional Benefits of Students' Engagement in Online Production Communities Rosta Farzan, Robert E Kraut This paper provides details in the design of a program to encourage students’ contribution to Wikipedia and our quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluating it.
Note: TypeRighting: Combining the Benefits of Handwriting and Typeface in Online Educational Videos Andrew Cross, Mydhili Bayyapunedi, Edward Cutrell, Anant Agarwal, William Thies Examines viewers’ preferences of presentation styles for online educational videos and presents a novel way to combine the benefits of handwriting and typeface called TypeRighting.
Note: Tweeting for Class: Co-Construction as a Means for Engaging Students in Lectures Jeremy Birnholtz, Jeff T Hancock, Daniela Retelny We present a case study of students in a lecture course using Twitter to contribute instructional content. Results show that students enjoyed this and primarily contributed examples and asked questions.

Courses – Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation 3/3

Monday 16:00-17:20 343
Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation Jim Nieters, Carola Fellenz Thompson, Amit Pande Jim Nieters, Carola Thompson, and Amit Pande will empower designers and UX teams to act as a catalyst to systemically identify and drive game-changing ideas to market with rapid design labs.

Student Research Judging

Monday 16:00-17:20 361
Student Research Judging This first round of the Student Research Competition is reserved to the competition participants and jury. The second round, Wednesday at 11am, is open to all CHI 2013 attendees.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Enhancing the Research Infrastructure for Child-Computer Interaction

Monday 16:00-17:20 362/363
Enhancing the Research Infrastructure for Child-Computer Interaction Janet C C Read, Juan Pablo Hourcade

Papers – Crowds and Activism

Session chair: Jaime Teevan
Monday 16:00-17:20 Havane
Paper: Delivering Patients to Sacré Coeur: Collective Intelligence in Digital Volunteer Communities Kate Starbird This study examines the activities of digital volunteers during crisis events, using a distributed cognition perspective to demonstrate how individual ICT users function together as a collectively intelligent cognitive system.
Paper: Does Slacktivism Hurt Activism?: The Effects of Moral Balancing and Consistency in Online Activism Yu-Hao Lee, Gary Hsieh We examine how simple online activism influence people's likelihood and efforts in a subsequent civic action. The findings have implications for online campaign design.
Paper: Using Crowdsourcing to Support Pro-Environmental Community Activism Elaine Massung, David Coyle, Kirsten F Cater, Marc Jay, Chris Preist We developed mobile applications and investigated motivational techniques to support crowdsourcing and pro-environmental community activism. The paper offers new insights and recommendations for environmental technologies targeting communities, rather than individuals.
Paper: A Longitudinal Study of Follow Predictors on Twitter C.J. Hutto, Eric Gilbert, Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck Comparing across many variables related to message content, social behavior, and network structure allows us to interpret their relative effect on follower growth from different theoretical perspectives.

Papers – Large and Public Displays

Session chair: Xiang Cao
Monday 16:00-17:20 351
Paper: High-Precision Pointing on Large Wall Displays using Small Handheld Devices Mathieu Nancel, Olivier Chapuis, Emmanuel Pietriga, Xing-Dong Yang, Pourang P Irani, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon Reports on the design and evaluation of pointing techniques, some of which use head orientation, so the handheld device can also be used for other interactions.
Window Brokers: Collaborative Display Space Control Richard B Arthur, Dan R Olsen Take collaborative control of a display space you do not own in a familiar, platform-independent way without transmitting new software to the display or other participating devices.
Paper: StrikeAPose: Revealing Mid-Air Gestures on Public Displays Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Jörg Müller Proposes three strategies to reveal mid-air gestures on interactive public displays and introduces the Teapot gesture as a novel initial mid-air gesture. Shows that users naturally explore gesture variations.
Paper: SideWays: A Gaze Interface for Spontaneous Interaction with Situated Displays Yanxia Zhang, Andreas Bulling, Hans W Gellersen Presents a system that uses light weight computer vision techniques for calibration-free eye tracking. The system enables hands-free spontaneous interaction with situated displays using eye gaze.

Papers – Embodied Interaction 1

Session chair: Antonio Krüger
Monday 16:00-17:20 352AB
Interaction Design for and with the Lived Body: Some Implications of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology Dag Svanaes The body as experienced by the user has to a large extent been absent in HCI. The paper exemplifies how the field can benefit from Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body. \
On the Naturalness of Touchless: Putting the “Interaction” Back into NUI Kenton P O'Hara, Richard harper, Helena M. Mentis, Abigail J Sellen, Alex S Taylor Using examples of gestural interaction from surgery and urban screen gaming, we discuss the notion of naturalness in NUI narratives as an occasioned property of interaction rather than inherent property of an interface.
Moving and Making Strange: An Embodied Approach to Movement-based Interaction Design Lian Loke, Toni Robertson We offer a methodology for the design and evaluation of movement-based interactions with technology, where the felt experience of moving is valued along with the perspectives of observer and machine.
Embodied Cognition And The Magical Future Of Interaction Design David Kirsh Explores what world-class choreography and dance teaches us about embodied cognition & creativity. Explains how bodies absorb tools and how bodies and things are used for thinking.


Tuesday, 9:00-10:20

Alt.CHI papers – Experiences

Session chair: Carl DiSalvo
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 252B
Flying Head: A Head Motion Synchronization Mechanism for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control Keita Higuchi, Jun Rekimoto The Flying Head: The system synchronizes human head motions with those of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
An Implicit Test Of UX: Individuals Differ In What They Associate With Computers Martin Schmettow, Matthijs L Noordzij, Matthias Mundt Do all users think of computers in the same way? We introduce an experimental approach to measure users' associations. We find that some value geekism over utility or hedonic qualities.
Performative Experience Design Jocelyn Spence, David M Frohlich, Stuart Andrews A taxonomy of the key ways that HCI uses ‘performance’; resolving some confusions and contradictions, moving beyond restrictive assumptions, and pointing towards an emerging field of Performative Experience Design.
Experiences Before Things: A Primer for the (Yet) Unconvinced Marc Hassenzahl The true value of technology is only in the resulting experiences. Consequently, we must put experiences before things - treating experiences as objectives of design rather than as appreciated by-products.
Mobile Interaction Does Not Exist Joe Marshall, Paul R Tennent Few mobile devices are designed to be used when mobile. Describes challenges of designing truly mobile interactions.
The Elephant in the Conference Room: Let’s Talk About Experience Terminology Analia Ibargoyen, Dalila Szostak, Miroslav Bojic We reflect upon how conflicting definitions of experience terminology (HFE, Usability, IxD, HCI, UX, XD) impact our understanding of the field and our ability to communicate, collaborate and educate others.

Papers – Interacting around Devices

Session chair: Géry Casiez
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 Blue
Paper: IllumiRoom: Peripheral Projected Illusions for Interactive Experiences Brett R Jones, Hrvoje Benko, Eyal Ofek, Andrew D Wilson IllumiRoom is a proof-of-concept system that augments the area surrounding a television with projected visualizations to enhance traditional gaming experiences.
Paper: WorldKit: Rapid and Easy Creation of Ad-hoc Interactive Applications on Everyday Surfaces Robert Xiao, Chris Harrison, Scott E Hudson Describes a paired depth-camera and projector system for on-the-world interaction and a software kit for application development: provides an inexpensive way to support interactions on everyday surfaces.
Paper: Understanding Palm-Based Imaginary Interfaces: The Role of Visual and Tactile Cues when Browsing Sean G. Gustafson, Bernhard Rabe, Patrick M. Baudisch The main contribution of this paper is an exploration into the inherent properties of palm-based imaginary interfaces and how the available visual and tactile cues are responsible for user performance.
Paper: AD-Binning: Leveraging Around Device Space for Storing, Browsing and Retrieving Mobile Device Content Khalad Hasan, David Ahlström, Pourang Irani Presents AD-Binning, a novel interface for future small-screen mobile devices equipped with around-device sensing capabilities, with which screen content can be off-loaded in around-device-space to improve browsing and interaction efficiency.

Panels – CHI at the Barricades – an Activist Agenda?

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 241
CHI at the Barricades – an Activist Agenda? Daniela K Busse, Lisa P Nathan, Samuel Mann, Alan Borning, Ben Shneiderman, Andrea Grimes Parker, Tad Hirsch, Bryan Nunez

Papers – Design for the Home

Session chair: Nadir Weibel
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 242AB
Paper: Designing Web-Connected Physical Artefacts for the ‘Aesthetic’ of the Home Salu P Ylirisku, Siân E Lindley, Giulio Jacucci, Richard M Banks, Craig D Stewart, Abigail J Sellen, Richard H Harper, Tim Regan In this paper we ask what it means to design domestic web-connected technologies, placing the aesthetic of the home and home life at the centre of our design exploration.
Paper: On the Relation of Ordinary Gestures to TV Screens: General Lessons for the Design of Collaborative Interactive Techniques Oskar Juhlin, Elin Onnevall If natural and social gesturing in front of TV screens are on-goingly and collaboratively shaped, then viewers might need to adapt such behaviour to emerging gesture tracking technology.
Paper: From Codes to Patterns: Designing Interactive Decoration for Tableware Rupert Meese, Shakir Ali, Emily-Clare Thorne, Steve D Benford, Anthony Quinn, Richard Mortier, Boriana N Koleva, Tony Pridmore, Sharon L Baurley A collaboration between ceramic designers, technologists and a restaurant reveals strategies for creating aesthetic decorative pattern for plates and other tableware that contain multiple embedded visual codes hidden within them.
Paper: Pass the iPad: Collaborative Creating and Sharing in Family Groups Nicola Yuill, Yvonne Rogers, Jochen Rick Reports two studies of a tablet app to support co-creation in family groups. Relates findings to use of tablets as 'scrap computers'.

Courses – User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which Method to Choose? 1/2

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 243
User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which Method to Choose? Virpi Roto, Arnold Vermeeren, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Effie Law, Marianna Obrist Helps to select the right user experience evaluation methods for different purposes. A collection of methods that investigate how people feel about the system under study is provided at

Papers – Social Creativity

Session chair: Gary Hsieh
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 251
Paper: Revisiting Social Practices Surrounding Music Tuck W Leong, Peter Wright This paper extends and contributes to our understanding of social practices and sociality surrounding music in light of recent key technological developments.
Paper: Write Here, Write Now!: An Experimental Study of Group Maintenance in Collaborative Writing Jeremy Birnholtz, Stephanie Steinhardt, Antonella Pavese We present a laboratory study of dyads writing together. Results suggest that communication via comments and chat is positively related to social outcomes in synchronous, but not asynchronous, writing.
Paper: Machinima Production Tools: A Vernacular History of a Creative Medium Shad D. Gross, Tyler Pace, Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell In this study of massive scale community creativity, we provide a diachronic analysis of the co-emergence of community-developed creativity tools and the expressive visual language of their medium.
Paper: Front-Camera Video Recordings as Emotion Responses to Mobile Photos Shared Within Close-Knit Groups Yanqing Cui, Jari Kangas, Jukka Holm, Guido Grassel Using the front camera of a cell phone in social photography services: capturing video clips and sharing them as emotion responses to the individual photo viewed

Courses – Analyzing Social Media Data 1/2

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 252A
Analyzing Social Media Systems Shelly Farnham, Emre Kiciman This half day course provides practical instructions and tips for collecting, structuring, and analyzing social media data with easily accessible tools in order create meaningful inferences out of messy data.

Courses – Choice and Decision Making for HCI 1/2

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 253
Choice and Decision Making for HCI Anthony Jameson Find out how users of your systems make choices and decisions - and how you can help them make better ones.

Papers – Design for Classrooms 2

Session chair: Judy Kay
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 Bordeaux
Paper: Building Open Bridges: Collaborative Remixing and Reuse of Open Educational Resources across Organisations Tim Coughlan, Rebecca Pitt, Patrick McAndrew We broaden understanding of open collaborations through analysing a cross-organisational initiative to remix and reuse Open Educational Resources. We define emerging practices and issues as openness evolves in different domains.
Paper: ARTFuL: Adaptive Review Technology for Flipped Learning Daniel J Szafir, Bilge Mutlu Presents adaptive content review technology for students engaged in online learning and empirical results supporting student learning gains. Offers design guidelines for technological support for flipped learning.
Paper: Challenges and Opportunities for Technology in Foreign Language Classrooms Katie Kuksenok, Michael Brooks, Qian Wang, Charlotte P. Lee The roles of artifacts in language learning, based on ethnographic study of introductory Russian classrooms, informing design for this stressful, yet creative, cooperative environment.
Paper: Tables in the Wild: Lessons Learned from a Large-Scale Multi-Tabletop Deployment Ahmed Kharrufa, Madeline Balaam, Phil Heslop, David Leat, Paul Dolan, Patrick Olivier The paper presents the analysis of our observations and design recommendations for multi-tabletop applications designed for and deployed within a realistic classroom setting.

Papers – Reflecting on Phones

Session chair: Joonhwan Lee
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 342A
Paper: iPhone In Vivo: Video Analysis of Mobile Device Use Barry Brown, Moira McGregor, Eric Laurier This paper uses video data to gain new insight into the use of mobile computing devices. Our new method combines screen-capture of iPhone use with video recordings from wearable cameras.
Paper: AnyType: Provoking Reflection and Exploration with Aesthetic Interaction Laura Devendorf, Kimiko Ryokai AnyType generates unique typefaces from photographs of shapes people find in their environment. In keeping with the principles of aesthetic interaction, AnyType supports opportunities for surprise, storytelling, and expression.
Paper: Stories of the Smartphone in Everyday Discourse: Conflict, Tension & Instability Ellie Harmon, Melissa Mazmanian This analysis of popular stories about the smartphone highlights three areas of conflict, tension and instability relevant to the relationships among values, mobile ICTs, user experience, and everyday practice.
Paper: Emotions, Experiences and Usability in Real-Life Mobile Phone Use Sari Kujala, Talya Miron-Shatz Longitudinal study investigating emotions over a five-month period of product use. Clarifies the role of emotions in usability, user experience and product success and helps in designing for user experience.

Courses – Cognitive Crash Dummies: Predicting Performance from Early Prototypes 1/2

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 343
Cognitive Crash Dummies: Predicting Performance from Early Prototypes Bonnie E John Presents a free tool that integrates rapid UI prototyping with predictive human performance modeling. Participants use their own laptop, learn to mock-up interactive systems, and create models of skilled performance.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Consumer Engagement in Health Technologies Special Interest Group

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 361
Consumer Engagement in Health Technologies Special Interest Group Karen Cheng, Kelly Caine, Wanda Pratt, Kay Connelly

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – A new Perspective for the Games and Entertainment Community

Tuesday 9:00-10:20 362/363
A new Perspective for the Games and Entertainment Community Regina Bernhaupt, Katherine Isbister

Papers – Technologies for Life 2

Session chair: Predrag Klasnja
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 Havane
Paper: Echoes From the Past: How Technology Mediated Reflection Improves Well-Being Ellen Isaacs, Artie Konrad, Alan Walendowski, Thomas Lennig, Victoria Hollis, Steve Whittaker We explored technology mediated reminiscence (TMR) by building Echo, a novel smartphone application for recording and reflecting on everyday experiences. Three deployments with 44 users show TMR improves well-being.
Paper: The Dynamics of Younger and Older Adult’s Paired Behavior when Playing an Interactive Silhouette Game Mark Rice, Wah Pheow Tan, Jeremy Ong, Lih Jie Yau, Marcus Wan, Jamie Ng We present the design and evaluation of an intergenerational game with 60 younger and older players, and report on the communicative and cooperative interaction, with subsequent recommendations.
What Does Touch Tell Us About Emotions in Touchscreen-Based Gameplay? Yuan Gao, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Hongying Meng The paper contributes a method to automatically recognize users’ emotional states from their touch behaviour in touch-based computer games. It also discusses its generalization to other types of applications.
Note: Multiple Notification Modalities and Older Users David Warnock, Stephen A Brewster, Marilyn R McGee-Lennon An experiment tested the way older users react to notifications delivered in 8 different modalities. Interesting differences were found between notifications requiring a response and ones that should be ignored.
Note: The Power of Mobile Notifications to Increase Wellbeing Logging Behavior Frank Bentley, Konrad Tollmar We demonstrate the power of passive mobile notifications to increase logging of wellbeing data, particularly food intake, in a mobile health service by 5x.

Papers – Gesture Studies

Session chair: Yang Li
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 351
Paper: Memorability of Pre-designed and User-defined Gesture Sets Miguel A. Nacenta, Yemliha Kamber, Yizhou Qiang, Per Ola Kristensson We analyze memorability aspects of gesture sets, comparing gesture sets created by users, gesture sets created by designers, and stock gesture sets. We present evidence from three studies.
Paper: Learning and Performance with Gesture Guides Fraser Anderson, Walter F Bischof Existing gesture guides show a tradeoff between performance and learning. A novel guide mitigates this tradeoff. New evaluation methods, and implications for gesture design are proposed.
Paper: Your Left Hand Can Do It Too! Investigating Intermanual, Symmetric Gesture Transfer on Touchscreens Michelle Annett, Walter F Bischof This work examines intermanual gesture transfer, i.e., learning a gesture with one hand and performing it with the other. It was found that stroke-based gestures transfer, and do so symmetrically.
Paper: The Challenges and Potential of End-User Gesture Customization Uran Oh, Leah Findlater We present a study on end-user gesture creation to understand users’ thought processes and the challenges encountered. Our findings provide insight for how to better support gesture customization.

