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  • KDUW01: RepliCHI – The Workshop
    M. Wilson (The Univ. of Nottingham, UK), P. Resnick, D. Coyle, E. Chi
    M. Wilson (The Univ. of Nottingham, UK)P. Resnick (Univ. of Michigan, USA)D. Coyle (Univ. of Bristol, UK)E. Chi (Google, Inc., USA)

    This workshop aims to focus the long-term view for what RepliCHI will be in the future, discussing examples on day 1 and the future of RepliCHI on day 2The replication of, or perhaps the replicability of, research is often considered to be a cornerstone of scientific progress. Yet unlike many other disciplines, like medicine, physics, or mathematics, we have almost no drive and barely any reason to consider replicating the work of other HCI researchers. Our community is driven to publish novel results in novel spaces using novel designs, and to keep up with evolving technology. The aim of this workshop is to trial a new venue that embodies the plans made in previous SIGs and panels, such that we can begin to give people an outlet to publish experiences of attempting to replicate HCI research, and challenge or confirm its findings.

  • KEXW02: Geographic Human-Computer Interaction
    B. Hecht (Northwestern Univ., USA), J. Schöning, M. Haklay, L. Capra, A. Mashhadi, L. Terveen, M. Kwan
    B. Hecht (Northwestern Univ., USA)J. Schöning (Hasselt Univ. – tUL – iMinds, BE)M. Haklay (Univ. College London, UK)L. Capra (Univ. College of London , UK)A. Mashhadi (Alcatel-Lucent, IE)L. Terveen (Univ. of Minnesota, USA)M. Kwan (Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA)

    GeoHCI 2013 aims to provide a much needed venue for members of the human-computer interaction and geography communities to create and share knowledge on topics that span this disciplinary boundary.Geography is playing an increasingly important role in areas of HCI ranging from social computing to natural user interfaces. At the same time, research in geography has focused more and more on technology-mediated interaction with spatiotemporal phenomena. Despite the growing popularity of this geographic human-computer interaction (GeoHCI) in both fields, there have been few opportunities for GeoHCI knowledge sharing, knowledge creation or community building in either discipline, let alone between them. The goal of this workshop is thus two-fold. First, we will seek to sum up the state of GeoHCI knowledge and address GeoHCI core issues by inviting prominent researchers in the space to share and discuss the most important high-level findings from their work. Second, through our interdisciplinary organizing committee, we will recruit participants from both fields, with the goal of laying the groundwork for a community that works across intra- and interdisciplinary boundaries.

  • KFLW03: Workshop on Human Computer Interaction in Third Places.
    R. Calderon (Univ. of British Columbia, CA), S. Fels, J. Anacleto
    R. Calderon (Univ. of British Columbia, CA)S. Fels (Univ. of British Columbia, CA)J. Anacleto (Federal Univ. of São Carlos, BR)

    The Workshop on HCI in Third Places will promote a forum to discuss computing within third places (places that lie between home and work where communities gather to socialize).Third places are places that are neither home nor work, where people voluntarily come together to socialize. Third places are essential to social life because they provide a common ground where different communities can meet, and they promote a sense of place. Emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) are changing the way we use such third places, altering how we interact with other people and how communities are formed. The goal of the first Workshop on Human Computer Interaction in Third Places is to provide a forum where researchers can discuss the intersection between computing and third places. We aim to develop a research agenda and to initiate collaboration between researchers to better understand the roles of ICT in such places.

