CHI 2013 runs from Saturday, April 27 to Thursday, May 2, 2013. The program of the conference is available in a variety of formats:
- The day-by-day schedule for the parallel sessions,
- The lists of accepted submissions by venue (also linked from this page),
- The Industry Days selection of themes and presentations, especially targeted to attendees form industry and design firms,
- The Video Previews web site gives access to over 550 thirty-second video previews covering most of the technical program,
- The CHI 2013 Mobile App available on Apple’s AppStore and on Google Play contains the complete program and lets you create your own personalized schedule,
- The myCHI web app helps you figure out which sessions to attend; it synchronizes across all your devices and works even in airplane mode or with shaky wifi,
- The PDF version of the official CHI 2013 Conference Program contains the full program together with general conference information.
To facilitate navigation across these various sources, CHI 2013 introduces 3-letter codes, such as IWC, that uniquely identify each session and presentation. Learn how to use them here.
Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April: Workshops and Doctoral Consortium
Monday 29 April to Thursday 2 May:
- 9:00 – 10:20: Sessions
- 10:20 – 11:00: Morning break
- 11:00 – 12:20: Sessions
- 12:20 – 14:00: Lunch break
- 14:00 – 15:20: Sessions
- 15:20 – 16:00: Afternoon break
- 16:00 – 17:20: Sessions
- 18:00 – 20:00: Evening activities
Exhibits, Interactivity, and posters will be available throughout the conference, from Monday 17:00 to Thursday 12:00.
Keynote speakers
CHI 2013 features three outstanding keynote speakers:
- 29 April, Opening plenary speaker: Paola Antonelli
- 2 May, Joint CHI 2013-ECRC 2013 plenary speaker: Vint Cerf
- 2 May, Closing plenary speaker: Bruno Latour
Parallel sessions
Papers and notes, TOCHI papers, case studies and alt.chi papers are presented during parallel sessions in 20-minute slots (10 minutes for notes). A select subset of the papers, notes and case studies receive a Best of CHI award.
Panels, Courses and SIGs run for a full 80-minute session.
CHI 2013 will also feature special sessions for talks by the winners of this year’s SIGCHI awards, for the three Student Competitions and for the video showcase.
Ongoing events
From Monday 17:00 to Thursday 12:00, the Commons area will host the exhibits, Interactivity and posters.
Evening events
Monday evening: Opening of the exhibits, Interactivity and posters and conference reception.
Tuesday evening: Many sponsors organize hospitality receptions at various locations in Paris.
Wednesday evening: Jobs fair in the Commons area.