Papers – Manipulating Video

Session chair: Steven Feiner
Tuesday 9:00-10:20 352AB
Paper: NoteVideo: Facilitating Navigation of Blackboard-style Lecture Videos Toni-Jan Keith Palma Monserrat, Shengdong Zhao, Kevin McGee, Anshul Vikram Pandey We create a summarized image of the video and using it as an in-scene navigation interface that allows users to directly jump to the video frame of choice.
Paper: Direct Space-Time Trajectory Control for Visual Media Editing Stephanie Santosa, Fanny Chevalier, Ravin Balakrishnan, Karan Singh An exploration of the design space for using motion trajectories to edit visual elements across space and time. Pen-based techniques are introduced in DirectPaint: a video painting and annotation system.
Paper: Swifter: Improved Online Video Scrubbing Justin Matejka, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice Swifter is a new technique for navigating streaming videos which presents a grid of thumbnail images during scrubbing operations, and allows the user to directly select the desired playback location.
Note: Direct Manipulation Video Navigation in 3D Cuong Nguyen, Yuzhen Niu, Feng Liu This paper presents a 3D DMVN system that visualizes the video frame and motion in 3D, resolves temporal ambiguities, and allows a user to manipulate an object along its trajectory.

Tuesday, 11:00-12:20

Case Studies – Communities of Practice

Session chair: Dirk-Jan Hoets
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 252B
Don’t Talk to Strangers! Peer Tutoring versus Active Intervention methodologies in interviewing children Svetlana Ognjanovic, Jason Ralls Based on our internal, qualitative studies, we found Peer Tutoring to be an appropriate method for usability testing with children.
Leverage User Experience through Social Networking to Improve Health Adherence Raymund J Lin, Xinxin Zhu This case study makes a contribution to Human-Computer and Human-Human Interactions and the use of social media/gaming in the health care sector.
The Needs of Early School Children and Their Parents with Respect to the Design of Mobile Service Offers Agnieszka (Aga) Szostek, Joanna Kwiatkowska, Olga Górnicka We investigated needs of early school children and their parents to identify ingredients for mobile service offers. We identified three categories of needs: safety, entertainment and communication.
Enhancing Company Communication: The Case of a Social Media Platform Alina Krischkowsky, Astrid Weiss, Sebastian Osswald, Manfred Tscheligi This case study presents lessons learned from the introduction of a social media platform in an internationally operating company with five HCI actions to ensure a positive user experience.

Papers – Sustainable Energy

Session chair: John Zimmerman
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 Blue
Paper: At Home with Agents: Exploring Attitudes Towards Future Smart Energy Infrastructures Tom A Rodden, Joel E Fischer, Nadia Pantidi, Khaled Bachour, Stuart Moran This paper considers critical socio-economical issues regarding how consumers might relate to future smart energy infrastructures and suggests a number of key design principles to address those.
Paper: Everyday Activities and Energy Consumption: How Families Understand the Relationship Carman Neustaedter, Lyn Bartram, Aaron Mah Describes a study of how families tie their everyday routines to their understanding of energy consumption. Outlines how designs can leverage calendars and increase shared knowledge of consumption between family members.
Paper: Cultivating Energy Literacy— Results from a Longitudinal Living Lab Study of a Home Energy Management System Tobias Schwartz, Sebastian Denef, Gunnar Stevens, Leonardo Ramirez, Volker Wulf The paper presents a 13-month living lab study around the use of Home Energy Management Systems and introduces and discusses the concept of energy literacy as a key observed category.
Paper: The Dubuque Electricity Portal: Evaluation of a City-Scale Residential Electricity Consumption Feedback System Thomas D Erickson, Ming Li, Younghun Kim, Ajay Deshpande, Sambit Sahu, Tian Chao, Piyawadee "Noi" Sukaviriya, Milind Naphade Evaluation of an electricity portal deployed to 765 homes for 20 weeks that used feedback and social techniques to support decreased electricity consumption. Can assist designers of residential feedback systems. \

Panels – UX Management: Current and Future Trends

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 241
UX Management: Current and Future Trends Janice A Rohn, Kathy K Baxter, Catherine Courage, Janaki Kumar, Carola Fellenz Thompson, Steve Rogers

Papers – Impairment and Rehabilitation

Session chair: Karyn Moffatt
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 242AB
Paper: PointAssist: Assisting Individuals with Motor Impairments Guarionex J Salivia, Juan Pablo Hourcade This paper presents results from evaluating PointAssist with participants with motor impairments in a remote test. It contributes to HCI by showing how PointAssist can be adapted to individual differences.
Paper: Analyzing User-Generated YouTube Videos to Understand Touchscreen Use by People with Motor Impairments Lisa Anthony, YooJin Kim, Leah Findlater To inform accessible touchscreen design, we analyzed 187 YouTube videos depicting people with physical disabilities interacting with mobile touchscreen devices. We report on challenges observed and user-initiated adaptations being made.
Paper: Exploring & Designing Tools to Enhance Falls Rehabilitation in the Home Stephen Uzor, Lynne Baillie The studies described in the paper explored the usability and acceptance of two distinct types of visual feedback for unsupervised rehabilitation in the home.
Note: Stroke Rehabilitation with a Sensing Surface Cati Boulanger, Adam Boulanger, Lilian de Greef, Andy Kearney, Kiley Sobel, Russell Transue, Z Sweedyk, Paul H Dietz, Steven Bathiche We propose a multisensory environment that tracks movements on a sensing platform for patients with a spectrum of cognitive and physical ability. Our study elaborates an interaction model that motivates patients in continued therapeutic engagement.
Note: PT Viz: Towards a Wearable Device for Visualizing Knee Rehabilitation Exercises Swamy Ananthanarayan, Miranda Sheh, Alice Chien, Halley Profita, Katie A Siek PT Viz is a wearable electronic prototype for visualizing knee rehabilitation that was used to explore the needs of physical therapy patients when performing exercises away from the clinic.

Courses – User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which Method to Choose? 2/2

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 243
User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which Method to Choose? Virpi Roto, Arnold Vermeeren, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Effie Law, Marianna Obrist Helps to select the right user experience evaluation methods for different purposes. A collection of methods that investigate how people feel about the system under study is provided at

Papers – Exergames and Beyond

Session chair: Erika Poole
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 251
Physical Activity Motivating Games: Be Active and Get Your Own Reward Shlomo Berkovsky, Jill Freyne, Mac Coombe We present a game design that leverages the playfulness of games to motivate players to perform mild physical activity. This design can potentially change the way players interact with games.
Paper: Understanding Exergame Users’ Physical Activity, Motivation and Behavior Over Time Andrew Macvean, Judy Robertson A school based exergame intervention analysed through the lens of self-efficacy in order to understand in-game behavior, and provide guidance for affective exergame interventions
Paper: Designing Action-based Exergames for Children with Cerebral Palsy Hamilton A Hernandez, Zi Ye, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Darcy Fehlings, Lauren Switzer We present guidelines for the design of action-oriented exergames for people with motor disabilities. These preserve the core message of traditional guidelines, while mitigating their push to slow-paced gameplay.
Note: 4 Design Themes for Skateboarding Sebastiaan Pijnappel, Florian Mueller We explore how to design interactive technologies to enhance the experience of skateboarding, providing thought provoking insights into how technology can have value beyond the context of performance focused sports.
Note: Bodily Interaction in the Dark Linden A. Vongsathorn, Kenton P O'Hara, Helena M. Mentis Describes a body-centric, sound-based interaction using the Microsoft Kinect device, which is performed in the dark. The interaction is designed and analysed in the context of somaesthetics.

Courses – Analyzing Social Media Data 2/2

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 252A
Analyzing Social Media Systems Shelly Farnham, Emre Kiciman This half day course provides practical instructions and tips for collecting, structuring, and analyzing social media data with easily accessible tools in order create meaningful inferences out of messy data.

Courses – Choice and Decision Making for HCI 2/2

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 253
Choice and Decision Making for HCI Anthony Jameson Find out how users of your systems make choices and decisions - and how you can help them make better ones.

Papers – Full-Body Interaction

Session chair: Karon MacLean
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 Bordeaux
Paper: Make It Move: A Movement Design Method of Simple Standing Products Based on Systematic Mapping of Torso Movements & Product Messages Jinyung Jung, Seok-Hyung Bae, Joon Hyub Lee, Myung-Suk Kim For affective movement design of daily products, this paper brought human movement expertise and product design expertise together through a step-by-step research procedure by using mediated prototyping, the robotic torso
Paper: Information Capacity of Full-Body Movements Antti Oulasvirta, Teemu Roos, Arttu Aleksi Modig, Laura Leppänen Presents a novel metric for the information capacity of full-body movements.
Paper: Body-centric Design Space for Multi-surface Interaction Julie Wagner, Mathieu Nancel, Sean G. Gustafson, Stephane Huot, Wendy E. Mackay BodyScape, a body-centric design space, allows researchers and practitioners to describe, classify and systematically compare existing multi-surface interaction techniques, individually or in combination, as well as generate new interaction techniques.
Paper: MotionMA: Motion Modelling and Analysis by Demonstration Eduardo Velloso, Andreas Bulling, Hans Gellersen This work describes MotionMA, a system that extracts a quantitative model of movements and generates an analysis and feedback interface for helping other users perform them.

Papers – Video Communication

Session chair: Steve Harrison
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 342A
Paper: PanoInserts: Mobile Spatial Teleconferencing Fabrizio Pece, William Steptoe, Fabian Wanner, Simon Julier, Tim Weyrich, Jan Kautz, Anthony Steed PanoInserts is a novel teleconferencing system that uses smartphone cameras to create a surround representation of meeting places.
Paper: Putting Things in Focus: Establishing Co-Orientation Through Video in Context James Norris, Holger M Schnädelbach, Paul K Luff The CamBlend video collaboration system is used to assess how participants co-orientate around objects, both local or remote, virtual or physical, as well as around people, showing new interactional fractures.
Embedded Interaction: the accomplishment of actions in everyday and video-mediated environments Paul K Luff, Marina Jirotka, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Christian Heath, Grace Eden This paper suggests how interactional studies of everyday interaction can both help shape the development of complex technologies for collaboration and also be informed by experiments with prototype systems.
Note: HomeProxy: Exploring a Physical Proxy for Video Communication in the Home John C. Tang, Robert Xiao, Aaron Hoff, Gina Venolia, Patrick Therien, Asta Roseway HomeProxy is a prototype system that supports video messaging in the home. It explores a “no-touch” user experience that allows transitioning from recorded to live video messages.

Courses – Cognitive Crash Dummies: Predicting Performance from Early Prototypes 2/2

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 343
Cognitive Crash Dummies: Predicting Performance from Early Prototypes Bonnie E John Presents a free tool that integrates rapid UI prototyping with predictive human performance modeling. Participants use their own laptop, learn to mock-up interactive systems, and create models of skilled performance.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Research-Practice Interaction: Building Bridges, Closing the Gap

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 361
Research-Practice Interaction: Building Bridges, Closing the Gap Elizabeth A Buie, Clare J Hooper, Aaron Houssian

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Digital Art: Challenging Perspectives

Tuesday 11:00-12:20 362/363
Digital Art: Challenging Perspectives David England, Jill Fantauzzacoffin, Thecla Schiphorst, Celine E Latulipe, Linda Candy

Papers – Ideation Methods

Session chair: Amy Hurst
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 Havane
Paper: Brainstorm, Chainstorm, Cheatstorm, Tweetstorm: New Ideation Strategies for Distributed HCI Design Haakon Faste, Nir Rachmel, Russell Essary, Evan Sheehan In this paper we describe the results of a design-driven study of “cheatstorming,” a new collaborative ideation technique, to demonstrate how ideation need not require the generation of new ideas.
An Empirical Study of the“Prototype Walkthrough”: A Studio-Based Activity for HCI Education Christopher Hundhausen, Dana Fairbrother, Marian Petre Presents video analysis of the prototype walkthrough, a studio-based learning activity for HCI education. Results suggest that the activity provides valuable opportunities for students to actively learn HCI design.
The Impact of Interface Affordances on Human Ideation, Problem Solving and Inferential Reasoning Sharon L. Oviatt, Adrienne Cohen, Andrea Miller, Kumi Hodge, Ariana Mann Computer input capabilities have communications affordances that can substantially facilitate people’s ability to produce ideas, solve problems correctly, and make accurate inferences about information, with the magnitude of improvement 9-38%.
Paper: Shape Switching Mobile Devices- Explorations in Outfit-Centric Design Oskar Juhlin, Yanqing Zhang, Cristine Sundbom, Ylva Fernaeus Fashionable people will adore their mobile phones much more, when the devices organically change to a shape and colors that relate their chosen dressed ensemble for the day.

Papers – Pointing and Fitts Law

Session chair: Tomer Moscovich
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 351
Paper: FFitts Law: Modeling Finger Touch with Fitts’ Law Xiaojun Bi, Yang Li, Shumin Zhai Proposed and validated a dual Gaussian distribution hypothesis, from which we derived FFitts law, a novel expansion of Fitts’ law to more reliably model touchscreen target acquisition with finger.
Paper: The Effect of Time-based Cost of Error in Target-directed Pointing Tasks Nikola Banovic, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice This paper present a model based on Fitts’ law that predicts the impact of the error cost on the user’s task completion time for target-directed pointing tasks.
Two-Part Models Capture the Impact of Gain on Pointing Performance Garth Shoemaker, Takayuki Tsukitani, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Kellogg S. Booth The paper provides empirical evidence of limitations in Fitts's Law and demonstrates how a two-part formulation by Welford's provides a model that naturally takes into account control-display gain.
Note: How Low Can You Go? Human Limits in Small Unidirectional Mouse Movements Jonathan Aceituno, Géry Casiez, Nicolas Roussel Presents an experimental protocol and corresponding findings for the mouse for measuring the smallest unidirectional movement people can perform. Details recommendation guidelines for user interfaces and devices design.
Note: Can We Beat the Mouse with MAGIC? Ribel Fares, Shaomin Fang, Oleg V Komogortsev Animated MAGIC is a novel interaction method that improves the throughput of the mouse by incorporating eye-tracking as a complementary input.

Papers – Sensing Touch

Session chair: Chris Harrison
Tuesday 11:00-12:20 352AB
Paper: GaussBits: Magnetic Tangible Bits for Portable and Occlusion-Free Near-Surface Interactions Rong-Hao Liang, Kai-Yin Cheng, Liwei Chan, Chuan-Xhyuan Peng, Mike Y. Chen, Rung-Huei Liang, De-Nian Yang, Bing-Yu Chen This work presents a system of the passive magnetic tangible designs that enables occlusion-free tangible interactions in the near-surface space of portable displays.
Paper: Swiss-Cheese Extended: An Object Recognition Method for Ubiquitous Interfaces based on Capacitive Proximity Sensing Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Andreas Braun, Felix Kamieth, Arjan Kuijper Swiss-Cheese Extended proposes a novel real-time method for recognizing continuous object parameters with capacitive proximity sensors. The method is evaluated with a study of a multi-hand interaction device.
Paper: HACHIStack: Dual-Layer Photo Touch Sensing for Haptic and Auditory Tapping Interaction Taku Hachisu, Hiroyuki Kajimoto Extends photo touch sensor architecture that can measure the approaching velocity and predict its contact time with the surface. Demonstrates its applications including no-delay haptic feedback for tapping interaction.
Paper: LongPad: A TouchPad Using the Entire Area below the Keyboard of a Laptop Computer Jiseong Gu, Seongkook Heo, Jaehyun Han, Sunjun Kim, Geehyuk Lee We implemented a proximity- and force-sensing touchpad and explored the feasibility and new possibilities of a long touchpad that utilizes the entire area below the keyboard on a laptop computer.

Tuesday, 14:00-15:20

Case Studies – Changing How We Work

Session chair: Kathy Baxter
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 252B
Best Practices for Enterprise Social Software Adoption: A Case Study of Deploying IBM Connections within IBM Meng Yang, Michael Warner, David R Millen Best-practices to drive enterprise social software adoption.
Minimizing Change Aversion for the Google Drive Launch Aaron Sedley, Hendrik Müller Case study describing change aversion and the application of change management principles to the Google Drive launch. Can assist in launching interface changes to minimize user discomfort and effort.
Do You Enjoy Getting Gifts? Keeping Personas Alive Through Marketing Materials Christina Hochleitner, Cornelia Graf, Manfred Tscheligi This case study researches the potential of persona marketing materials to improve the persona method. We present and research the effects and likeability of long-living marketing materials and consumables.
The Fingerstroke-Level Model Strikes Back: A modified Keystroke-Level Model in developing a gaming UI for 4G networks Kiburm Song, Jihoon Kim, Yoon-Han Cho, Ahreum Lee, Hokyoung Ryu we suggested a new gaming style with FLM, and confirmed that FLM serves well as the predictive model in the touch-sensitive mobile UIs.

