Call for Participation
Quick Facts
- Submission deadline: October 5, 2012 (5:00pm PDT)
- Online submission: PCS Submission System
- Notification: 14 December 2012
- Camera-ready deadline: 20 January 2013
- Submission format: Unanonymized maximum 8- page proposal in Extended Abstract Format.
- Selection process: Curated
- At the conference: Accepted panels will be presented in a 80-minute session at the conference
- Archives: Extended abstracts DVD and ACM Digital Library
Message from the Panels Chairs
For the second time this year, panel proposal organizers can choose to propose a panel surrounding “keynote panelists.” These panelists will be announced later this summer. You have the opportunity to write a proposal that includes one of these keynote panelists on a panel, for which you choose the theme and other participating panelists. Each of these panelists will have agreed to come to CHI to be a panelist, all you need to do is create a panel for them. From these proposals, reviewers will help to choose the panel that sounds the most exciting for each of our keynote panelists.
Confirmed Keynote Panelists:
Our Keynote Panelists cover a wide range, including representatives from IFM – France’s premier fashion institute and school – and IRCAM, the world-famous center for electronic music and audio processing. We encourage you to consider including a keynote panelist on your panel!
Gérard Assayag – The Music Representations Team
Jean-Louis Frechin – Nodesign
Hugues Vinet – IRCAM
Laurent Raoul – Institut Français de la Mode, Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, and XL Conseil
Lucas Dulattre - Institut Français de la Mode, Media and Communication
On the other hand, you might have an idea for a panel that doesn’t include any of these keynotes panelists, and that’s ok too. The format of Panels is intentionally left open. However, no matter what you propose, Panel Organizers are encouraged to think of ways to promote lively dialogue between a set of experts and the audience.
Jofish Kaye and Gillian Hayes,
CHI 2013 Panels Co-chairs
What is a Panel?
Panels are 80-minute sessions that involve significant interaction with audience members. Effective panels have been designed in many forms and formats. For example, the session may include a group of experts invited to debate a topic or theme, enact some aspect of their expertise, or reflect on and compare their diverse experiences. Panels should include involvement from the audience, often through questions and answers, voting or critique of the experts’ presentations, and so on. While we encourage panels that provide multiple perspectives and controversy, rancor or ad hominem attacks are not professional and should be avoided.
We highly encourage panel organizers to minimize the number of panelists to provide for fruitful and satisfying discussion; we will allow no more than six panelists and note that the best panels tend to have fewer speakers and more interaction with the audience. We believe that the best panels often involve no more than four panelists; we also encourage debate and discussion.
It is important to us that panels represent the diversity of CHI’s community, including diversity of gender, experience, national origin, native language, race, ethnicity, and sexual identity. In particular, we believe that panels that have no women do not adequately represent that diversity. Additionally, a diversity of ideas is strongly encouraged. Panels are a great place to sound some of the major debates of the field.
Preparing and Submitting your Panel
The Panel proposal must be a single PDF file, no longer than 8 pages, submitted via the PCS Submission System by October 5, 2012 (5:00PM PDT). The proposal must be in the Extended Abstract Format:The extended abstract should include the title of the panel; the names and affiliations of the organizer(s), confirmed invited participants, and participants who have been invited but not confirmed. In addition, you should include the name of any keynote panelist you wish to involve as well. Within the 8-page constraint you should summarize the the main topic(s) to be presented, debated, discussed, enacted, and any lessons or experiences you hope to convey in the session, as well as contrasting or controversial perspectives on the topic(s). You need to persuade the chairs that your panel will be exciting, enjoyable, and relevant to at least some of the CHI community. You need to list who will participate, how they have been recruited, why these people were selected, what qualifications they bring, and so on. In this proposal document, you may include participants who you hope to recruit but have not yet confirmed participation.
If the panel represents an official Community, the title should be Community Panel: title of panel. This should be confirmed with the Community Chairs for the particular community. Community Chairs are encouraged not to submit panels themselves, but rather to work with members of their communities to find appropriate panel topics.
All panelists must be listed as Authors on the document and in Precision Conference for scheduling reasons. You must include the session format: how you will run it, the invited participants’ role, your role, the audience role, and any special logistical needs (e.g., special seating or A/V, audience size limitations, use of student volunteers, expectations about attendee background or interests, etc.).
Your proposal must stand alone; readers must be able to get something out of the abstract even if they do not attend the panel session. Regardless of the topic, all session proposals should include a plan for engaging audience members in the interaction.
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.
Experience suggests that it is better to have fewer panelists. Again, we will not allow more than six panelists except in extreme circumstances.
Selection and Acceptance Process for Panels
Panel submissions will be Curated. The Chairs will determine which panels are accepted on the basis of the review criteria below, and may decide to bring in outside experts, such as Community Chairs, for further review. Organizers will be provided with the reviews of their submission after the decision is announced. There is no mechanism for author response in the review of Panels, and decisions are final, but in some special cases, the panels chairs may request changes to the panel proposal as a condition of its acceptance: a “conditional accept”. Organizers will be provided with the reviews of their submission after the decision is announced. We encourage panel coordinators to respond to suggestions from the Panel Chairs as part of the conditional accept rapidly and to engage in constructive dialog to produce the best overall panel experience for the conference.
Authors will be notified of acceptance, conditional acceptance or rejection on 14 December 2012, or shortly after. Contact authors/organizers of accepted Panels will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the camera-ready version of their Panels. These will be due on 20 January 2013.
Review Criteria
Panels present ideas that are novel, controversial, or engaging, inspiring the audience to respond and further elaborate the ideas. The Chairs aim to select a balance of panels to appeal to the wide variety of CHI attendees.
The review criteria will consider the extent to which the session includes:
- one or more topics likely to evoke a lively response from the CHI attendees
- invited participants who will contribute unique perspectives, content, or other interactive content to the session
- a well-organized and feasible session plan
- may use one of the keynote panelists in a creative, thought-provoking way
- useful and interesting contributions to HCI
- appropriate levels of diversity in panelist selection
Your Panel At the Conference
Your panel will be included in the conference program, and will have an 80-minute slot in its own room (subject to other requirements). Panels will take place during the main conference in parallel with other sessions. Session organizers are strongly advised to meet with their invited participants prior to their session to ensure a coordinated effort. If any special logistics are involved (e.g., seating, student volunteers, special A/V) organizers should also check in with Scooter Morris, Technology Liaison
Your Panel After the Conference
Panels can often be a jumping-off point for future work. Previous panels have become the starting point for special issues of journals or books, or follow-up panels, papers, workshops, SIG meetings or Communities. We encourage panel organizers to think about the potential of their panels to inform future work. Accepted Panel abstracts will be distributed in the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts, available at the conference on DVD and in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. Some of these Panels may also be recorded at the conference and distributed by the ACM.