This page contains instructions for submitting the final version of your paper or note to print publications and the ACM DL. For extended abstracts please read the detailed instructions from Sheridan Communications . All content and metadata will be submitted via Precision Conference System (PCS).
Please read the whole page. Submissions that do not conform to the ACM SIGCHI standards, specifications, guidelines, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections and/or alterations. Please follow the instructions as carefully as possible to save everyone time.
Video previews – New this year, all authors must provide a 30″ video preview presenting their contribution to the conference. Further details are available on the Video Previews page.
Publication-Ready Self-check:
CHI 2013 Papers & Notes
To help you prepare your final submission, the CHI 2013 committee has created this self-check guide that summarizes requirements for submission. Please see the Preparation Instructions from Sheridan Communications for the official guide, and make your final submission, including your PDF, document source, video preview and supplementary material to PCS.
Note: the state of this checklist is stored in a cookie. Please enable cookies if you want the checklist to remember its state from one session to the next.
Review ACM’s Copyright Policies
I have read the ACM’s Copyright and Permissions Policy | |
I have read the ACM’s Requirements about 3rd party material | |
Note: You will be asked to confirm that you agree with these policies on the final submission form. |
Copyright notices for your manuscript
LaTeX users – I have replaced any \toappear statements in my source with this one. (see Sheridan’s instructions) | |
Word users – I have replaced the contents of the copyright block in my document with the one from Sheridan’s sample CHI document. (see Sheridan’s detailed instructions) |
Verify Authors’ PCS Accounts
Note: All author information is linked to the author’s PCS account. | |
I have verified that each author’s full name, including middle initial and name is correct in PCS | |
I have verified that each author’s current affiliation is updated and correct in PCS | |
I have verified that each author’s affiliation location is correct in PCS |
LaTeX users – I have obtained and compiled my submission against the latest version of the SIGCHI class file | |
Word users – I have carefully examined my document to ensure that the formatting and layout match the official example CHI2013 document | |
Paper size – My document’s paper size is US Letter (8.5×11 in.) – not A4 | |
Title – The First Letter of the Main Words in Your Title are Capitalised | |
Authors’ Line – All authors’ names and affilations match their entries in PCS | |
Abstract – My abstract appears at the beginning of my submission | |
References – All citations are listed in a References section at the end of my document | |
Author Keywords – My Author Keywords are included in my document and the keywords are separated with semicolons | |
ACM Classification – The primary and additional ACM Classifiers I have selected are appropriate and appear in my document, separated by semicolons with the primary classifier listed first | |
Acknowledgements – I have included any funding/special contribution acknowledgements required by any research, financial, or other grants received. (e.g., See example pg 4) | |
Bad Breaks – I have checked my submission to avoid bad breaks, widows, and orphans | |
Text following headings – Section and Sub-section heads have at least 2 lines of body text below them when they appear at the end of a page or column | |
No page numbers – There are no numbers at the bottom of pages | |
No headers nor footers – There are no headers or footers at the top/bottom of pages | |
Even columns on the last page – The two columns of my last page are equally long | |
Captions are typeset in centered, bold, Times New Roman – not in Helvetica/Arial as used by some outdated UIST or CSCW templates |
Images and Figures
B&W appearance – Figures are properly legible in black and white | |
Resolution – Figures are at least 300dpi | |
CMYK Color Space (recommended) – I have used the CMYK color space where possible | |
Image file format – I have used lossless image formats (e.g., TIFF, PNG) instead of lossy ones (e.g., JPEG) where possible | |
Line width – All lines in Figures are at least 0.5pt+ thick to ensure visibility |
PDF Generation
No Type 3 fonts – I have verified that no Type 3 fonts are included | |
Fonts Embedded – I have verified that all Type 1 & TrueType fonts are embedded | |
PDF settings – I have verified that all other PDF settings conform to ACM’s requirements |
Auxiliary Material
Thumbnail image (Optional) – If I supply a thumbnail image, it is in the appropriate format (72dpi+, 1in) | |
Thumbnail image caption – (Mandatory if providing a thumbnail image) – If I provide a thumbnail image, I have prepared a short caption (20-30 words) for it | |
Video figure (Optional) – If I provide a video figure, it conforms to the requirements for accompanying videos | |
Auxiliary material (Optional) – If I am providing a auxiliary material (e.g., data files), I have created a single ZIP file of all material | |
Description of Auxiliary material (Mandatory if providing auxiliary material) – If I provide auxiliary material, I have prepared a short description of the files included in my auxiliary material ZIP file |
Video Preview
New for CHI 2013: All submissions must have an accompanying ~30 second video preview. | |
Video requirements – My Video Preview is in MP4 format and conforms to the requirements for video previews | |
Early Release I am prepared to answer whether or not I agree to the early release (up to 6 weeks prior to CHI 2013) of my video preview for promotional purposes |
Additional Final Submission Information
Contribution & Benefits Statement: I have prepared a short (30 words or less) description of my work for the Conference Program | |
Summary of Changes: I have prepared the list of changes I have made to comply with the Conditional Acceptance requirements of my submission |
What to Expect After You Submit
ACM Copyright Forms and Fixes Needed: I have reviewed Sheridan’s guide of what to expect after submission, including ACM Copyright Forms and communications regarding fixes needed. | |
Note: If any aspect of your submission does not meet the ACM Digital Library’s requirements, you will be asked to revise your submission and re-submit it as soon as possible. Please respond to any such requests promptly, because your paper cannot be placed into the ACM DL until it meets all requirements. |