Papers – Displays Everywhere

Session chair: Anne Roudaut
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 Blue
Paper: Reasons to Question Seven Segment Displays Harold Thimbleby Seven segment displays are familiar and ubiquitous, yet their use is problematic. This paper reviews many readability and use problems, and provides a range design questions and fixes.
Paper: Sublimate: State-Changing Virtual and Physical Rendering to Augment Interaction with Shape Displays Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Alex Olwal, Samuel Luescher, Akimitsu Hogge, Jinha Lee, Hiroshi Ishii Sublimate co-locates spatial 3D visuals with actuated shape displays. We introduce interfaces and applications that combine virtual graphics and physical form, and explores the transitions between those states.
Paper: WatchIt: Simple Gestures and Eyes-free Interaction for Wristwatches and Bracelets Simon T PERRAULT, Eric Lecolinet, James Eagan, Yves GUIARD WatchIt is a prototype device that extends interaction from a watch screen to a wristband or bracelet. We evaluate its use for discrete gestures, continuous control, and eyes-free usage.
Note: NailDisplay: Bringing an Always Available Visual Display to Fingertips Chao-Huai Su, Liwei Chan, Chien-Ting Weng, Rong-Hao Liang, Kai-Yin Cheng, Bing-Yu Chen Explores the possibility of turing fingernails into places for system input and visual output by adding a nail-mounted display.
Note: An Interactive Belt-worn Badge Norman Pohl, Steve Hodges, John Helmes, Nicolas Villar, Tim Paek This paper explores an interactive identity badge with an embedded LCD and an input mechanism based on sensing built into the retractable string which attaches it to the wearer’s belt.

Panels – Is My Doctor Listening to Me? Impact of Health IT Systems on Patient-Provider Interaction

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 241
Is My Doctor Listening to Me? Impact of Health IT Systems on Patient-Provider Interaction Yunan Chen, Karen Cheng, Charlotte Tang, Katie A Siek, Jakob E Bardram

Papers – Clinical Settings

Session chair: Xiaomu Zhou
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 242AB
Teamwork Errors in Trauma Resuscitation Aleksandra Sarcevic, Ivan Marsic, Randall S. Burd Proposes a model of teamwork and a classification of team errors based on an observational study of emergency medical teams. Identifies key information structures for computerized support of team cognition.
Paper: SimMed: Combining Simulation and Interactive Tabletops for Medical Education Ulrich von Zadow, Sandra Buron, Tina Harms, Florian Behringer, Kai Sostmann, Raimund Dachselt SimMed supports collaborative medical education using a life-sized virtual patient on a multitouch tabletop. We address the interplay between realism, immersion and training goals in this context.
Paper: Imaging the Body: Embodied Vision in Minimally Invasive Surgery Helena M. Mentis, Alex S Taylor Presents findings concerning the constructed and embodied use of images during neurosurgery. Lends itself to a discussion of the directions for new imaging interaction technologies.
Paper: A Matter of Life and Death: Practical and Ethical Constraints in the Development of a Mobile Verbal Autopsy Tool Jon Bird, Peter Byass, Kathy Kahn, Paul Mee, Edward Fottrell We describe the ethical issues raised by the field study of a mobile verbal autopsy device that identifies the probable cause of death from interviewing relatives of the deceased.

Courses – Practical Statistics for User Experience Part II 1/2

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 243
Practical Statistics for User Experience Part II Jeff Sauro, James Lewis Learn how to: compute sample sizes for user research studies (comparing designs, finding usability problems and surveys); determine if a benchmark was exceeded; and practice conducting and interpreting statistical tests.

Papers – Game Design

Session chair: Regan Mandryk
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 251
Paper: How Does It Play Better? Exploring User Testing and Biometric Storyboards in Games User Research Pejman Mirza-Babaei, Lennart E Nacke, John Gregory, Nick Collins, Geraldine Fitzpatrick Our paper is the first study of its kind presented at CHI to report on the value of game user testing and physiological evaluation in providing formative feedback for game development.
Paper: Design Metaphors for Procedural Content Generation in Games Rilla Khaled, Mark J. Nelson, Pippin Barr We present procedural content generation (PCG) design metaphors that help designers understand and appropriate PCG, and advance research by highlighting assumptions implicit in existing systems and discourse.
Paper: Prototyping in PLACE: A Scalable Approach to Developing Location-Based Apps and Games Anne E Bowser, Derek L Hansen, Jocelyn Raphael, Matthew Reid, Ryan J Gamett, Yurong R He, Dana Rotman, Jennifer J Preece PLACE is a framework for prototyping location-based apps and games that considers location, activities, and collective experience over time. PLACE is evaluated with Floracaching, a Geocaching game for citizen science.
Paper: Designing Reusable Alternate Reality Games Derek L Hansen, Elizabeth M Bonsignore, Marc Ruppel, Amanda Visconti, Kari Kraus This paper presents a framework for making Alternate Reality Games reusable, including replayable, adaptable, and extensible, and presents design strategies for implementing them.

Courses – Card Sorting for Navigation Design 1/2

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 252A
Card Sorting for Navigation Design William Hudson This half-day hands-on course covers the theory and practice of card sorting. It includes hands-on experience of performing a paper-based card sort, data capture and analysis.

Courses – Expert Reviews – For Experts 1/2

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 253
Expert Reviews – For Experts Rolf Molich Expert reviews are often conducted with poor or unsystematic methodology and thus don't always live up to their full potential. This course teaches proven methods for conducting expert reviews.

Papers – Design for the Home

Session chair: Albrecht Schmidt
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 Bordeaux
Paper: Designing for the Living Room: Long-Term User Involvement in a Living Lab Corinna Ogonowski, Benedikt Ley, Jan Hess, Lin Wan, Volker Wulf We present lessons learned from a 2.5 year period of a Living Lab project and discuss aspects that need to be considered when setting up such a research framework.
Paper: Leaving the Wild: Lessons from Community Technology Handovers Nick Taylor, Keith Cheverst, Peter Wright, Patrick Olivier We examine two cases where research prototypes were handed over to participants at the end of projects and suggest best practices for leaving technologies in the wild.
Paper: How Groups of Users Associate Wireless Devices Ming Ki Chong, Hans W Gellersen Presents a guessability study of eliciting device association techniques from groups of non-technical users. Can inform designers of how people conceptualise device association in group scenarios.
Paper: MultiNet: Reducing Interaction Overhead in Domestic Wireless Networks Anthony Brown, Richard Mortier, Tom A Rodden A novel method for securely associating devices with domestic wireless networks. Where the interaction is lightweight and consistent across all devices; improving usability, decreasing interaction overhead and enabling access revocation.

Papers – Novel Programming

Session chair: Margaret Burnett
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 342A
Paper: Use of an Agile Bridge in the Development of Assistive Technology Suzanne Prior, Annalu Waller, Thilo Kroll, Rolf Black In this paper we present a means for adults with complex communication disabilities to be involved in the User-Centred Design process through the use of a user advocate
Paper: Codeable Objects: Computational Design and Digital Fabrication for Novice Programmers Jennifer M Jacobs, Leah Buechley The combination of programing and digital fabrication offers compelling new opportunities for creative expression. Codeable Objects is a computational-design tool to support novice programmers in production of personal, physical artifacts.
Paper: I Can Do Text Analytics! Designing Development Tools for Novice Developers Huahai Yang, Daina Pupons-Wickham, Laura Chiticariu, Yunyao Li, Benjamin Nguyen, Arnaldo Carreno-Fuentes Describe a user centered iterative design process that developed a tool for text analytics, which enables novice developers to write high quality information extractors on par with state of the art with minimal training.
Paper: Debugging Support for End User Mashup Programming Sandeep Kaur Kuttal, Anita Sarma, Gregg Rothermel Debugging mashups is difficult and error-prone. We identify classes of faults in Yahoo! Pipes, present a prototype for automated fault localization, and illustrate its effectiveness via a user study.

Courses – Make This! Introduction to Electronics Prototyping Using Arduino 1/2

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 343
Make This! Introduction to Electronics Prototyping Using Arduino Wendy Ju, David Sirkin Course is a hands-on introduction to interactive electronics prototyping for people with a variety of backgrounds. Participants learn basic electronics, microcontroller programming and physical prototyping using the Arduino platform.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Managing UX Teams

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 361
Managing UX Teams Janice Rohn, Carola Fellenz Thompson

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Changing Perspectives on Sustainability: Healthy Debate or Divisive Factions?

Tuesday 14:00-15:20 362/363
Changing Perspectives on Sustainability: Healthy Debate or Divisive Factions? Daniela K Busse, Samuel Mann, Lisa P Nathan, Chris Preist

Social Impact Award

Session chair: Loren Terveen
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 Havane
Social Impact Award Sara J. Czaja from University of Miami is the recipient of the 2013 SICHI Social Impact Award, presented to individuals who promote the application of human-computer interaction research to pressing social needs.

Papers – Temporal Design

Session chair: Ann Blandford
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 351
Paper: Authoring Personal Histories: Exploring the Timeline as a Framework for Meaning Making Elizabeth A Thiry, Siân E Lindley, Richard Banks, Tim Regan We present a study of how older people made digital timelines using Project Greenwich. We explore how the constraints of the timeline metaphor offer a framework for authoring and making.
Paper: Looking Past Yesterday’s Tomorrow: Using Futures Studies Methods to Extend the Research Horizon Jennifer Mankoff, Haakon Faste, Jennifer A. Rode A review of futures studies methods used to forecast and think critically about alternative futures and their relevance for HCI \ research.
Paper: Toying with Time: Considering Temporal Themes in Interactive Artifacts Sus Lundgren This paper proposes: 1) A framework describing use of time in interactive artifacts, and 2) An ideation method for deliberately and systematically exploring potential temporal behaviors of an interactive artifact.
Paper: Designing with Traces Daniela K Rosner, Miwa Ikemiya, Diana Kim, Kristin Koch This paper introduces the analytic category of “material traces,” which with design students envision poignant relationships to the non-human, engaged physics learning, and reflection around breakage.

Papers – Tactile Experiences

Session chair: Marilyn McGee-Lennon
Tuesday 14:00-15:20 352AB
Paper: Talking about Tactile Experiences Marianna Obrist, Sue Ann Seah, Sriram Subramanian A common problem with designing applications with tactile interfaces is the lack of a vocabulary that allows one to communicate about haptics. We present a human-experiential vocabulary for tactile experiences.
Paper: Tactile Perceptions of Digital Textiles: A Design Research Approach Douglas S Atkinson, Pawel M Orzechowski, Bruna B Petreca, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Penelope Watkins, Sharon L Baurley, Stefano Padilla, Mike J Chantler This paper contributes a methodology to explore the real-life gestures used to understand tactile qualities of deformable materials and re-create their visual and proprioceptive experience in multi-gesture interactive video.
Paper: The Roles of Touch during Phone Conversations: Long-Distance Couples’ Use of POKE in Their Homes Young-Woo Park, Kyoung-Min Baek, Tek-Jin Nam Describes the roles of touch during phone conversations by observing couples’ one month use of POKE in their homes. The results show a potential new application for tactile phone conversations.
Paper: The Design and Field Observation of a Haptic Notification System for Timing Awareness During Oral Presentations Diane Tam, Karon E. MacLean, Joanna McGrenere, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker A novel presentation timing approach (automated tactile cues augment chair-speaker communication) is explored with iterative design and observation in live conference settings. Qualitative evaluation generates stakeholder needs and design recommendations.

Tuesday, 16:00-17:20

Papers – Studying Digital Artifacts

Session chair: Siân Lindley
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 252B
Paper: Digital Artifacts as Legacy: Exploring the Lifespan and Value of Digital Data Rebecca Gulotta, William T Odom, Haakon Faste, Jodi L Forlizzi We designed interactive systems to investigate how digital materials might be passed down. Sessions revealed parents desired to treat their digital information in ways not fully supported by technology.
Paper: Design for Forgetting: Disposing of Digital Possessions after a Breakup Corina Sas, Steve Whittaker This paper examines the challenges of digital possessions and their disposal following a romantic breakup. We found that digital possessions are often evocative and upsetting leading to distinct disposal strategies.
Paper: Fragmentation and Transition: Understanding Perceptions of Virtual Possessions among Young Adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States William Odom, John Zimmerman, Jodi Forlizzi, Ana López Higuera, Mauro Marchitto, José Cañas, Youn-kyung Lim, Tek-Jin Nam, Da-jung Kim, Moon-Hwan Lee, Yeoreum Lee, Yea-kyung Row, Jinmin Seok, Bokyung Sohn, Heather Moore Contributes an investigation of young adults' value construction practices with their virtual possessions in South Korea, Spain and the United States and proposes design opportunities in this emerging design space.
Paper: Instagram at the Museum: Communicating the Museum Experience through Social Photo Sharing Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman, Beata Jungselius Analyzing both instagrams and practices of instagramming, we examine the resources and concerns that shape the user-driven creation, organisation and sharing of social, multi-layered, aesthetic documents of museum experiences.

Papers – Public Displays

Session chair: Hans Gellersen
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 Blue
Paper: What Makes You Click: Exploring Visual Signals to Entice Interaction on Public Displays Hannu Kukka, Heidi Oja, Vassilis Kostakos, Jorge Gonçalves, Timo Ojala We investigate mechanisms for enticing interaction on public displays. Eight visual signals were developed and deployed on a university campus to study which visual elements work best at enticing interaction.
Paper: Interaction Techniques for Creating and Exchanging Content with Public Displays Florian Alt, Alireza Sahami, Thomas Kubitza, Albrecht Schmidt This paper presents Digifieds, a digital public notice area. We compare interaction techniques for exchanging content with public displays and show that user preferences are based on situation and privacy awareness.
Paper: Screenfinity: Extending the Perception Area of Content on Very Large Public Displays Constantin Schmidt, Jörg Müller, Gilles Bailly Presents a model for the perception area of visual interfaces, and a novel public display increasing the perception area and allowing interaction while walking. Useful for designers of large displays.
Paper: Squaring the Circle: How Framing Influences User Behavior around a Seamless Cylindrical Display Gilbert Beyer, Florian Köttner, Manuel Schiewe, Ivo Haulsen, Andreas Butz Analyzes user behavior around a cylindrical and seamless interactive column display in the wild. Helps to better understand how framing influences user positions around more complex non-planar display shapes.

Panels – Gamification @ Work

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 241
Gamification @ Work Janaki Kumar, Mario Herger, Sebastian Deterding, Scott Schnaars, Matt Landes, Erika Noll Webb

Papers – Communicating Health

Session chair: Yunan Chen
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 242AB
Paper: Messaging to Your Doctors: Understanding Patient-Provider Communications via a Portal System Si Sun, Xiaomu Zhou, Joshua C. Denny, Trent S. Rosenbloom, Hua Xu The paper presents a qualitative study on patient-provider communication messages via a patient portal system. We analyze communication themes and investigate portal's impacts on healthcare delivery and information management issues.
Paper: HeartLink: Open Broadcast of Live Biometric Data to Social Networks Franco Curmi, Maria Angela Ferrario, Jen Southern, Jon Whittle The key novelty of HeartLink is the analysis of changes in social connectedness through bio data sharing and the proposed two-way communication between the runner and the viewer.
Paper: Technology Preferences and Routines for Sharing Health Information during the Treatment of a Chronic Illness Carolyn Pang, Carman Neustaedter, Bernhard E. Riecke, Erick Oduor, Serena Hillman Describes design implications for technologies to support sharing health information within families coping with a chronic illness. Using a mixed-method approach, presents findings outlining affective benefits and costs of communication tools.
Paper: A Text Message a Day Keeps the Pulmonologist Away Tae-Jung Yun, Rosa I. I. Arriaga This paper encourages the use of ubiquitous technology for the primary stakeholder, and promotes designing technology to both replicate and extend results by using a social theory of behavior change.

Courses – Practical Statistics for User Experience Part II 2/2

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 243
Practical Statistics for User Experience Part II Jeff Sauro, James Lewis Learn how to: compute sample sizes for user research studies (comparing designs, finding usability problems and surveys); determine if a benchmark was exceeded; and practice conducting and interpreting statistical tests.

Papers – Reading and Writing

Session chair: Aaron Quigley
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 251
Paper: Community Enhanced Tutorials: Improving Tutorials with Multiple Demonstrations Benjamin Lafreniere, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice We propose a novel web-based tutorial system that gathers video demonstrations from its users. An initial study shows the presence of multiple demonstrations can help users when following a tutorial.
Paper: Kolibri – Tiny and Fast Gestures for Large Pen-based Surfaces Jakob F. Leitner, Florian Perteneder, Can Liu, Christian Rendl, Michael Haller We introduce Kolibri - a pen-based gesture system that brings shortcuts to interactive white-boards. Users can draw tiny gestures anywhere on the surface without interfering with normal inking.
Paper: Graduate Student Use of a Multi-Slate Reading System Nicholas Y Chen, François V Guimbretière, Abigail J Sellen We conducted month-long deployments of a multi-slate active reading system with graduate students in the humanities. Results confirm the importance of added display space, mobility, and support for writing.
Note: The Wheels are Turning: Content Rotation on Steering Wheel Displays David Wilfinger, Martin Murer, Sebastian Osswald, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi This paper investigates how the content of steering wheel mounted displays should react to a rotation of the wheel. Three alternatives are tested and compared with a dashboard display.

Courses – Card Sorting for Navigation Design 2/2

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 252A
Card Sorting for Navigation Design William Hudson This half-day hands-on course covers the theory and practice of card sorting. It includes hands-on experience of performing a paper-based card sort, data capture and analysis.

Courses – Expert Reviews – For Experts 2/2

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 253
Expert Reviews – For Experts Rolf Molich Expert reviews are often conducted with poor or unsystematic methodology and thus don't always live up to their full potential. This course teaches proven methods for conducting expert reviews.