  • KQEW04: Organic Experiences: (Re)shaping Interactions with Deformable Displays
    J. Alexander (Lancaster Univ., UK), R. Brotman, D. Holman, A. Younkin, R. Vertegaal, J. Kildal, A. Lucero, A. Roudaut, S. Subramanian
    J. Alexander (Lancaster Univ., UK)R. Brotman (Arizona State Univ., USA)D. Holman (Queen’s Univ. Kingston, CA)A. Younkin (Intel Corporation, USA)R. Vertegaal (Queen’s Univ., CA)J. Kildal (Nokia Research Center, FI)A. Lucero (Nokia Research Center, FI)A. Roudaut (Univ. of Bristol, UK)S. Subramanian (Univ. of Bristol, UK)

    This workshop will provide a forum to discuss the three primary research themes in the area of interactions with shape-changing displays: prototyping and implementation, interaction and experience design, and evaluation.Display technology developments mean the next generation of visual output devices will extend beyond the rigid, flat surfaces with which we are familiar to those that the user or the machine can deform. These will allow users to physically push, pull, bend, fold or flex the display and facilitate a range of self-deformation to better represent on-screen content or support new modes of interaction. This workshop will provide a forum to examine, discuss and shape the three primary themes of research in this area: prototyping and implementation, interaction and experience design, and evaluation. It will bring together an interdisciplinary group of academic and industrial researchers to define the current and future challenges of crafting organic user experiences with deformable displays.

  • KXEW05: Game Jam
    A. Chatham (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA), B. Schouten, C. Toprak, F. Mueller, M. Deen, R. Bernhaupt, R. Khot, S. Pijnappel
    A. Chatham (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)B. Schouten (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, NL)C. Toprak (RMIT Univ., AU)F. Mueller (RMIT Univ., AU)M. Deen (Fontys Univ. of Applied Science, NL)R. Bernhaupt (IRIT, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, FR)R. Khot (Royal Melbourne Institute of Techonology, AU)S. Pijnappel (RMIT Univ., AU)

    Explore novel interaction techniques while building games from scratch in 48 hours.Game Jams – energized, fast-paced get-togethers of developers and artists to make digital games – have recently emerged as a way to generate and inspire novel game ideas and new ways of thinking. We intend to introduce the CHI community to this collaborative, fast-paced method of design by holding a game jam with an emphasis on developing novel user inputs as a way to explore HCI and to connect participants from diverse backgrounds. This game jam will introduce a successful model from a related field to the HCI agenda while developing collaborations between the two growing areas.

  • KYGW06: Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness
    I. Li (Google, Inc., USA), J. Froehlich, J. Larsen, G. Catherine, E. Ramirez
    I. Li (Google, Inc., USA)J. Froehlich (Univ. of Maryland, USA)J. Larsen (Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, DK)G. Catherine (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)E. Ramirez (Univ. of California, San Diego, USA)

    Continues the discussion from previous personal informatics workshops and adds new activities, such as rapid prototyping of new tools, designing new systems for different domains, and deployment in the wild.Personal informatics is a class of systems that help people collect personal information to improve self-knowledge. Improving self-knowledge can foster self-insight and promote positive behaviors, such as healthy living and energy conservation. The development of personal informatics applications poses new challenges in human-computer interaction and creates opportunities for applications in various domains related to quality of life, such as fitness, nutrition, wellness, mental health, and sustainability. This workshop will continue the conversations from the 3 previous CHI workshops through discussions on practical lessons from previous research and development experiences. In particular, this workshop will extend this ongoing work through a focus on rapid prototyping and deployment in the wild. Topics covered will include designing interfaces for collecting and reflecting on personal data, building robust applications, and infrastructures to make applications easier to create.

  • KANW07: Designing Social Media for Change
    N. Kamal (Univ. of British Columbia, CA), S. Fels, M. Fergusson, J. Preece, D. Cosley, S. Munson
    N. Kamal (Univ. of British Columbia, CA)S. Fels (Univ. of British Columbia, CA)M. Fergusson (Ayogo Games Inc., CA)J. Preece (Univ. of Maryland, USA)D. Cosley (Cornell Univ., USA)S. Munson (Univ. of Washington, USA)

    This workshop explores how social media technologies are being designed for change in: health, environmental sustainability, and political organization.Social media is becoming ubiquitous in today’s society. We are seeing social media as a design mechanism to promote behavior change. Further, Social media has been credited with organizing large populist movements such as Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring. And social media is influencing human behavior in various domains including healthy living, environmental sustainability, collective action/activism, and other areas such as education/learning and consumer behavior. This workshop will explore the design of social media systems that aim to change behavior, and challenges around the design and subsequent evaluation. Further, the workshop will explore how best to evaluate human behavior in the uptake of the social media as well as ways to tease out reasons for any observed behavior change over other confounding factors.

