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Core Community


Important Dates

Whats’s New

Design researchers and practitioners often find themselves working at the intersection of a number of different disciplines, and for this reason we have an important role to play in contributing to theChanging Perspectives theme of CHI 2013. This year we’re particularly keen to support proposals for activities that consider interdisciplinary work and working through the lens of design (including SIGs, workshops, panels, courses and invited talks). We’re also looking to support and encourage newer members of the CHI Design Community, both by promoting established activities such as the student design competition, but also through the organisation of networking activities such as Design Lunch Dates, Design Drink Dates and Design Studio Tours between design practitioners and researchers, and new and more established members of the community.

Message from the Design Community Chairs

Design Community is one of the most successful and visible communities at CHI. The focus of CHI 2013 is on the centrality of experience—from the models, theories and practical insights we need to understand and design for user experience to the irreplaceable value of experiencing innovation in our field through hands-on interactivity.

The practice of design is at the core of the pursuit of human-technology, and human-computer interaction. Design is the manifest of human intentions. We design our everyday experience – what, where, who, when and how we interact with people, products, systems, software, hardware, and the environments. Design is about making things that help us shape our experience in life, both within the physical and the digital realms. Design is the integration of arts and sciences. Design is what we all do.

We have much to offer CHI and much to learn from others who come to CHI. This conference offers an opportunity to share your experience and methods with other like-minded designers and design thinkers.

Introduction to the Design Community

CHI 2013 will offer a place to discuss the role and practice of Design in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. We hope to stimulate discussion both within the community and with other communities as well as the broader design community of academics, researchers and practitioners that are involved in every aspect of design.

The CHI 2013 Design Community co-chairs will help design researchers and practitioners find appropriate venues for the presentation of advanced approaches, thought-provoking communication, and interaction between research and practice, whether the submission is a debate, a description of a new method, an interesting case study, or some other presentation format. This year we’re also planning to organise a face-to-face networking activity that will try to help you find other people with common interests.

We expect that there will be many related themes and activities offered by the other CHI communities participating in this conference. We strongly encourage you to submit multi-community proposals that address the understanding, analysis, evaluation of design experience, engineering, management, research, and in particular, the role design has to play in interdisciplinary research and practice.

We encourage members of the design community, inclusive of researchers and practitioners in design, usability, engineering, and management disciplines, to submit directly to the Design Community. Submissions to the Design Community are peer reviewed by design practitioners.

While contributions to the design community are focused on design methods, concepts, and implementations, work in these areas is also appropriate and welcome in other conference venues. Please review the submission guidelines for each venue before you formulate your contribution and decide to which venue it is best suited.

Topics might include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • systems, methods, and tools for design;
  • techniques, toolkits and practices for interaction design;
  • theories and procedures to analyze or generate interaction for design;
  • the roles of creativity and innovation in design process;
  • understanding, representing and reasoning about design in HCI;
  • design experience and experience design;
  • tools and techniques for design artifacts to support design;
  • interaction with design software;
  • design methods for interactivity.

Types of Submission

Submission from members of the Design Community can take a number of forms.

New activities for the Design Community: whether you are new to CHI, or long-time member of the community, we’re looking for new activities to enhance the CHI conference experience for design researchers and practitioners. If you are interested in organizing, hosting or participating activities such as Design Lunch Dates, Design Drink Dates, and Design Studio Tours, please let us know. Suggestions and offers of support should be sent to (and will be considered and acted upon by) the Design Community chairs:

Workshops: CHI Workshops take place on Saturday 27 April and Sunday 28 April. Workshops aim at deepening our understanding of specific topics through interactive presentations, discussions, and break-out sessions, and present probably the best opportunity to connect with other researchers and practitioners in design and other areas of HCI. We are particularly keen to encourage and support proposals for workshops from members of the Design Community.

Preparing your Submission

You must prepare your submission in the format that is required for each type. Please use the term “design” in the title, abstract, or author’s keywords to help us allocate it to appropriate reviewers. You can contact us at design@chi2013.acm.org if you have questions about design-related submissions. Please check the due dates of your submission type, read the requirements for your submission ideas, and start now. Good luck. We hope to see your work in Paris!

Patrick Olivier, Newcastle University, UK
Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Georgia Tech, USA