Papers – Ethics in HCI

Session chair: Michael Massimi
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 Bordeaux
Paper: Categorised Ethical Guidelines for Large Scale Mobile HCI Donald McMillan, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers A discussion of ethical challenges in large scale mobile HCI trials. We identify anonymisation and user expectation as key factors and present proportional guidelines that reflect risks in these areas.
Paper: Benevolent Deception in Human Computer Interaction Eytan Adar, Desney S Tan, Jaime Teevan In this work we analyze deception intended to help the user. Using a criminology-inspired metaphor we describe the means, motive, and opportunities for deception and ideas for future research.
Paper: HCI in the Press: Online Public Reactions to Mass Media Portrayals of HCI Research John Vines, Anja Thieme, Rob Comber, Mark Blythe, Peter C Wright, Patrick Olivier Describes the use of mass-media to provoke online public commentaries of HCI projects. Will benefit those wanting to engage the public in their research and understand associated strengths and weaknesses.
Paper: The Emotional Wellbeing of Researchers: Considerations for Practice Wendy Moncur We consider the impact which research in sensitive contexts can have on researchers’ emotional wellbeing and on research validity, and ways to incorporate consideration for researchers’ wellbeing into research plans.

Papers – Embodied Interaction 2

Session chair: Lian Loke
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 342A
Paper: The Effects of Tactile Feedback and Movement Alteration on Interaction and Awareness with Digital Embodiments Andre Doucette, Regan L Mandryk, Carl Gutwin, Miguel A Nacenta, Andriy Pavlovych Presents and evaluates methods for affecting group behaviour in tabletop groupware by providing cues of physical boundaries in digital space.
Paper: Designing for Perceptual Crossing: Designing and Comparing Three Behaviors Eva Deckers, Stephan Wensveen, Pierre Levy, Rene Ahn We show how to design for perceptual crossing between person and artifact. An experiment shows that person and artifact engage in this strong reciprocal interplay of perceiving and being perceived.
Paper: I See You There! Developing Identity-Preserving Embodied Interaction for Museum Exhibits Francesco Cafaro, Alessandro Panella, Leilah B. Lyons, Jessica Roberts, Josh Radinsky Describes a system that merges input from RFID and Kinect using a probabilistic model: combines fine-grained tracking with identity preservation, supporting the design of personalized embodied interaction for museum exhibits
Paper: In-body Experiences: Embodiment, Control, and Trust in Robot-Mediated Communication Irene Rae, Leila A Takayama, Bilge Mutlu Presents empirical results of a controlled experiment on the effects of embodiment and control on trust in user interactions. Offers design guidelines and theoretical implications for robot-mediated communication systems.

Courses – Make This! Introduction to Electronics Prototyping Using Arduino 2/2

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 343
Make This! Introduction to Electronics Prototyping Using Arduino Wendy Ju, David Sirkin Course is a hands-on introduction to interactive electronics prototyping for people with a variety of backgrounds. Participants learn basic electronics, microcontroller programming and physical prototyping using the Arduino platform.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – HCI with Sports

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 361
HCI with Sports Florian Mueller, Rohit A Khot, Alan D Chatham, Sebastiaan Pijnappel, Cagdas "Chad" Toprak, Joe Marshall

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – SIG: NVI (Non-Visual Interaction)

Tuesday 16:00-17:20 362/363
SIG: NVI (Non-Visual Interaction) Anke M. Brock, Slim Kammoun, Hugo Nicolau, Tiago Guerreiro, Shaun K. Kane, Christophe Jouffrais

Papers – Design Research

Session chair: Daniela Busse
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 Havane
Strong Concepts: Intermediate-level Knowledge in Interaction Design Research Kristina Höök, Jonas Löwgren Design-oriented research can construct knowledge that is more abstracted than particular instances, without being at the scope of generalized theories. We propose an intermediate design knowledge form: strong concepts.
Paper: Crossing the Bridge over Norman's Gulf of Execution: Revealing Feedforward's True Identity Jo Vermeulen, Kris Luyten, Elise van den Hoven, Karin Coninx We reframe feedforward and disambiguate it from feedback and perceived affordances. We describe a reference framework for designers that allows them to explore and recognize different opportunities for feedforward.
Paper: Q-Methodology as a Research and Design Tool for HCI Kathleen O'Leary, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Eve A. Riskin HCI-Q provides statistically valid and qualitatively rich perspectives of the personal significance of designs. HCI-Q provides design constraints by leveraging statistical methods to reveal consensus and conflict among those perspectives.
Note: Design Research at CHI and its Applicability to Design Practice David J Roedl, Erik Stolterman We present an analysis of papers from CHI 2011 and draw on interviews with professional designers to suggest ways that CHI research can better support practice.
Note: DesignLibs: A Scenario-Based Design Method for Ideation Jared S Bauer, Julie A Kientz This note provides a study of a new design method we developed called “DeisgnLibs”. DesignLibs is an ideation technique with potential users inspired by the children’s game Mad Libs.

Papers – Developing the World

Session chair: Jon Froehlich
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 351
Paper: Powering the Cellphone Revolution: Findings from Mobile Phone Charging Trials in Off-Grid Kenya Susan P. Wyche, Laura L. Murphy We provide empirical evidence demonstrating the potential for human-powered devices to meet the phone charging needs of rural, off-grid, mobile phone users in Africa.
Paper: Deep Conservation in Urban India and its Implications for the Design of Conservation Technologies Yedendra B Shrinivasan, Mohit Jain, Deva P Seetharam, Abhishek Choudhary, Elaine M Huang, Tawanna Dillahunt, Jennifer Mankoff We present a study of energy, water and fuel conservation practices in urban India to highlight a culture of deep conservation and identify new \ opportunities for relevant resource conservation technologies.
Paper: Fighting against the Wall: Social Media use by Political Activists in a Palestinian Village Volker Wulf, Konstantin Aal, Ibrahim Abu Kteish, Meryem Atam, Kai Schubert , George Yerousis, David William Randall, Markus Rohde We analyze practices of political activists in a Palestinian village, who demonstrate against Israel’s settlement policy and the separation wall. We describe how social media is appropriated to facilitate interaction ‘on the ground’.
Paper: The Mobile Media Actor-Network in Urban India Neha Kumar, Nimmi Rangaswamy This paper describes the vast, growing mobile media consumption culture in urban India, which relies on the ubiquity of informal socioeconomic practices for reproducing, sharing, and distributing pirated digital media.

Papers – Collaborative Creation

Session chair: Xianghua Ding
Tuesday 16:00-17:20 352AB
Paper: Cascade: Crowdsourcing Taxonomy Creation Lydia B Chilton, Greg Little, Darren Edge, Daniel S Weld, James A Landay Cascade is a novel crowd algorithm that produces a global understanding of large datasets. Cascade is an online algorithm. The tasks given to workers are quick and parallelizable. \
Paper: Let’s Get Together: The Formation and Success of Online Creative Collaborations Burr H Settles, Steven P Dow We study an online music community by combining a novel path-based regression analysis of the social network with traditional member surveys, uncovering factors that affect online creative collaborations.
Paper: A Tribute to Mad Skill: Expert Amateur Visuality and World of Warcraft Machinima Tyler Pace, Austin L Toombs, Shad D. Gross, Tony Pattin, Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell Analyzing a canon of 300 World of Warcraft machinima, we present findings on the role of creativity support tools in fostering visual design skills among expert amateur machinimators.
Note: Virtual Birding: Extending an Environmental Pastime into the Virtual World for Citizen Science Mark Cottman-Fields, Margot Brereton, Paul Roe This paper investigates how to engage the experienced birder with local knowledge to extend their hobby online. We explore interaction designs for identifying bird vocalisations in large recorded audio datasets gathered through environmental acoustic monitoring.
Note: Warping Time for More Effective Real-Time Crowdsourcing Walter S. Lasecki, Christopher D. Miller, Jeffrey P. Bigham We present TimeWarp, a crowdsourcing approach that allows workers to individually complete continuous tasks that involve streaming media at reduced speeds, while the crowd can collectively keep up with real-time.


Wednesday, 9:00-10:20

Alt.CHI papers – Design Lessons

Session chair: Mark Perry
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 252B
“Sergey Brin is Batman”: Google’s Project Glass and the Instigation of Computer Adoption in Popular Culture Isabel Pedersen, Doug Trueman This humanities paper argues that Google's Project Glass is an instigator for the adoption of a new HCI platform, the wearable eye display, operating in popular culture discourses.
Talkative Objects in Need of Interpretation. Re-Thinking Digital Badges in Education Razvan Rughinis I examine debates concerning digital badges in education, and I propose two definitions of badges as ‘routes through an activity system’ and as ‘genres of hint-based multi-authored testimony of learning’.
Beyond Recognition: Using Gesture Variation for Continuous Interaction Baptiste Caramiaux, Frederic Bevilacqua, Atau Tanaka The goal of this paper is to tap the richness of expressive variation in gesture to facilitate continuous interaction through novel techniques of adaptation and estimation of gesture characteristics.
Design Activism in the HCI Classroom Sabrina Hauser, Audrey Desjardins, Ron Wakkary This paper encourages future articulation and practice of design activism in HCI and HCI education.
Fillables: Everyday Vessels as Tangible Controllers with Adjustable Haptics Christian Corsten, Chat Wacharamanotham, Jan Borchers Tuning TUIs ad-hoc by filling water into everyday objects. Reports how users can discriminate different filling levels that make virtual granularity (video navigation, virtual brush size) perceptible eyes-free.
A Load of Cobbler’s Children: Beyond the Model Designing Processor Gilbert Cockton Critiques common criteria applied when assessing research on innovative design and evaluation methods, and proposes resource function vocabularies as better lenses for focusing assessment of method effectiveness in interaction design

Papers – Aesthetics and the Web

Session chair: Effie Law
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 Blue
Paper: Predicting Users' First Impressions of Website Aesthetics With a Quantification of Perceived Visual Complexity and Colorfulness Katharina Reinecke, Tom Yeh, Luke Miratrix, Yuechen Zhao, Rahmatri Mardiko, Jenny Liu, Krzysztof Z. Z. Gajos We collected colorfulness, complexity, and overall visual appeal ratings from 548 volunteers. Utilizing these data, we developed models that accurately predict perceived visual complexity and perceived colorfulness in websites based on computational image statistics.
Paper: Love it or Hate it! Interactivity and User Types Jennefer Hart, Alistair G Sutcliffe, Antonella De Angeli Demonstrates a mixed methods approach that identifies the importance of interactivity and repeated exposure in positively influencing UX and shows that different levels of UX can be explained through use types
Paper: SPRWeb: Preserving Subjective Responses to Website Colour Schemes through Automatic Recolouring David R Flatla, Katharina Reinecke, Carl Gutwin, Krzysztof Z Gajos SPRWeb equalizes website experience for people with colour vision deficiency by improving colour differentiation (like previous recolouring tools), but also maintains the original colour scheme's subjective properties ('warmth', 'weight', 'activity').
User-Experience from an Inference Perspective Paul van Schaik, Marc Hassenzahl, Jonathan Ling The research provides consistent evidence for how people infer specific user-experience attributes of an interactive product from other attributes or broader evaluations, such as beauty or an overall evaluation.

Panels – Theory and Practice in UX Research: Uneasy Bedfellows?

Wednesday 9:00-10:20 241
Theory and Practice in UX Research: Uneasy Bedfellows? Marianna Obrist, Peter C Wright, Kari Kuutti, Yvonne Rogers, Kristina Höök, Pardha S Pyla, Jean-Louis Frechin

Papers – Evaluation Methods 2

Session chair: Manfred Tscheligi
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 242AB
Backtracking Events as Indicators of Usability Problems in Creation-Oriented Applications David Akers, Robin Jeffries, Matthew Simpson, Terry Winograd Three experiments demonstrate that backtracking events such as undo are useful indicators of usability problems for creation-oriented applications. This insight yields a new cost-effective usability evaluation method, backtracking analysis.
Paper: Analyzing Users' Narratives to Understand Experience with Interactive Products Alexandre N Tuch, Rune Trusell, Kasper Hornbæk Analyzes narratives of experience with interactive technology with manual and automatic methods. Helps understand the content of such experiences and the relative benefits of methods for studying them.
Paper: Extracting Usability and User Experience Information from Online User Reviews Steffen Hedegaard, Jakob Grue Simonsen We chart the occurrences of usability and user experience dimensions and their associated vocabulary found in online reviews of software and video games. \
Note: UMUX-LITE – When There’s No Time for the SUS James R. Lewis, Brian S. Utesch, Deborah E. Maher The UMUX-LITE is a concise (two-item) usability satisfaction questionnaire. Psychometric evaluation indicates its potential usefulness when it is critical to quickly obtain a SUS-like measurement.
Note: Non-parametric Decision Trees and Online HCI Torben H Sko, Henry J Gardner, Michael A Martin Through an online study of head interaction techniques, we show that classification and regression trees provide a practical way to analyse the large and complex datasets typical of online HCI.

Courses – The Past 100 Years of the Future: CHI/HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and Television 1/2

Wednesday 9:00-10:20 243
The Past 100 Years of the Future: CHI/HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and Television Aaron Marcus We examine CHI/HCI/UX in sci-fi movies/television from the last 100 years and consider usability, usefulness, and appeal. Participants will learn how to analyze user-centered design in popular media.

Papers – Design for the Blind

Session chair: Shaun Kane
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 251
Paper: Listen to it yourself! Evaluating Usability of "What's Around Me?" for the Blind Sabrina A. Panëels, Adriana Olmos, Jeffrey R. Blum, Jeremy R Cooperstock We present the results of the usability evaluation, conducted in realistic settings, of a novel spatial awareness smartphone application that conveys surrounding points of interest to the blind.
Enabling the Blind to See Gestures Francis Quek, Francisco CMB Oliveira Our contributions are on the understanding of how gestural interaction may be designed as part of a multimodal system and on applying Durish's embodiment theory to solving practical issues. \
Paper: Visual Challenges in the Everyday Lives of Blind People Erin Brady, Meredith Ringel Morris, Yu Zhong, Samuel C White, Jeffrey P Bigham Our results improve the understanding of the visual problems blind people face everyday by examining a sample of the 40,000 questions asked by blind VizWiz Social users.
Paper: Accessible Photo Album: Enhancing the Photo Sharing Experience for People with Visual Impairment Susumu Harada, Daisuke Sato, Dustin W Adams, Sri Kurniawan, Hironobu Takagi, Chieko Asakawa Study of how to support people with visual impairments to partake in photo capturing and sharing activities. Results from online survey and user study evaluation of custom accessible iPhone app.

Courses – Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments 1/2

Wednesday 9:00-10:20 253
Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments Frank Steinicke, Yon Visell, Jennifer Campos, Anatole Lécuyer In this course we will present an overview about interactive locomotion interfaces for computer generated virtual environments using state-of-the-art technology and approaches.

Papers – Mobile Interaction

Session chair: Scott Hudson
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 Bordeaux
Paper: A Study on Icon Arrangement by Smartphone Users Matthias Böhmer, Antonio Krüger This paper studies peoples' arrangements of icons in smartphone menus. From 1,400+ menu screenshots we distill five fundamental concepts for arranging icons. Implications are useful for designing mobile launcher menus.
Paper: SeeSay and HearSay CAPTCHAs for Mobile Interaction Sajad Shirali-Shahreza, Gerald Penn, Ravin Balakrishnan, Yashar Ganjali We propose two alternative designs for CAPTCHAs in which the user says the answer instead of typing it. Output stimuli are provided visually (SeeSay) or auditorily (HearSay).
Paper: Phoneprioception: Enabling Mobile Phones to Infer Where They Are Kept Jason W Wiese, T. Scott Saponas, A.J. Bernheim Brush We examined where people keep their phones through interviews and an ESM study and demonstrate that reasonably accurate classifications are possible with industry-standard sensors, improved by several other low-cost sensors.
Note: Facilitating Parallel Web Browsing through Multiple-Page View Wenchang Xu, Chun Yu, Songmin Zhao, Jie Liu, Yuanchun Shi We propose the multiple-page view to provide users with the experience of visiting multiple web pages in one browser window and tab with extensions of prevalent desktop web browsers.
Note: Swipe Vs. Scroll: Web Page Switching on Mobile Browsers Andrew Warr, Ed H Chi We present an experiment comparing Safari’s pages-based switching interface using horizontal swiping gestures with the stacked cards-based switching interface using vertical scrolling gestures, introduced by Chrome.

Papers – Performing Interaction

Session chair: Leah Findlater
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 342A
Paper: Flights in my Hands: Coherence Concerns in Designing Strip’TIC, a Tangible Space for Air Traffic Controllers Catherine Letondal, Christophe Hurter, Rémi Lesbordes, Jean-Luc Vinot, Stéphane Conversy We reflect upon the design of a paper-based tangible space to support air traffic control. We propose a new account of coherence for mixed interaction that integrates cognitive externalization mechanisms.
Paper: PixelTone: A Multimodal Interface for Image Editing Gierad Laput, Mira Dontcheva, Gregg Wilensky, Walter Chang, Aseem Agarwala, Jason Linder, Eytan Adar PixelTone is a multimodal photo editing interface that combines speech and direct manipulation.
Paper: The Space Between the Notes: Adding Expressive Pitch Control to the Piano Keyboard Andrew P McPherson, Adrian Gierakowski, Adam M Stark This paper presents an extended keyboard interface that engages with pianists' existing training and expertise. Touch sensors add expressive vibrato and pitch bend capabilities without interfering with traditional technique.
Note: Reflexive Loopers for Solo Musical Improvisation Francois Pachet, Pierre Roy, Julian Moreira, Mark d'Inverno We describe a system that automatically learns the accompaniement style of a musician from a real-time jazz performance. The system can then be used to perform trios with themselves.
Note: 8D: Interacting with a Relightable Glasses-Free 3D Display Matthew Hirsch, Shahram Izadi, Henry Holtzman, Ramesh Raskar We contribute a real-time, relightable, glasses-free 3D display with horizontal and vertical parallax, two interaction scenarios: relightable objects and virtual x-ray, and propose an architecture for future light field interaction devices.