  • KBCW08: Exploring and Enhancing the User Experience for TV
    J. Jain (Google, Inc., USA), M. Evans, V. Vinayagamoorthy
    J. Jain (Google, Inc., USA)M. Evans (British Broadcasting Corporation, UK)V. Vinayagamoorthy (British Broadcasting Corporation, UK)

    Seeks to help increase the volume and quality of HCI research and innovative practice around user interfaces for television. Identifies opportunities for researchers and practitioners on an increasingly important platform.This workshop seeks to help increase the volume and quality of HCI research and innovative practice around user interfaces for television. Internet connectivity is driving a rapid increase in the range and scope of interactive experiences on the TV platform and it represents an exciting new opportunity for developing new HCI practice and methodology, as well as innovative forms of user experience.

  • KBQW09: Interactive City Lighting
    D. Aliakseyeu (Philips Research, NL), H. van Essen, A. Lucero, J. Mason, B. Meerbeek, E. den Ouden, A. Wiethoff
    D. Aliakseyeu (Philips Research, NL)H. van Essen (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, NL)A. Lucero (Nokia Research Center, FI)J. Mason (Philips Research, NL)B. Meerbeek (Philips Research, NL)E. den Ouden (TU Eindhoven, NL)A. Wiethoff (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München , DE)

    In this workshop we explore the potential of interactive city lighting and how it could support or enhance the lives of those living in a cityLED based lighting systems have enabled radically new possibilities in the field of artificial lighting. This is due to in part to the LED being digitally controllable which means this efficient light source can also be integrated with sensors and smart environments. This has opened up a new world of lighting and lighting interaction opportunities that has been applied in new concepts in many of the indoor lighting domains. The outdoor lighting domain however has focused mostly on the LED’s efficiency and low cost of ownership to save energy and money for local governments. The use of the LED as a potential means for providing interactive city lighting for social good or entertainment is as yet a fairly unexplored area. This is therefore the focus of this workshop to bring together a community of researchers, designers and technologists to explore the potential of interactive city lighting and how it could support or enhance the lives of those living in a city.

  • KCEW10: Gaze Interaction in the Post-WIMP World
    A. Bulling (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE), R. Dachselt, A. Duchowski, R. Jacob, S. Stellmach, V. Sundstedt
    A. Bulling (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE)R. Dachselt (Technische Univ. Dresden, DE)A. Duchowski (Clemson Univ., USA)R. Jacob (Tufts Univ., USA)S. Stellmach (Technische Univ. Dresden, DE)V. Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology, SE)

    The workshop addresses the application of eye gaze as a supporting input channel in diverse future usage contexts. Various ways of gaze interaction in the post-WIMP world will be discussed.This workshop is a follow-up to our successful Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting at CHI ’12. The SIG focused on eye gaze as a highly effective, seamless, and fast means of human-computer interaction in various contexts, but showed that suitable applications and overall convenience are still lacking. Consequently, we see an expressive need for continued in-depth discussion on how the diversity of application contexts could specifically benefit from the incorporation of the user’s gaze. In this regard, we concentrate on gaze interaction in combination with post-WIMP interaction styles as opposed to traditional desktop setups to broaden the view for novel ways to interact with eye gaze. The objective of the CHI ’13 workshop is to further promote this emerging field by addressing fundamental research questions regarding novel gaze-based interaction in the post-WIMP world.