Courses – Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices 1/3

Wednesday 9:00-10:20 343
Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices Allison Druin, Jerry Fails, Mona Leigh Guha, Greg Walsh This course will offer a balance of traditional lecture and hands-on design activities, and will cover techniques that balance the voices and contributions of adults and children.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – HCI for Peace Ideathon

Wednesday 9:00-10:20 362/363
HCI for Peace Ideathon Juan Pablo Hourcade, Lisa P Nathan, Panayiotis Zaphiris, Massimo Zancanaro, Evangelos Kapros, John C Thomas, Daniela K Busse

Papers – Engagement

Session chair: Eva Hornecker
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 Havane
Paper: Exploring the Effects of Space and Place on Engagement with an Interactive Installation Imeh Akpan, Paul Marshall, Jon Bird, Daniel Harrison We studied how people engaged with the same interactive installation in ten situations with varying spatial and social properties. The main finding across these studies is that place trumps space
Paper: Focused and Casual Interactions: Allowing Users to Vary Their Level of Engagement Henning Pohl, Roderick Murray-Smith Investigates how to enable users to vary their engagement in interactions, allowing them to use casual interactions for less \ precision but also with less effort when e.g. tired or busy.
Paper: Designing Engagement-aware Agents for Multiparty Conversations Qianli Xu, Liyuan Li, Gang Wang Presents quantitative methods to evaluate users’ engagement state and intentions from visual cues. Can assist the design of conversational agents for multiparty dialog in the public space.
Paper: Ownership and Control of Point of View in Remote Assistance Joel Lanir, Ran Stone, Benjamin Cohen, Pavel Gurevich This work investigates user performance and behavior related to the issue of who controls the point of view of a gesturing device in a remote assistance scenario

Papers – Knowledge Managment

Session chair: Volker Wulf
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 351
Paper: Effects of Peer Feedback on Contribution: A Field Experiment in Wikipedia Haiyi Zhu, Amy X Zhang, Jiping He, Robert E Kraut, Aniket Kittur The paper furthers our understanding of the effects of peer feedback in online communities and provides practical guidance to design more effective peer feedback systems.
Paper: Activity-Centric Support for Ad Hoc Knowledge Work - A Case Study of co-Activity Manager Steven Houben, Jakob E Bardram, Jo Vermeulen, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx The core contribution of this paper is the design of a desktop manager that supports personal and collaborative activity-centric workflows with integrated activity-centric collaboration and interruption management tools.
Paper: Turbulence in the Clouds: Challenges of Cloud-Based Information Work Amy Voida, Judith S. Olson, Gary M. Olson Presents results of a qualitative study of information management in the cloud. Describes challenges that will be relevant to designers involved with both cloud-based services and federated identity management.
Note: Factors Impacting Community Response in an Interest-Sharing Network Iris Howley, Todd Newman This study looks at archival data from a new interest-sharing network,, in order to better understand what user-shared content receives most interaction from others in the community.
Note: Using an Open Card Sort with Children to Categorize Games in a Mobile Phone Application Store Brendan M Cassidy, Dipti S Antani, Janet C C Read The paper found that when compared with existing categories, children chose categories more aligned to a games goals/aims rather than the more abstract categories currently found in app stores.

Papers – Touch Interaction

Session chair: Emmanuel Pietriga
Wednesday 9:00-10:20 352AB
Paper: How Fast is Fast Enough? A Study of the Effects of Latency in Direct-Touch Pointing Tasks Ricardo Jota, Albert Ng, Paul H Dietz, Daniel J Wigdor Further explores the issue of the effects of latency on input performance. We find that, for pointing on direct-touch, even extremely low latencies reduce performance.
Paper: TouchViz: A Case Study Comparing Two Interfaces for Data Analytics on Tablets Steven M. Drucker, Danyel Fisher, Ramik Sadana, Jessica Herron, m.c. schraefel Two different design approaches to touch based data analytics and an evaluation of relative advantages and benefits thereof.
Paper: W3Touch: Metrics-based Web Page Adaptation for Touch Michael Nebeling, Maximilian Speicher, Moira Norrie W3Touch contributes a new method of adapting user interfaces for touch interaction, supporting automation based on usability metrics and the evidence of interaction problems on different forms of touch devices.
Note: FlashTouch: Data Communication through Touchscreens Masa Ogata, Yuta Sugiura, Hirotaka Osawa, Michita Imai FlashTouch is a new technology that enables data communication between touchscreen-based mobile devices and digital peripheral devices using visible light and capacitive touch.
Note: Augmented Letters: Mnemonic Gesture-Based Shortcuts Quentin Roy, Sylvain Malacria, Yves Guiard, Eric Lecolinet, James Eagan Appending a tail to the first letter of a command: Augmented Letters allows users to memorize larger command shortcut vocabularies than Marking Menus, with no overall speed cost.

Wednesday, 11:00-12:20

Case Studies – Novel Settings

Session chair: Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 252B
Counter Entropy: Visualizing Power Consumption in an Energy+ House Florian Heller, Konstantinos Tsoleridis, Jan O Borchers This Case Study presents the design and evaluation of a home automation control application that supports easy understanding and analysis of household energy consumption.
Biometric Interaction – a Case Study of Visual Feedback and Privacy Issues in New Face Recognition Solutions Per Kvarnbrink, Karin Fahlquist, Thomas Mejtoft This study brings a face recognition algorithm into a real-life gate system at an indoor training facility. The goal was to make the system efficient, easy to use and friendly.
A Software Development Methodology for Sustainable ICTD Solutions Joerg Doerflinger, Andy Dearden, Tom Gross Case study describing development of a software development methodology that supports development of sustainable and scalable long-term ICTD solutions. Can assist ICTD software development projects.
What Should I Read Next? Awareness of Relevant Publications Through a Community of Practice Gonzalo Parra, Joris Klerkx, Erik Duval This case study presents the design and findings of TiNYARM, a Science 2.0 tool that enables researchers to share and suggest reading activities with their peers.

Papers – Data Navigation

Session chair: Andrea Bunt
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 Blue
Paper: Improving Navigation-Based File Retrieval Stephen Fitchett, Andy Cockburn, Carl Gutwin Introduces three interfaces to improve navigation-based file retrieval. Empirical studies show they are subjectively preferred and decrease retrieval times for both new and revisited items.
Paper: Carpe ́ Data: Supporting Serendipitous Data Integration in Personal Information Management Max Van Kleek, Daniel A Smith, Heather S Packer, Jim Skinner, Nigel R Shadbolt This paper focuses on the problem of user-driven data integration on the Web, with the objective of enabling end-users to use the emerging ecosystems of structured data APIs and feeds.
Paper: The Challenges of Specifying Intervals and Absences in Temporal Queries: A Graphical Language Approach Megan Monroe, Rongjian Lan, Juan Morales del Olmo, Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Jeff A Millstein Our contributions incude an assessment of the primary user difficulties in specifying queries involving intervals and absences, and two novel temporal query interfaces, designed to offer intuitive access to a wide range of temporal relationships.
Paper: Beyond the Filter Bubble: Interactive Effects of Perceived Threat and Topic Involvement on Selective Exposure to Information Q. Vera Liao, Wai-Tat Fu Investigated whether information bubble can emerge from people's preferential selection between attitude reinforcing versus attitude challenging information in an online environment, and the roles situational factors and personal factors play.

Panels – Digital Arts: Did You Feel That?

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 241
Digital Arts: Did You Feel That? ernest a edmonds, Steve Benford, Zafer Bilda, Jill Fantauzzacoffin, Roger Malina, Hugues Vinet

Papers – Passwords and Errors

Session chair: Ian Oakley
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 242AB
Paper: My Profile Is My Password, Verify Me! The Privacy/Convenience Tradeoff of Facebook Connect Serge Egelman We experimentally measure informed consent across users of Facebook Connect, the most widely-used single sign-on (SSO) implementation, to examine whether users understand they are trading privacy for convenience.
Paper: Does My Password Go up to Eleven? The Impact of Password Meters on Password Selection Serge Egelman, Andreas Sotirakopoulos, Ildar Irekovich Muslukhov, Konstantin Beznosov, Cormac Herley We show that password meters result in stronger passwords during changes to "important" accounts, whereas they do not have an observable effect when users create new passwords for "unimportant" accounts.
Paper: Back-of-Device Authentication on Smartphones Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Ngo Dieu Huong Nguyen, Max-Emanuel Maurer, Elisa Rubegni, Marcello Paolo Scipioni, Marc Langheinrich Presents a system that uses gestures on the back of a mobile device to authenticate. Shoulder surfing resistance is significantly improved while remaining reasonably fast and easy to use.
Note: Using Fake Cursors to Secure On-Screen Password Entry Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Laurent Pichler, Heinrich Hussmann Presents a system that uses fake cursors to secure password entry on on-screen keyboards. An evaluation of the system shows that shoulder surfing resistance is significantly improved.
Note: Using Redundancy to Detect Human Error Sarah Wiseman, Anna L Cox, Duncan P Brumby, Sandy J J Gould, Sarah O'Carroll We explore ways in which a checksum may be used to prevent number entry errors. We look at two methods for implementing the system and highlight the benefits of each.

Courses – The Past 100 Years of the Future: CHI/HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and Television 2/2

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 243
The Past 100 Years of the Future: CHI/HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and Television Aaron Marcus We examine CHI/HCI/UX in sci-fi movies/television from the last 100 years and consider usability, usefulness, and appeal. Participants will learn how to analyze user-centered design in popular media.

Interacting with CHI

Session chair: Wendy Mackay
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 251
Interacting with CHI We have created various technologies for exploring the CHI 2013 program, including video previews, large-screen interactive schedules, the mobile app and even author sourcing the program. Find out how we did this and give us feedback for next year.

Student Research Competition

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 252A
Student Research Competition The Student Research Competition (SRC) is a forum for undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes at CHI 2013. Sponsored by Microsoft Research, the CHI SRC competition is a branch of the ACM Student Research Competition which hosts similar competitions at other ACM conferences.

Courses – Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments 2/2

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 253
Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments Frank Steinicke, Yon Visell, Jennifer Campos, Anatole Lécuyer In this course we will present an overview about interactive locomotion interfaces for computer generated virtual environments using state-of-the-art technology and approaches.

Papers – Social Tagging

Session chair: Margot Brereton
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 Bordeaux
Paper: All the News that’s Fit to Read: A Study of Social Annotations for News Reading Chinmay Eishan Kulkarni, Ed H Chi Compares annotations for news in logged-in and logged-out contexts. When logged-out, annotations by companies are persuasive, but by strangers aren't. When logged-in, friend annotations are persuasive and improve satisfaction.
Paper: "Shared Joy is Double Joy": The Social Practices of User Networks Within Group Shopping Sites Serena Hillman, Carman Neustaedter, Carolyn Pang, Erick Oduor eCommerce has transformed with the emergence of social, apps and mobile. One emerging area is group shopping sites. We investigate these users' routines, sharing networks, purpose and chosen mediums.
Paper: "I Need to Try This!": A Statistical Overview of Pinterest Eric Gilbert, Saeideh Bakhshi, Shuo Chang, Loren Terveen We use a quantitative approach to study activity, gender and distinctiveness on Pinterest. This work serves as an early snapshot of Pinterest that later work can leverage.
Beyond Recommendations: Local Review Websites and Their Impact Barry Brown Study of how reviews are used on the Yelp and Tripadvisor websites, develops new implications for recommendation systems.

Papers – Food and Health

Session chair: Katherine Isbister
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 342A
Paper: I am What I Eat: Identity & Critical Thinking in an Online Health Forum for Kids Andrea Grimes Parker, Ian McClendon, Catherine Grevet, Victoria Ayo, WonTaek Chung, Veda Johnson, Elizabeth D Mynatt We discuss the design and evaluation of an online forum—TalkBack—that encourages children to critically analyze the messaging in food advertisements and their attitudes towards marketed foods.
Paper: Domestic Food and Sustainable Design: A Study of University Student Cooking and its Impacts Adrian K Clear, Mike Hazas, Janine Morley, Adrian Friday, Oliver Bates 523 meals over 21 days: 705 kg carbon, 325 kWh of electricity. Interviews, cameras and power meters reveal food's impacts, situated within everyday life. Come ponder the sustainable design challenges.
Paper: Food Practices as Situated Action: Exploring and designing for everyday food practices with households Rob Comber, Jettie Hoonhout, Aart T van Halteren, Paula Moynihan, Patrick Olivier This paper describes everyday practices of food shopping, preparation and consumption. The paper contributes design recommendations and rich descriptions of the configuration of food practices.
Paper: Tailoring Persuasive Health Games to Gamer Type Rita Orji, Regan L. Mandryk, Julita Vassileva, Kathrin Maria Gerling We developed models of the efficacy of different motivators of health behavior. Serious game designers can use our results to tailor their games to different player types, potentially increasing the efficacy of persuasive health games

Courses – Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices 3/3

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 343
Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices Allison Druin, Jerry Fails, Mona Leigh Guha, Greg Walsh This course will offer a balance of traditional lecture and hands-on design activities, and will cover techniques that balance the voices and contributions of adults and children.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Invited SIG - HCI: An Asian Perspective

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 361
Invited SIG - HCI: An Asian Perspective Gahgene Gweon, Leong-Hwee Teo

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – On Top of the User Experience Wave – How is Our Work Changing?

Wednesday 11:00-12:20 362/363
On Top of the User Experience Wave – How is Our Work Changing? Virpi Roto, Arnie Lund

Papers – Mobile Applications

Session chair: Sunny Consolvo
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 Havane
Paper: When the Price Is Right: Enabling Time-Dependent Pricing of Broadband Data Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Jasika Bawa, Mung Chiang We study economics and user behavior jointly within HCI and report on qualitative findings from a trial of time-dependent pricing for mobile data to help reduce network congestion.
Paper: Mobile Advertising: Evaluating the Effects of Animation, User and Content Relevance Marco de Sa, Vidhya Navalpakkam, Elizabeth F Churchill Study on animation, user and content relevance on mobile ads. Results indicate personal relevance leads to better experiences, content relevance to better ad recall and blinking animation affects user experience.
Enriching Archaeological Parks with Contextual Sounds and Mobile Technology Carmelo Ardito, Maria Francesca Costabile, Antonella De Angeli, Rosa Lanzilotti Explore! is an educational pervasive game for pupils exploring sites of cultural interest. The soundscape model implemented in Explore! helps visitors to navigate a site and feel its historical atmosphere.
Paper: Validating a Mobile Phone Application for the Everyday, Unobtrusive, Objective Measurement of Sleep Shaun W Lawson, Sue Jamison-Powell, Andrew Thomas Garbett, Conor Linehan, Erica Kucharczyk, Sanne Verbaan, Duncan A Rowland, Kevin Morgan This paper describes the validation, using long standing methods from the sleep research community, of an Android phone app that can be used to record sleep and measure sleep efficiency.

Papers – Crime and Conflicts

Session chair: Jeffrey Bardzell
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 351
Paper: Protecting the Home: Exploring the Roles of Technology and Citizen Activism from a Burglar's Perspective Sheena Lewis Erete Examines how burglars perceive deterrents. Finds that alarms, cameras, etc. do not dissuade burglars. In-person citizen activism is the strongest deterrent. Presents implications for crime prevention technology and activist research.
Paper: Digital Portraits: Photo-sharing After Domestic Violence Rachel Elizabeth Clarke, Peter C Wright, Madeline Balaam, John McCarthy Taking a feminist arts action research approach, we detail an account of engaging women in photo-sharing who have had experiences of domestic violence, in the early stages of longitudinal participatory research.
Paper: Envisioning Across Generations: A Multi-lifespan Information System for International Justice in Rwanda Daisy Yoo, Milli Lake, Trond Nilsen, Molly E Utter, Robert Alsdorf, Theoneste Bizimana, Lisa P Nathan, Mark Ring, Elizabeth J Utter, Robert F Utter, Batya Friedman With this research we investigate how to account for multi-generational perspectives in the design of multi-lifespan information systems, particularly in support of long-term peace-building and international justice.
Paper: Digital Apartheid: An Ethnographic Account of Racialised HCI in Cape Town Hip-Hop Gary W Pritchard, John Vines Ethnography of Cape Town hip-hop performers exploring how technology such as social media supports yet inhibits the development and sustainment of their careers. Raises implications for HCI4D and post-colonial computing.

Papers – Haptics

Session chair: Koji Yatani
Wednesday 11:00-12:20 352AB
Paper: Gesture Output: Eyes-Free Output: Using a Force Feedback Touch Surface Anne Roudaut, Andreas Rau, Christoph Sterz, Max Plauth, Pedro Lopes, Patrick Baudisch We propose using spatial gestures not only for input but also for output. Analogous to gesture input, gesture output moves the user’s finger in a gesture, which the user then recognizes.
Paper: Reality Jockey: Lifting the Barrier between Alternate Realities through Audio and Haptic Feedback Kevin Fan, Hideyuki Izumi, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, Naotaka Fujii, Susumu Tachi This research works on the concept of how alternate realities from the past can be re-experienced with immersion through the cross-modality of audio and haptics.
Paper: Real-Time Perception-Level Translation from Audio Signals to Vibrotactile Effects Jaebong Lee, Seungmoon Choi This paper presents an automatic translation framework that creates vibrotactile effects from audio content with explicit understandings of the perceptual consequences, for easy production of tactile effects for multimedia content.
Note: Muscle-Propelled Force Feedback: Bringing Force Feedback to Mobile Devices Pedro A. Lopes, Patrick M. Baudisch We propose mobile force feedback devices by eliminating motors and instead actuating the user’s muscles using electrical stimulation. Without the motors, we obtain substantially smaller and more energy-efficient devices.
Note: uTouch: Sensing Touch Gestures on Unmodified LCDs Ke-Yu Chen, Gabe A Cohn, Sidhant Gupta, Shwetak N Patel We developed a system that allows any LCD or LED monitors to be converted into a touch sensitive surface without instrunmenting the user or installing the sensors on the monitor.

Wednesday, 14:00-15:20

Alt.CHI papers – Ethics

Session chair: Lilly Irani
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 252B
On Legitimacy: Designer as Minor Scientist Aysar Ghassan, Mark A. Blythe Utilising Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari’s metaphysics, this paper contributes to discussion on the nature of legitimacy in User Experience research.
Ethical Issues and Guidelines when Conducting HCI Studies with Animals Heli K Väätäjä, Emilia K Pesonen This paper addresses the ethical issues, presents the related key concepts and provides guidelines on planning, carrying out and reporting the studies with animals.
“Un-Googling” Publications: The Ethics and Problems of Anonymization Irina A Shklovski, Janet Vertesi How to protect our study participants from inadvertent identification in the era of powerful indexing, search and retrieval algorithms? We propose a solution.
STALLTALK: Graffiti, Toilets, and Anonymous Location based Micro Blogging Jonathan Friedman, Michael Horn Stalltalk is a anonymous location based microblogging system that is used in bathrooms to explore toilet humor and digital graffiti. You can visit our site and participate at!
Critical InfoVis: Exploring the Politics of Visualization Marian Dörk, Patrick Feng, Christopher M Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale Building on experiences in related domains, we outline a critical approach to information visualization that promotes disclosure, plurality, contingency, and empowerment, and pose challenges and opportunities for the visualization community.
CHI and the Future Robot Enslavement of Humankind; A Retrospective Ben Kirman, Conor Linehan, Shaun Lawson, Dan O'Hara Time travelling robots celebrate the CHI community for hastening the future enslavement of mankind by evil machines

Papers – Fabrication

Session chair: Alex Olwal
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 Blue
Paper: LaserOrigami: Laser-Cutting 3D Objects Stefanie Mueller, Bastian Kruck, Patrick Baudisch LaserOrigami is a rapid prototyping system that produces 3D objects using a laser cutter. LaserOrigami is substantially faster than 3D-printing and unlike traditional laser cutting it requires no manual assembly.
Paper: Evaluating the Efficiency of Physical Visualizations Yvonne Jansen, Pierre Dragicevic, Jean-Daniel Fekete Presents an infovis study comparing physical to on-screen visualizations. Identifies and evaluates inherent properties of physical interfaces.
Paper: Democratizing Technology: Pleasure, Utility and Expressiveness in DIY and Maker Practice Joshua G Tanenbaum, Amanda M Williams, Audrey Desjardins, Karen Tanenbaum A critical analysis of the practices, values, and politics of Maker and DIY Culture and its implications for HCI Research.
Note: FreeD – A Freehand Digital Sculpting Tool Amit Zoran, Joseph A. Paradiso This paper explores the intersection of craft and digital fabrication through the FreeD, a handheld milling device, preserving the maker’s freedom to sculpt and carve based on virtual 3D models.

Panels – Exploring the Representation of Women Perspectives in Technologies

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 241
Exploring the Representation of Women Perspectives in Technologies Susan M. Dray, Andrea J Peer, Anke Marei Brock, Anicia N Peters, Shaowen Bardzell, Margaret M Burnett, Elizabeth F Churchill, Erika Shehan Poole

Papers – Mental Health

Session chair: Gavin Doherty
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 242AB
Paper: A Design-led Inquiry into Personhood in Dementia Jayne Wallace, Peter C Wright, John McCarthy, David Philip Green, James Thomas, Patrick Olivier A design-led, co-creative inquiry into personhood with Gillian, who has dementia, and John her husband - mediated by Design Probes and resulting in Digital Jewellery to support personhood and relationships.
Paper: Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar Disorder: A Field Trial of the MONARCA System Jakob E. Bardram, Mads Frost, Károly Szántó, Maria Faurholt-Jepsen, Maj Vinberg, Lars Vedel Kessing We conducted a 14 week field trial of the MONARCA system with 12 patients, reporting on their experiences. Furthermore, the paper discusses three questions regarding design of personal health technologies.
Paper: Understanding the Conflicting Demands of Family Caregivers Caring for Depressed Family Members Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiji Hirata, Takashi Kudo Uncovers the challenges faced by family caregivers of depressed sufferes. Suggest design implications for technologies to improve the wellness of such family caregivers.
Paper: Design to Promote Mindfulness Practice and Sense of Self for Vulnerable Women in Secure Hospital Services Anja Thieme, Jayne Wallace, Paula Johnson, John McCarthy, Siân E Lindley, Peter C Wright, Patrick Olivier, Thomas D Meyer Introduces the design concept of interactive artifacts to engage women with severe mental health problems in therapeutic skills practice. Provides insights from our collaboration with hospital staff for the design.

Courses – Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction 1/2

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 243
Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction Scott MacKenzie, Steven J Castellucci This Course delivers an A-to-Z tutorial on conducting a user study and demonstrates how to write a successful CHI paper.

Student Design Competition

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 251
Student Design Competition This year’s challenge is to design an object, interface, system, or service intended to help us to develop and share awareness, understanding or appreciation for our collective and collaborative crowd experience as it relates to our changing perspectives through collaboration.

Courses – Interaction Design for Social Development 1/2

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 252A
Interaction Design for Social Development Gary Marsden, Matt Jones Learn how to apply Interaction Design techniques to developing communities and engage users effectively in the creation of appropriate technologies for contexts beyond the developed world.

Courses – Designing Augmented Reality Experiences 1/2

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 253
Designing Augmented Reality Experiences Mark Billinghurst, Henry Been-Lirn Duh

Lifetime Practice Award

Session chair: Dennis Wixon
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 Bordeaux
Lifetime Practice Award The 2013 SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award is presented to Jakob Nielsen, founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, for outstanding contributions to the practice and understanding of human-computer interaction.

Papers – Consent and Privacy

Session chair: Sameer Patil
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 342A
Paper: Why Do People Seek Anonymity on the Internet? Informing Policy and Design Ruogu Kang, Stephanie Brown, Sara Kiesler We conducted 44 interviews with people from America, Asia, Europe and Africa, and found a large variation in their motivation and strategies for achieving anonymity on the Internet.
Paper: Preference-based Location Sharing: Are More Privacy Options Really Better? Bart P Knijnenburg, Alfred Kobsa, Hongxia Jin Users of a location-sharing service opt for more or less granular disclosure when one granularity level is omitted, depending on the subjective distance between the omitted and remaining options.
Paper: The Secret Life of a Persona: When the Personal Becomes Private Elina Eriksson, Henrik Artman, Anna Swartling Two persona cases for a secretive organization are uncovered! Secrecy makes personas problematic. This paper examines how to turn the unspoken into a resource: “Not to tell is to tell”.
Paper: Consent for All: Revealing the Hidden Complexity of Terms and Conditions Ewa A Luger, Stuart Moran, Tom Rodden Stimulus paper and plug-in surfacing the readability of web-based terms and conditions. Highlights the role of documents in the online consent process and calls for better readability and design practice.

Courses – Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices 2/3

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 343
Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices Allison Druin, Jerry Fails, Mona Leigh Guha, Greg Walsh This course will offer a balance of traditional lecture and hands-on design activities, and will cover techniques that balance the voices and contributions of adults and children.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Automotive User Interface Research Moves into Fast Lane

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 361
Automotive User Interface Research Moves into Fast Lane Susanne CJ Boll, Andrew L Kun, Peter Fröhlich, James Foley

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – SIG NIME: Music, Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction

Wednesday 14:00-15:20 362/363
SIG NIME: Music, Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction Frederic Bevilacqua, Sidney Fels, Alexander R. Jensenius, Michael J. Lyons, Norbert Schnell, Atau Tanaka

Papers – Text Visualization

Session chair: m.c. schraefel
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 Havane
Paper: Quantity Estimation in Visualizations of Tagged Text Michael A. Correll, Eric C. Alexander, Michael Gleicher We present results in the relatively unexplored domain of text annotation. We \ present empirical validation of performance \ at estimation tasks for tagged text, and \ further validate design choices that improve this ability.
Paper: Contextifier: Automatic Generation of Annotated Stock Visualizations Jessica Hullman, Nicholas Diakopoulos, Eytan Adar We present the Contextifier system for automatic annotated stock visualizations from company news. Contextifier’s algorithms, informed by news professional visualizations, account for visual salience, contextual relevance, and notable company events.
"Without the Clutter of Unimportant Words": Descriptive Keyphrases for Text Visualization Jason Chuang, Christopher D Manning, Jeffrey Heer We study how people summarize text using descriptive phrases, develop a novel algorithm for extracting keyphrases, and demonstrate how our algorithms enable novel text visualization designs.
Note: A Comparative Evaluation of Multiple Chat Stream Interfaces for Information-intensive Environments Yiran Wang, Andy Echenique, Martin Shelton, Gloria J Mark We evaluated two text-based chat interfaces to inform the design of large-scale text information visualizations for information workers who monitor real-time text streams.
Note: Effects of Visualization and Note-Taking on Sensemaking and Analysis Nitesh Goyal, Gilly Leshed, Susan R. Fussell The utility of intelligence analysis tools’ individual features is rarely tested. Through experiment, we tested the utility of visualization and notetaking. Our Results question potential constraints on their individual utility.

Papers – Sustainability

Session chair: Elaine Huang
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 351
Paper: Beyond Being Green: Simple Living Families and ICT Maria Håkansson, Phoebe Sengers Presents a qualitative study of simple living families' practices and use of ICT. Demonstrates how a holistic perspective on sustainability broadens opportunities for "green" design in HCI.
Paper: The Power of Play: Design Lessons for Increasing the Lifespan of Outdated Computers Derek Lomas, Kishan Patel, Dixie Ching, Meera Lakshmanan, Matthew Kam, Anuj Kumar, Jodi L Forlizzi Why is Visicalc obsolete, but not Super Mario Bros? The continued success of 8-bit computers in developing countries shows how hedonic utility (aka fun) can dramatically extend computer lifespans.
Paper: inAir: A Longitudinal study of Indoor Air Quality Measurements and Visualizations Sunyoung Kim, Eric Paulos, Jennifer Mankoff This work aims at understanding the indoor air quality dynamics with respect to indoor activities and analyzing behavioral and quantitative changes towards improving air quality from a longitudinal deployment study.
Paper: “I want to imagine how that place looks”: Designing Technologies to Support Connectivity Between Africans Living Abroad and Home Susan P. Wyche, Marshini Chetty We asked African-born students how they used ICTs to connect with family in their home countries. Findings informed a prototype we evaluated. We discuss novel features to include in interfaces designed to support transnational communication.

Papers – Mobile Text Entry

Session chair: Caroline Appert
Wednesday 14:00-15:20 352AB
Paper: Improving Two-Thumb Text Entry on Touchscreen Devices Antti Oulasvirta, Anna Reichel, Wenbin Li, Yan Zhang, Myroslav Bachynskyi, Keith Vertanen, Per Ola Kristensson We designed a split keyboard to improve two-thumb text entry on tablet devices. KALQ's design considers grip, coordinated performance of the two thumbs, and linguistic and motor errors.
Paper: Making Touchscreen Keyboards Adaptive to Keys, Hand Postures, and Individuals - A Hierarchical Spatial Backoff Model Approach Ying Yin, Tom Yu Ouyang, Kurt Partridge, Shumin Zhai We propose a hierarchical spatial backoff model for improving text entry accuracy on touchscreen keyboards. This approach adapts the underlying spatial model to input hand postures, individuals, and key positions, reducing error rate by 13.2%.
Paper: Gestures and Widgets: Performance in Text Editing on Multi-Touch Capable Mobile Devices Vittorio Fuccella, Poika M Isokoski, Benoit Martin We present the design and evaluation of a gestural text editing technique for touchscreens. Gestures drawn on the soft keyboard are often faster than conventional editing techniques.
Note: ContextType: Using Hand Posture Information to Improve Mobile Touch Screen Text Entry Mayank Goel, Alex Jansen, Travis Mandel, Shwetak N Patel, Jacob O. Wobbrock ContextType is an adaptive text entry system that leverages information about a user’s hand posture to improve mobile touch screen text entry by 20.6%.
Note: ZoomBoard: A Diminutive QWERTY Soft Keyboard Using Iterative Zooming for Ultra-Small Devices Stephen Oney, Chris Harrison, Amy Ogan, Jason Wiese We present Zoomboard, a keyboard that uses iterative zooming to enlarge otherwise impossibly tiny keys to comfortable size.

Wednesday, 16:00-17:20

Alt.CHI papers – Nature and Nurture

Session chair: Eric Paulos
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 252B
A Biological Imperative for Interaction Design Amanda J Parkes, Connor Dickie This paper brings together conceptual visions and initial experiments of bio-based approaches to sensing, display, fabrication, materiality, and energy, approaching non-living and living matter as a continuum for computational interaction.
Devotional Gardening Tools Tom Jenkins Devotional Gardening is a research-through-design project that examines possible tool use beyond functionality. Using 'devotion' as a guideline, prototype gardening tools are proposed that underscore the devotional nature of cultivation.
Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI): Changing Perspective on HCI, Participation and Sustainability Clara Mancini Argues that ACI is directly relevant to CHI, discussing how it can strengthen HCI as a discipline, broaden participation in Interaction Design, and support CHI’s commitment to sustainability.
Morphing Agency: Deconstruction of an Agent with Transformative Agential Triggers Hirotaka Osawa, Michita Imai This paper presents our vision called Morphing Agency that redefines the notion of an agent. We propose separated use of all agential triggers that evoke a user as an agent.
AniThings: Animism and Heterogeneous Multiplicity Philip A van Allen, Joshua McVeigh-Schultz, Brooklyn Brown, Hye Mi Kim, Daniel Lara Contributes a novel interaction design framework by proposing animism as a design metaphor, employing a heterogeneous ecology of multiple animistic devices that collaborate with people in creative contexts.
Smart Pose: Mobile Posture-aware System for Lowering Physical Health Risk of Smartphone Users Hosub Lee, Young Sang Choi, Sunjae Lee, Eunsoo Shim This paper discusses health problems of the smartphone users which are usually overlooked, and presents a novel solution to overcome this difficulty for people's well being.

Papers – Design for Development

Session chair: John Thomas
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 Blue
Paper: Job Opportunities through Entertainment: Virally Spread Speech-Based Services for Low-Literate Users Agha Ali Raza, Farhan Ul Haq, Zain Tariq, Mansoor Pervaiz, Samia Razaq, Umar Saif, Roni Rosenfeld A speech-based entertainment service spread virally to low-literate Pakistani telephone users, exceeding 85,000 users and 495,000 calls in four months, while spreading low-skill job opportunities to 27,000 of them.
Paper: Some Evidence for the Impact of Limited Education on Hierarchical User Interface Navigation Indrani Medhi, Meera Lakshmanan, Kentaro Toyama, Edward Cutrell Experimental study shows limited education impacting the ability to navigate a hierarchical UI, even when text-free. Can benefit designers interested in recommendations for UI hierarchies for people with limited education.
Paper: Hustling Online: Understanding Consolidated Facebook Use in an Informal Settlement in Nairobi Susan P. Wyche, Forte Andrea, Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck This is the first study of Facebook use in a Nairobi slum. We find that to overcome the costs associated with Internet use, residents consolidated diverse online activities onto Facebook.
Paper: VideoKheti: Making Video Content Accessible to Low-Literate and Novice Users Sebastien Cuendet, Indrani Medhi, Kalika Bali, Edward Cutrell Reports on the design of a speech and graphics smartphone application for low-literate Indian farmers to help them browse video content. Discusses results found from a user study.