  • KDGW11: Let’s talk about Failures: Why was the Game for Children not a Success?
    C. Moser (Univ. of Salzburg , AT), M. Tscheligi, B. Zaman, V. Vanden Abeele, L. Geurts, M. Vandewaetere, P. Markopoulos, P. Wyeth, J. Hofstätter
    C. Moser (Univ. of Salzburg , AT)M. Tscheligi (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)B. Zaman (Social Spaces – iMinds, BE)V. Vanden Abeele (Groep T – Leuven Engineering College, BE)L. Geurts (Groep T – Leuven Engineering College, BE)M. Vandewaetere (KU Leuven – Univ. of Leuven, BE)P. Markopoulos (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, NL)P. Wyeth (Queensland Univ. of Technology, AU)J. Hofstätter (ovos GmbH, AT)

    In this workshop we learn from game projects and enthusiastic game design initiatives that started with a promising idea, but failed or faced severe challenges. A significant proportion of research in the field of human-computer interaction has been devoted to game design. Yet, a multitude of good ideas and enthusiastic game design initiatives exist, where the games never see the light of day. Unfortunately, the causes of these failures remain often unexplored and unpublished. The challenges faced by researchers and practitioners are particularly complex when designing games for special target groups, such as children, or for a serious purpose. The HCI community would benefit from a discussion on these issues in order to avoid researchers and practitioners to repeat mistakes. We want to learn from projects that started with a promising idea, but failed or faced severe challenges. This workshop will be the first at CHI focusing on ‘failed game projects’. In particular, workshop participants are encouraged to discuss issues that typically received little attention in publications and hereby contribute to the discussion on failures in the design, development and evaluation of games for and or with children. As a result, the community will benefit from these insights and lessons-learned, which will enhance the design of future (serious) games with/for children.

  • KGNW12: HCI Fieldwork in Healthcare – Creating a Graduate Guidebook
    D. Furniss (Univ. College London, UK), A. O’Kane, R. Randell, S. Taneva, H. Mentis, A. Blandford
    D. Furniss (Univ. College London, UK)A. O’Kane (Univ. College London, UK)R. Randell (Univ. of Leeds, UK)S. Taneva (Univ. Health Network, CA)H. Mentis (Harvard Medical School, USA)A. Blandford (Univ. College London, UK)

    We aim to create a graduate guidebook that distils the international community’s experience and expertise in how to set-up, run and maximise the benefit of HCI fieldwork studies in healthcare.The Institute of Medicine 2000 report To Err is Human raised concerns about patient safety worldwide: there is increasing pressure for safe, efficient and effective healthcare along with a drive to innovate and improve patient experience. As a consequence, the design and evaluation of medical technology in context is becoming more widespread in HCI and related disciplines. Whilst research results are reported in papers, the details of how to actually perform fieldwork studies in these challenging environments are not. This CHI 2013 workshop will bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds to share experiences and expertise in carrying out healthcare fieldwork in both clinical and non-clinical settings: across hospitals, homecare environments and on the move when using mobile healthcare technology. We aim to create a graduate guidebook for HCI fieldwork in healthcare for current and future generations of researchers.

  • KJEW13: Methods for Studying Technology in the Home
    T. Coughlan (The Univ. of Nottingham, UK), M. Brown, S. Martindale, R. Comber, T. Ploetz, K. Leder Mackley, V. Mitchell, S. Baurley
    T. Coughlan (The Univ. of Nottingham, UK)M. Brown (The Univ. of Nottingham, UK)S. Martindale (The Univ. of Nottingham, UK)R. Comber (Newcastle Univ., UK)T. Ploetz (Newcastle Univ., UK)K. Leder Mackley (Loughborough Univ., UK)V. Mitchell (Loughborough Univ., UK)S. Baurley (Brunel Univ., UK)