Panels – Theory vs. Design-Driven Approaches for Behavior Change Research

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 241
Theory vs. Design-Driven Approaches for Behavior Change Research Rosa I. Arriaga, Andrew D Miller, Elizabeth D Mynatt, Claudia Pagliari, Erika Shehan Poole

Papers – Narrative and Materiality

Session chair: Volkmar Pipek
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 242AB
Paper: Design-Driven Narrative: Using Stories to Prototype and Build Immersive Design Worlds Eric Spaulding, Haakon Faste This paper examines the role of narrative in the process of interactive experience design, focusing on its potential uses in prototyping to uncover deeper and more meaningful user responses.
Paper: Materials, Materiality, and Media Verena Fuchsberger, Martin Murer, Manfred Tscheligi Reflects on Marshall McLuhan’s media analysis, as well as Bruno Latour’s Actor-Network Theory regarding materials in HCI interaction design. Presents transferred ideas and junctures for the materiality discourse.
Paper: Mobiles, Music, and Materiality Neha Kumar, Tapan S. Parikh Building on recent research that highlights the materiality of digital information, we examine the materiality of digital media in mobile music production, reproduction, and reception practices of small town India.
Paper: Infrastructure and Vocation: Field, Calling, and Computation in Ecology Steven J Jackson, Sarah Barbrow Ethnographic study exploring relationship between computational change and ecology as a vocation. Argues that new computational development remediates ecology's crucial field relations, with implications for design and engagement.

Courses – Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction 2/2

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 243
Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction Scott MacKenzie, Steven J Castellucci This Course delivers an A-to-Z tutorial on conducting a user study and demonstrates how to write a successful CHI paper.

Student Game Competition

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 251
Student Game Competition The competition provides an opportunity for students from a variety of backgrounds to demonstrate their game design and development skills in an international competition, and provides CHI attendees with engaging and playable exemplar games that showcase emerging student talent, and inspire future work.

Courses – Interaction Design for Social Development 2/2

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 252A
Interaction Design for Social Development Gary Marsden, Matt Jones Learn how to apply Interaction Design techniques to developing communities and engage users effectively in the creation of appropriate technologies for contexts beyond the developed world.

Courses – Designing Augmented Reality Experiences 2/2

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 253
Designing Augmented Reality Experiences Mark Billinghurst, Henry Been-Lirn Duh

Papers – Design for Children

Session chair: Michael Muller
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 Bordeaux
Supporting Personal Narrative for Children with Complex Communication Needs Rolf Black, Annalu Waller, Ross Turner, Ehud Reiter “How was School today. . . ?” uses sensor based data-to-text technology to generate personal narratives. Children with cerebral palsy are able to tell parents about their school day.
Paper: Design Research by Proxy: using Children as Researchers to gain Contextual Knowledge about User Experience. Fenne van Doorn, Pieter Jan Stappers, Mathieu Gielen This paper explores the use of participants as research collaborators in contextual user research. A case study was conducted to investigate if and how children can perform as research collaborators.
Paper: FACIT PD: A Framework for Analysis and Creation of Intergenerational Techniques for Participatory Design Greg Walsh, Elizabeth Foss, Jason Yip, Allison Druin This paper describes a framework that can aid design teams in choosing or designing new techniques to design with children regardless of the subject area or method being used.
Note: Three Tensions in Participatory Design for Inclusion Harald Holone, Jo Herstad In this paper we identify three tensions between the ideals of Participatory Design (PD) and the application of PD approaches in projects including children with severe disabilities.
Note: Interview Approaches to Researching Embodiment Sara Price, Carey Jewitt This paper makes a methodological contribution to child computer interaction. It examines three interview approaches, providing guidance on interview choices to explore communicational modes of interaction in tangible learning environments.

Papers – Evaluation Methods 3

Session chair: Gloria Mark
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 342A
Paper: Using Behavioral Data to Identify Interviewer Fabrication in Surveys Benjamin Birnbaum, Gaetano Borriello, Abraham D Flaxman, Brian DeRenzi, Anna R Karlin We show that by instrumenting electronic data-collection software to record logs of behavioral data, and by using supervised classification on this data, we can accurately detect interviewer fabrication in surveys.
Paper: Footprint Tracker: Supporting Diary Studies with Lifelogging Rúben Gouveia, Evangelos Karapanos Study of how visual, location, temporal and social context life logs support recall and reflection over daily activities and experiences in the context of diary studies.
Paper: Investigating Self-Reporting Behavior In Long-Term Studies Andreas Möller, Matthias Kranz, Barbara Schmid, Luis Roalter, Stefan Diewald We provide empirical quantitative long-term data on the reliability of self-reported data collected with mobile devices. We give recommendations for maximizing the reliability of results when conducting long-term app usage studies.
Note: The Effect of Global Instructions on Think-aloud Testing Sharon McDonald, Helen Petrie This study investigates whether deviating from the classic concurrent think-aloud instructions during usability testing induces reactivity: a change in participants’ cognitive processing, which affects task performance measures.
Note: Reifying Social Movement Trajectories Adam Fouse, Nadir Weibel, Christine Johnson, James D. Hollan We describe the development of a novel paper-digital interface for recording movement trajectories, designed to assist ethnographers and ethologists in analysis of social movement.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – UrbanIXD :: Designing Human Interactions In The Networked City

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 361
UrbanIXD :: Designing Human Interactions In The Networked City Michael Smyth, Ingi Helgason, Martin Brynskov, Ivica Mitrovic, Gianluca Zaffiro

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – CHI 2013 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) SIG: Past History and Future Challenges

Wednesday 16:00-17:20 362/363
CHI 2013 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) SIG: Past History and Future Challenges Torkil Clemmensen, Pedro F. Campos, Dinesh S. Katre, Jose Abdelnour Nocera, Arminda Guerra Lopes, Rikke Orngreen, Shailey Minocha

Papers – Visual Perception

Session chair: Paul Marshall
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 Havane
Paper: Influencing Visual Judgment through Affective Priming Lane Harrison, Drew Skau, Steven Franconeri, Aidong Lu, Remco Chang Affective priming (positive and negative emotion) is shown to significantly influence accuracy in visual judgment tasks for several common chart types.
Paper: Play it by Ear: A Case for Serendipitous Discovery of Places with Musicons Anupriya Ankolekar, Thomas Sandholm, Louis Yu Field study investigating user performance and emotional engagement of various audio-based cues, especially musicons, during POI discovery. Helps location-based service designers design more enjoyable cues for serendipitous journeys.
Paper: Waves: Exploring Idiographic Design for Live Performance Jonathan Hook, John McCarthy, Peter Wright, Patrick Olivier We explore whether idiographic design, an approach that focuses on personal accounts of individuals’ experiences, can support designers in responding to the subtle and complex issues that affect live performance.
Paper: Effects of the Display Angle in Museums on User's Cognition, Behavior, and Subjective Responses Junko Ichino, Kazuo Isoda, Ayako Hanai, Tetsuya Ueda This paper described a user study in effects of using horizontal, vertical and tilted flat displays on people visiting in a museum.

Papers – Searching and Finding

Session chair: Leong-Hwee Teo
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 351
Paper: Costs and Benefits of Structured Information Foraging Aniket Kittur, Andrew M Peters, Abdigani Diriye, Trupti Telang, Michael R Bove We introduce a novel interface for capturing online information in a structured but lightweight way and use it to experimentally characterize the costs and benefits of structured sensemaking.
Paper: Supporting Orientation during Search Result Examination Henry Feild, Ryen W White, Xin Fu Describes and evaluates Clickable Snippets, a new method to help searchers transition from results to landing pages. Can help searchers orient themselves in landing-page content and find relevant information faster.
Paper: TrailMap: Facilitating Information Seeking in a Multi-Scale Digital Map via Implicit Bookmarking Jian Zhao, Daniel J Wigdor, Ravin Balakrishnan Designed an auto-bookmark generation algorithm according to a user’s interactions in multi-scale digital map exploration and developed a web-application based on the proposed algorithm.
Note: Leading People to Longer Queries Elena Agapie, Gene Golovchinsky, Pernilla Qvarfordt An experiment to test the effects of halos on query length was conducted. Results suggest that the interface may be effective for eliciting longer queries.
Note: Pirates of the Search Results Page Kathy K Baxter, Lori Wu Malahy, Jeremy Lubin Usability evaluation and interview findings provide insight into users’ experiences, behaviors, and self-blame in response to search malware; suggests domain familiarity is not enough to recognize a malware-impaired experience.

Papers – Mobile Gestures

Session chair: Stephane Huot
Wednesday 16:00-17:20 352AB
“Spindex” (Speech Index) Enhances Menus on Touch Screen Devices with Tapping, Wheeling, and Flicking Myoung Hoon Jeon, Bruce N. Walker, Abhishek Srivastava Advanced auditory cues (spindex) enhance multimodal and auditory menus on a smartphone, making user inputs via tapping, wheeling, and flicking gestures more efficient, faster, and more enjoyable.
Paper: Bezel-Tap Gestures: Quick Activation of Commands from Sleep Mode on Tablets Marcos Serrano, Eric Lecolinet, Yves GUIARD Mobile devices constantly switch to sleep mode to save energy. Our contribution is an always-available shortcuts technique based on combining a bezel tap and a touchscreen contact.
Paper: iGrasp: Grasp-based Adaptive Keyboard for Mobile Devices Lung-Pan Cheng, Hsiang-Sheng Liang, Che-Yang Wu, Mike Y. Chen We propose iGrasp, a novel approach that uses implicit grasps of a tablet device to automatically adapt the virtual keyboard’s layout and position to match users’ preferences and help users type earlier.
Note: Multi-Touch Rotation Gestures: Performance and Ergonomics Eve E Hoggan, John H Williamson, Antti Oulasvirta, Miguel A. Nacenta, Per Ola Kristensson, Anu Lehtiö Studies performance and ergonomics characteristics of multi-touch rotations. Presents findings concerning the effects of angle, diameter, diameter, and position.
Note: iRotateGrasp: Automatic Screen Rotation based on Grasp of Mobile Devices Lung-Pan Cheng, Meng Han Lee, Che-Yang Wu, Fang-I Hsiao, Yen-Ting Liu, Hsiang-Sheng Liang, Yi-Ching Chiu, Ming-Sui Lee, Mike Y. Chen Our paper shows that grasps can be used to rotate screens to more accurately match users’ view orientation in both upright and horizontal postures by implementing and evaluating a real-time grasp sensing and recognition prototype.


Thursday, 9:00-10:20

Special Joint Plenary with ACM ECRC 2013

Thursday 9:00-10:20 Grand
Special Joint Plenary with ACM ECRC 2013 The Joint Plenary with ECRC introduces ACM Europe and the first ACM European Computing Research Congress, held in collaboration with CHI 2013. The keynote speaker is Vint Cerf, ACM President and a 'Father of the Internet'. His talk is entitled: Conversations with a Computer.

Thursday, 11:00-12:20

Alt.CHI papers – Spirit and Mind

Session chair: Susan Wyche
Thursday 11:00-12:20 252B
Embodying Neuroplastic Change Danielle Wilde Embodied engagement is gaining leverage in HCI. This paper poses the question whether enriched embodied engagement might stimulate neuroplastic change, relevant to broad cultural, design thinking and health contexts.
PIXEE: Pictures, Interaction and Emotional Expression Margaret E Morris, Carl S Marshall, Mira calix, Murad Al Haj, James Scott MacDougall, Douglas Carmean This paper demonstrates new means of promoting emotional connectedness in social media. It also provides new research methods.
Beyond the Basic Emotions: What Should Affective Computing Compute? Sidney D'Mello, Rafael A. Calvo We show that non-basic emotions (engagement, boredom, confusion, and frustration) occurred at five times the rate of basic emotions after generalizing across tasks, interfaces, and methodologies (in 5 studies).
Neurodiversity & HCI Nicholas Sheep Dalton Neurodiversity is a self advocacy rights movement challenging our notion of the single cognitive model for users. How to we evolve HCI if we try to design for the gifted?
Mediated Meditation: Cultivating Mindfulness with Sonic Cradle Jay Vidyarthi, Bernhard E. Riecke Qualitative investigation of "Sonic Cradle" - an artifact involving suspension, visual deprivation, and musical biofeedback - shows how persuasive media could promote mental health by introducing non-practitioners to mindfulness meditation.
Spirituality: There’s an App for That! (But Not a Lot of Research) Elizabeth A Buie, Mark A. Blythe Reviews HCI literature on techno-spirituality and provides preliminary analysis of relevant iPhone/iPad apps. Identifies gaps in research and explores some of the difficulties and challenges of researching techno-spirituality.

Papers – Design for Developers

Session chair: Steven Drucker
Thursday 11:00-12:20 Blue
Paper: The Whats and Hows of Programmers’ Foraging Diets David J Piorkowski, Scott D. Fleming, Irwin Kwan, Margaret M Burnett, Christopher Scaffidi, Rachel K. E. Bellamy, Joshua Jordahl Information Foraging Theory investigation into information diets of professional programmers during debugging, and how these diets interact with their foraging strategies. Helps unify Information Foraging Theory with debugging research.
Paper: How Tools in IDEs Shape Developers' Navigation Behavior Jan-Peter Krämer, Thorsten Karrer, Joachim Kurz, Moritz Wittenhagen, Jan Borchers Introduces a model to describe the code navigation behavior of programmers; this model can be used to analyze the influence of different call graph navigation tools on navigation strategies.
Paper: Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web Ranjitha Kumar, Arvind Satyanarayan, Cesar A Torres, Maxine Lim, Salman A Ahmad, Scott R Klemmer, Jerry O Talton This paper introduces design mining for the Web: using knowledge discovery techniques to understand design demographics, automate design curation, and support data-driven design tools.
Note: Informal Cognitive Walkthroughs (ICW): Paring Down and Pairing Up for an Agile World Valentina I Grigoreanu, Manal Mohanna We present the Informal Cognitive Walkthrough (ICW): an agile user experience research methodology, developed and perfected over three years to meet the needs of a large agile software development team.
Note: Picode: Inline Photos Representing Posture Data in Source Code Jun Kato, Daisuke Sakamoto, Takeo Igarashi Picode is a text-based development environment augmented with inline photos of human and robots. They contain richer context information than mere posture data, and enhance the programming experience.

Panels – We Need to Talk: HCI and the Delicate Topic of Spoken Language Interaction

Thursday 11:00-12:20 241
We Need to Talk: HCI and the Delicate Topic of Spoken Language Interaction Cosmin Munteanu, Matt Jones, Steve Whittaker, Sharon L. Oviatt, Nitendra Rajput, Gerald Penn, Amit A. Nanavati, Stephen A Brewster

Papers – Perception and Awareness

Session chair: Joanna McGrenere
Thursday 11:00-12:20 242A
Paper: Modeling How People Extract Color Themes from Images Sharon Derie Lin, Pat Hanrahan We present a method for extracting color themes from images, using a regression model trained on themes people extract. Model-extracted themes match the source image more closely than previous approaches.
Paper: Reducing Disruption from Subtle Information Delivery during a Conversation: Mode and Bandwidth Investigation Eyal Ofek, Shamsi T Iqbal, Karin Strauss We study how much information and via what mode people can receive and process information in the background while not disrupting a face-to-face conversation they are engaged in.
Paper: Adaptive Automation and Cue Invocation: The Effect of Cue Timing on Operator Error Daniel I Gartenberg, Leonard Breslow, Joo Park, Malcolm McCurry, Greg Trafton Hybrid adaptive automation, which uses critical-events and eye-movements, was compared with critical-event invocation. Both systems reduced errors, but cue timing affected the types of errors made in a supervisory-control task.
Note: Distraction Beyond the Driver: Predicting the Effects of In-Vehicle Interaction on Surrounding Traffic Dario D. Salvucci Describes a method for simulating the effects of driver distraction across multiple vehicles. Allows users to rapidly prototype and evaluate in-vehicle interfaces based on their potential for distraction.
Note: I Feel For My Avatar: Embodied Perception in VEs Sangseok You, S. Shyam Sundar Experimental evidence of the embodied perception in the virtual environments (VEs). Users felt burdened, when their customized avatars were burdened in the virtual environments.

Papers – Spatial Interfaces

Session chair: Daniel Wigdor
Thursday 11:00-12:20 242B
Paper: Testing the Robustness and Performance of Spatially Consistent Interfaces Joey Scarr, Andy Cockburn, Carl Gutwin, Sylvain Malacria Examines how view transformations such as scaling and rotation influence item selection time. Demonstrates that scaling, which maintains spatial consistency, allows faster performance than the commonly used 'reflow' layout scheme.
Paper: Canyon: Providing Location Awareness of Multiple Moving Objects in a Detail View on Large Displays Alexandra Ion, Y.-L. Betty Chang, Michael Haller, Mark Hancock, Stacey D. Scott A novel interaction technique, Canyon, was implemented and evaluated addressing the problem of data exiting a person's field of view on large displays. Results indicate higher accuracy and comparable speed.
Paper: Designing Graphical Menus for Novices and Experts: Connecting Design Characteristics with Design Goals Krystian Samp This paper contributes a design space for graphical menus. It connects a set of design goals with a set of design characteristics. The design space helps create better menus.
Note: Binocular Cursor: Enabling Selection on Transparent Displays Troubled by Binocular Parallax Joon Hyub Lee, Seok-Hyung Bae Transparent displays are about to be commercialized, yet it is troubled by binocular parallax. We propose a measure to quantify the usability degradation caused by binocular parallax, and an interaction strategy.
Note: Studying Spatial Memory and Map Navigation Performance on Projector Phones with Peephole Interaction Bonifaz Kaufmann, David Ahlström Uses a map navigation task and compares users’ navigation performance with touch screen interaction to peephole interaction, users’ location recall performance, and observers’ location recall performance.

Courses – Designing What to Design: A Task-Focused Conceptual Model 1/2

Thursday 11:00-12:20 243
Designing What to Design: A Task-Focused Conceptual Model Jeff A Johnson Participants will learn: \ • the benefits of designing a conceptual model (CM) before designing a UI. \ \ • the components of a CM, \ \ • how to design a CM for an application.

Papers – Autism

Session chair: Bilge Mutlu
Thursday 11:00-12:20 251
Paper: Why Do They Still Use Paper? Understanding Data Collection and Use in Autism Education Gabriela Marcu, Kevin Tassini, Quintin Carlson, Jillian Goodwyn, Gabrielle Rivkin, Kevin J Schaefer, Anind K Dey, Sara Kiesler We conducted fieldwork to understand data collection and use in the domain of autism education to explain why current technology had not met staff needs.
Paper: TOBY: Early Intervention in Autism through Technology Svetha Venkatesh, Stewart Greenhill, Dinh Q Phung, Thi Duong, Brett Adams We describe an innovative iPad application for early intervention in autism named TOBY (Therapy Outcome By You). Field trials results are also presented to validate the framework.
Paper: Evaluation of Tablet Apps to Encourage Social Interaction in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Juan Pablo Hourcade, Stacy R Williams, Ellen A Miller, Kelsey E Huebner, Lucas J Liang Comparison of app-based and paper-based activities by children with autism spectrum disorders. Using the apps was associated with increased verbal communication, physical interaction, and supportive comments.
Paper: Investigating the Use of Circles in Social Networks to Support Independence of Individuals with Autism Hwajung Hong, Svetlana Yarosh, Jennifer G Kim, Gregory D Abowd, Rosa I. Arriaga Explores using communication circle on a social network site for young adults with autism. Provides implications for social intervention and technical design to support independence of the special needs population.

Courses – Storyboarding for Designers and Design Researchers 1/2

Thursday 11:00-12:20 252A
Storyboarding for Designers and Design Researchers Pieter Jan Stappers, Gert Pasman Storyboards allow expressing the context of interactions by showing users, experiences, situation, motivations, etc. In the course we practice a hands-on technique photoboarding, for creating photoboards in a team.

Courses – HTML5 Game Development 1/2

Thursday 11:00-12:20 253
HTML5 Game Development Jim Parker This course will enable you to design and build basic games for HTML5/web deployment, and to proceed to next stages in game-like interface and game development.

Papers – Information Visualization

Session chair: Pierre Dragicevic
Thursday 11:00-12:20 Bordeaux
Paper: Interactive Horizon Graphs: Improving the Compact Visualization of Multiple Time Series Charles Perin, Frédéric Vernier, Jean-Daniel Fekete Interactive Horizon Graphs---Horizon Graphs with pan and zoom interactions--- significantly increase the number of time series that can be analyzed in parallel for common comparison tasks.
Paper: Patina: Dynamic Heatmaps for Visualizing Application Usage Justin Matejka, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice Patina is an application independent system which uses accessibility APIs to collect and visualize software application usage data. The primary visualization is a dynamic heatmap overlaid on the application.
Paper: Evaluation of Alternative Glyph Designs for Time Series Data in a Small Multiple Setting Johannes Fuchs, Fabian Fischer, Florian Mansmann, Enrico Bertini, Petra Isenberg 1. Evaluation of alternative glyph designs for time series data. 2. Design considerations and guidelines for creating glyphs for time series data.
Paper: Motif Simplification: Improving Network Visualization Readability with Fan, Connector, and Clique Glyphs Cody Dunne, Ben Shneiderman It is difficult to visualize large networks. Motif simplification reduces network complexity by replacing common, repeating patterns with representative glyphs. Our controlled study shows this is helpful for many tasks.

Courses – Designing Search Usability 1/2

Thursday 11:00-12:20 361
Designing Search Usability Tony Russell-Rose This course weaves together the theories of information seeking with the practice of user interface design to deliver a practical guide to making search better.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Science vs. Science: the Complexities of Interdisciplinary Research

Thursday 11:00-12:20 362/363
Science vs. Science: the Complexities of Interdisciplinary Research Clare J Hooper, David Millard, Jill Fantauzzacoffin, Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye

Papers – Social Media Practices

Session chair: Sean Munson
Thursday 11:00-12:20 Havane
Paper: Limiting, Leaving, and (re)Lapsing: An Exploration of Facebook Non-Use Practices and Experiences Eric P. S. Baumer, Phil Adams, Vera D Khovanskaya, Tony C. Liao, Madeline E. Smith, Victoria Schwanda Sosik, Kaiton Williams This paper reports on a survey about non-use of Facebook. Results show the prevalence of non-use, the variety of types of non-use, and motivations and justifications given for non-use.
Paper: Predicting Postpartum Changes in Emotion and Behavior via Social Media Munmun De Choudhury, Scott Counts, Eric Horvitz We consider social media as a tool for behavioral health. We focus on how Twitter posts maybe used to build predictive models about the behavior of new mothers following childbirth.
Paper: “I read my Twitter the next morning and was astonished” A Conversational Perspective on Twitter Regrets Manya Sleeper, Justin Cranshaw, Patrick Gage Kelley, Blase Ur, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Norman Sadeh Presents the results of a large-scale online survey that compares regretted tweets and regrets from in-person conversations. Examines the context, timing, means of awareness, and repair strategies for the regrettable messages.
Paper: Understanding Motivations for Facebook Use: Usage Metrics, Network Structure, and Privacy Tasos Spiliotopoulos, Ian Oakley A study on motivations for Facebook use that couples social science methods with information captured by the Facebook API in the form of detailed usage data and personal network metrics.

Thursday, 14:00-15:20

Case Studies – In the Wild

Session chair: Jonathan Arnowitz
Thursday 14:00-15:20 252B
Automotive HMI Test Package: An Exploitable Approach to Study In-Car HMIs David Wilfinger, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Nicole Perterer, Martin Murer, Arno Laminger, Manfred Tscheligi This case study describes our approach on how to holistically evaluate multifunctional in-car HMIs of modern cars and how we addressed related challenges.
The Democratization of Mission Control Jay Trimble, Tom Dayton, Alan Crocker This work is a real world example of putting together participatory design methods with agile development to develop new user interface technology.
We'll Take It From Here: Letting the Users Take Charge of the Evaluation and Why That Turned Out Well Cosmin Munteanu, Helene Fournier, Jean-François Lapointe, Bruno Emond, Irina Kondratova A case study describing the challenges and approaches taken in conducting a qualitative evaluation of a mixed-reality training system with subject-matter experts under multiple stakeholder constraints.
Multi-modal Location-Aware System for Paratrooper Team Coordination Danielle N Cummings, Manoj Prasad, George R Lucchese, Christopher L Aikens, Tracy A Hammond Lessons learned through an ethnographic analysis of Paratroopers facilitated the development of a location-aware navigation system and helped to effectively address common battlefield constraints while capitalizing on users' expectations.

Papers – Different Perspectives

Session chair: Janet Vertesi
Thursday 14:00-15:20 Blue
Paper: What is "Critical" About Critical Design? Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell We provide a critique of Critical Design and propose a broader, more practical reframing, based on humanistic scholarship on critical theory and criticism.
Paper: Mind the Theoretical Gap: Interpreting, Using, and Developing Behavioral Theory in HCI Research Eric B. Hekler, Predrag Klasnja, Jon E. Froehlich, Matthew P. Buman Are you trying to use behavioral theory in your work? Our paper will help by providing a context and organizing framework for interpreting, using, and developing behavioral theory.
Paper: Beyond Digital and Physical Objects: The Intellectual Work as a Concept of Interest for HCI Melanie D Feinberg Demonstrates how the concept of the work can extend research on the perceived value of digital objects. Shows how a flexible definition of the work can reveal new aspects of a design situation.
Note: Critical Perspective on Persuasive Technology Reconsidered Fahri Yetim This paper reflects on the critical perspective on persuasive technology and offers an alternative perspective. It contributes to the HCI field by calling attention to alternative reflective concepts and emerging relevant works.
Note: How Categories Come to Matter Lucian Leahu, Marisa Leavitt Cohn, Wendy March We present and discuss interviews with Siri users as a means to understand the role categories play in the design of user studies and of technologies.

Panels – The Future of HCI Publishing in Journals and Books

Thursday 14:00-15:20 241
The Future of HCI Publishing in Journals and Books Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye, Beverley Ford, Dianne Murray, Doug Sery, Peter Thomas, Steve Whittaker, Shumin Zhai

Papers – Multi-Device Interaction

Session chair: Kasper Hornbæk
Thursday 14:00-15:20 242A
Designing a Multi-Slate Reading Environment to Support Active Reading Activities Nicholas Y Chen, François V Guimbretière, Abigail J Sellen Researchers have identified numerous requirements for systems aiming to support active reading. We survey these requirements and present interactions for a multi-slate reading environment that address them in a comprehensive manner.
Paper: Personal Clipboards for Individual Copy-and-Paste on Shared Multi-User Surfaces Dominik Schmidt, Corina Sas, Hans W Gellersen Introduces personal clipboards for individual copy-and-paste to multi-user surfaces by implementing three clipboard systems. Provides better understanding of user-identification strategies and can guide the design of personalized surface applications.
Paper: Collaborative Sensemaking on a Digital Tabletop and Personal Tablets: Prioritization, Comparisons, and Tableaux James R Wallace, Stacey D. Scott, Carolyn G. MacGregor We describe an investigation of the support that three different display configurations provided for a collaborative sensemaking task: a digital table; personal tablets; and both the tabletop and personal tablets.
Paper: A Comparative Evaluation of Touch-Based Methods to Bind Mobile Devices for Collaborative Interactions Tero Jokela, Andrés Lucero Reports a comparative evaluation of three different methods that allow collocated users to bind their mobile devices together. Crucial for enabling collaborative experiences such as sharing photos or playing games.

Papers – On the Move

Session chair: Florian Mueller
Thursday 14:00-15:20 242B
Paper: The Design Space of Body Games: Technological, Physical, and Social Design. Elena Márquez Segura, Annika Waern, Carolina Johansson, Jin Moen Movement-based games are in the limelight today. We argue that for these games, the physical and social settings become just as important design resources as the technology.
Paper: Seeing Movement Qualities Helena M. Mentis, Carolina Johansson Presents fieldwork on mechanisms of user perceptions of movement qualities. Lends to implications for further efforts in designing interactive movement-based systems that strive to capitalize on movement qualities.
ExoBuilding: Physiologically Driven Adaptive Architecture Holger M Schnädelbach, Ainojie Irune, David S Kirk, Kevin Glover, Patrick R Brundell The study of ExoBuilding demonstrates how this prototypical building, exposing respiration and heart beat, changes respiratory behaviour of its inhabitants and how it effects their state of relaxation.
Note: CrashAlert: Enhancing Peripheral Alertness for Eyes-Busy Mobile Interaction while Walking Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, Pourang Irani CrashAlert improves safety when walking and texting with smartphones. CrashAlert uses a depth camera to create ambient visualizations of the obstacles ahead of the user. Results show safer walking behaviors without compromising performance.
Note: Three Perspectives on Behavior Change for Serious Games Joshua G Tanenbaum, Alissa N Antle, John Robinson We introduce a model of behavior change and persuasion from Environmental Studies and consider its application for serious games for sustainability alongside two other commonly used models.

Courses – Designing What to Design: A Task-Focused Conceptual Model 2/2

Thursday 14:00-15:20 243
Designing What to Design: A Task-Focused Conceptual Model Jeff A Johnson Participants will learn: \ • the benefits of designing a conceptual model (CM) before designing a UI. \ \ • the components of a CM, \ \ • how to design a CM for an application.

Papers – Understanding Privacy

Session chair: Serge Egelman
Thursday 14:00-15:20 251
Paper: Privacy as Part of the App Decision-Making Process Patrick Gage Kelley, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Norman Sadeh We found that presenting privacy information to users more clearly and at the time they were making decisions made them more likely to choose Android applications that requested fewer permissions.
Paper: "Everybody Knows What You’re Doing": A Critical Design Approach to Personal Informatics Vera D Khovanskaya, Eric P. S. Baumer, Dan Cosley, Stephen A Voida, Geri Gay The paper introduces critical design strategies to the area of personal informatics in order to encourage users to reflect on the data that is gathered about their online activity.
Paper: Shifting Dynamics or Breaking Sacred Traditions? The Role of Technology in Twelve-Step Fellowships Svetlana Yarosh Presents in-depth interviews with member of twelve-step recovery groups to understand the role of technology in these communities. Relates these findings to wider questions of design in social computing.
Note: Taking Data Exposure into Account: How Does It Affect the Choice of Sign-in Accounts? Shahar Ronen, Oriana Riva, Maritza Johnson, Donald Thompson We surveyed 575 people to investigate awareness of data exposure when using federated accounts, and willingness to switch accounts given clearer information on data exposure and benefits provided by each.
Note: Understanding the Privacy-Personalization Dilemma for Web Search: A User Perspective Saurabh Panjwani, Nisheeth Shrivastava, Saurabh Shukla, Sharad Jaiswal This paper aims to understand users’ perceptions of privacy in web search and how these perceptions interact with their desire for personalized search results.

Courses – Storyboarding for Designers and Design Researchers 2/2

Thursday 14:00-15:20 252A
Storyboarding for Designers and Design Researchers Pieter Jan Stappers, Gert Pasman Storyboards allow expressing the context of interactions by showing users, experiences, situation, motivations, etc. In the course we practice a hands-on technique photoboarding, for creating photoboards in a team.

Courses – HTML5 Game Development 2/2

Thursday 14:00-15:20 253
HTML5 Game Development Jim Parker This course will enable you to design and build basic games for HTML5/web deployment, and to proceed to next stages in game-like interface and game development.

Papers – Design Strategies

Session chair: Daniela Rosner
Thursday 14:00-15:20 Bordeaux
Paper: Slow Design for Meaningful Interactions Barbara Grosse-Hering, Jon Mason, Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Conny A. Bakker, Pieter M.A. Desmet In this paper we report on an exploration of how to apply the theory of Slow Design to mass produced products to establish more mindful usage of products.
All you Need is Love: Current Strategies of Mediating Intimate Relationships through Technology Marc Hassenzahl, Stephanie Heidecker, Kai Eckoldt, Sarah Diefenbach, Uwe Hillmann There is a growing interest in creating a "relatedness" experience through technology. Our review of 143 artifacts revealed six strategies designer/researcher use: Awareness, expressivity, physicalness, gift giving, joint action, memories.
Paper: Making Design Probes Work Jayne Wallace, John McCarthy, Peter C Wright, Patrick Olivier We present a synthetic account of Probe design and use over a decade conceptualizing the relationship between the properties of probes and their use in design projects.
Paper: Indoor Weather Stations: Investigating a Ludic Approach to Environmental HCI Through Batch Prototyping William W Gaver, John Bowers, Kirsten Boehner, Andy Boucher, David W T Cameron, Mark Hauenstein, Nadine Jarvis, Sarah Pennington Three ‘weatherstations’, designed to take a ludic approach to environmental issues, were deployed to twenty households. The result is a distinctive example of environmental HCI, batch production, and ludic design.

Courses – Designing Search Usability 2/2

Thursday 14:00-15:20 361
Designing Search Usability Tony Russell-Rose This course weaves together the theories of information seeking with the practice of user interface design to deliver a practical guide to making search better.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Visions and Visioning in CHI: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group Meeting

Thursday 14:00-15:20 362/363
Visions and Visioning in CHI: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group Meeting Aaron J Quigley, Alan J Dix, Wendy E. Mackay, Hiroshi Ishii, Jürgen Steimle

Papers – Tensions in Social Media

Session chair: Valentina Nisi
Thursday 14:00-15:20 Havane
Paper: Reveal-it!: The Impact of a Social Visualization Projection on Public Awareness and Discourse Nina Valkanova, Sergi Jorda, Martin Tomitsch, Andrew Vande Moere This paper investigates the challenges for a public visualization of a socially-relevant dataset, for the goal of changing the civic awareness of onlookers, through the evaluation of three real-world case studies.
Paper: Social Media and the Police—Tweeting Practices of British Police Forces during the August 2011 Riots Sebastian Denef, Petra S. Bayerl, Nico A. Kaptein Analyzes the Twitter use by the London Metropolitan and the Greater Manchester Police during the riots in August 2011. Shows that the forces developed very different practices to appropriate Twitter.
Paper: Facilitating Information Seeking For Hyperlocal Communities Using Social Media Yuheng Hu, Shelly D. Farnham, Andrés Monroy-Hernández We present, an extraction service for hyperlocal information: events, topics, people and places; from neighborhood-specific tweets. We demonstrate that users prefer its use for neighborhood exploration over competing approaches.
Co-Narrating a Conflict: An Interactive Tabletop to Facilitate Attitudinal Shifts Massimo Zancanaro, Oliviero Stock, Zvi Eisikovits, Chaya Koren, Patrice (Tamar) L Weiss A tabletop designed to support reconciliation of a conflict allows escalation and de-escalation during shared narration. An experiment with Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian-Arab demonstrated a shift of attitude toward the other. \

Thursday, 16:00-17:20

Closing Keynote Plenary

Thursday 16:00-17:20 Grand
Closing Plenary The Closing Keynote is by Bruno Latour of Sciences Po, Paris, author of Science in Action. The title of his talk is: From Aggregation to Navigation - A Few Challenges for Social Theory.