    Homes are important yet uniquely challenging environments for research. We will share understanding of the diverse methods in use, explore issues raised, and identify opportunities for innovation and cross-disciplinary collaboration.Technology is becoming ever more integral to our home lives, and visions such as ubiquitous computing, smart technologies and the Internet of Things represent a further stage of this development. However studying interactions and experiences in the home, and drawing understanding from this to inform design, is a substantial challenge. A significant strand of research on technology in home life has developed in the CHI community and beyond, with a range of methods being created, adapted and used in combination. This workshop brings together a diverse group of researchers to develop a coherent understanding of this methodological space, and to identify connections and gaps, where further development of methods can occur to overcome issues specific to studying the home.

  • KJSW14: Changing Perspectives of Time in HCI
    S. Lindley (Microsoft Research, UK), R. Corish, E. Kosmack Vaara, P. Ferreira, V. Simbelis
    S. Lindley (Microsoft Research, UK)R. Corish (Microsoft Research, UK)E. Kosmack Vaara (Mobile Life @ Stockholm Univ., SE)P. Ferreira (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, SE)V. Simbelis (KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, SE)

    Our experience of time can be quite different to that as counted by a ticking clock. This will be a hands-on workshop that unpacks different ways of thinking about time.The aim of this workshop is to unpack different ways of thinking about time, drawing a distinction between time as experienced, and time as counted by a ticking clock or measured by a computer algorithm. The concept of time is often taken for granted within HCI, yet highlighting the assumptions that underpin it could provide a resource for research and innovation. In this extended abstract, we illustrate how this is so.

  • KKGW15: Motherhood and HCI
    M. Balaam (Newcastle Univ., UK), J. Robertson, G. Fitzpatrick, R. Say, G. Hayes, M. Mazmanian, B. Parmar
    M. Balaam (Newcastle Univ., UK)J. Robertson (Heriot-Watt Univ., UK)G. Fitzpatrick (Vienna Univ. of Technology, AT)R. Say (Newcastle Univ., UK)G. Hayes (Univ. of California, Irvine, USA)M. Mazmanian (Univ. of California, Irvine, USA)B. Parmar (Lady Geek Ltd, UK)

    Motherhood is increasingly influenced, mediated and invaded by technology and digital interactions. We explore research and design issues relating to technology use in the processes and experiences of motherhood. Motherhood and mothering are fundamental aspects of life, and as a consequence, every culture has knowledge, values, practices and expectations related to the role. Technologies now have an increasing role in motherhood, altering many women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth, and mothering. For HCI, such a transition opens a whole host of questions relating to areas of participatory design, social connection, data sharing, identity, memory-making, emotion work, as well as offering a new lens through which to understand notions of care and wellbeing. This workshop will bring together researchers, designers, and practitioners interested in the role of motherhood, the act of mothering, and its relation to HCI and technology. We will identify a collective research agenda related to motherhood and HCI and forge connections amongst a community of researchers to support the sharing of knowledge, resources and design approaches.

  • KLXW16: Games User Research: Practice, Methods, and Applications
    P. Mirza-Babaei (Univ. of Sussex, UK), V. Zammitto, J. Niesenhaus, M. Sangin, L. Nacke
    P. Mirza-Babaei (Univ. of Sussex, UK)V. Zammitto (Electronic Arts, CA)J. Niesenhaus (Univ. of Duisburg-Essen, DE)M. Sangin (Sony Computer Entertainment, UK)L. Nacke (Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology, CA)

    Games User Research (GUR) is using HCI methods to improve video games user experience. We will investigate different methodologies currently used in practice to optimize evaluation approaches suitable for GUR.Games User Research (GUR) is an emerging field that ties together Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Game Development. The GUR community has rapidly evolved over the past few years (spawning an International Game Developers Association Special Interest Group). In this workshop, we are investigating different methodologies currently used in practice. We will highlight benefits and drawbacks in assessing game design issues hoping to gain insights into player experience. The outcome will be a collection of best practices online, showing practitioners and researchers how to apply these techniques. We will also peer-review and publish extended versions of paper submissions in a Cognitive Science Research Papers Special Issue on GUR. This will extend the discussion of topics beyond the workshop and serve as a platform for future work.

  • KMLW17: Crafting Interactive Systems: Learning from Digital Art Practice
    R. Taylor (Newcastle Univ., UK), G. Schofield, J. Hook, K. Ladha, J. Bowers, P. Wright
    R. Taylor (Newcastle Univ., UK)G. Schofield (Newcastle Univ., UK)J. Hook (Newcastle Univ., UK)K. Ladha (Newcastle Univ., UK)J. Bowers (Goldsmiths, Univ. of London, UK)P. Wright (Newcastle Univ., UK)

    This workshop explores the role of technical process in interdisciplinary design. We investigate the effect of hands-on technical development on the experience of digital art creation.To create digital art, skillsets from a variety of disciplines are combined to form a finished aesthetic product. An artist may engage in hybrid practice, building his/her own technologies, or may collaborate with specialized technicians to form a creative team. This workshop will bring together participants from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, including art, music, design, and engineering to explore how the technological aspects of digital art function not merely in service to artistic considerations but rather, have creative and communicative value in their own right. We will discuss how explicit valuation of technical process in interdisciplinary design affects the experience of digital art creation, and explore how technology itself is and can be aestheticized in digital art practice. We will use these concepts to frame an investigation of how engagement with digital art practice can be used to enrich HCI.

  • KMZW18: POWERWALL: Int. Workshop on Interactive, Ultra-High-Resolution Displays
    C. Rooney (Middlesex Univ., UK), J. Fekete, A. Endert, C. North, K. Hornbæk
    C. Rooney (Middlesex Univ., UK)J. Fekete (INRIA, FR)A. Endert (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)C. North (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., USA)K. Hornbæk (Univ. of Copenhagen, DK)

    Ultra-high-resolution displays offer a vast real estate for displaying data, but also present new interaction issues. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in this growing research area. Ultra-high-resolution (Powerwall) displays offer a vast real estate for displaying data, but also present a new set of interaction issues. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the research area of Powerwall technologies. The workshop focuses on four key research questions: how do the interaction metaphors change as we move away from desktop interaction? How do we make the most of the visual resolution for data visualization? How can the physical size support collaborative work? And what are the lessons learnt from installing such displays?

  • KNNW19: Designing For- and With- Vulnerable People
    J. Vines (Newcastle Univ., UK), R. McNaney, R. Clarke, S. Lindsay, J. McCarthy, S. Howard, M. Romero, J. Wallace
    J. Vines (Newcastle Univ., UK)R. McNaney (Newcastle Univ., UK)R. Clarke (Newcastle Univ., UK)S. Lindsay (Swansea Univ., UK)J. McCarthy (Univ. College Cork, IE)S. Howard (The Univ. of Melbourne, AU)M. Romero (Uppsala Univ., SE)J. Wallace (Northumbria Univ., UK)

    We will examine in detail the practical, methodological and ethical challenges HCI researchers face when designing for or with vulnerable groups of people, developing conceptual tools for future research.Ubiquitous technology, coupled with a surge in empirical research on people that engages people with multiple challenges in their lives, is increasingly revealing the potential for HCI to enrich the lives of vulnerable people. Designing for people with vulnerabilities requires an approach to participation that is sensitive to the risks of possible stigmatization and an awareness of the challenges for participant involvement. This workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to explore the critical issues surrounding designing with and for vulnerable individuals. We aim to provoke discussion about how ‘vulnerability’ is defined in HCI, what methodological and ethical concerns are raised when working with specific cases, and ways of designing for future technologies that support vulnerable people in novel and sensitive ways.

  • KSJW20: Made for Sharing: HCI Stories of Transfer, Triumph and Tragedy
    E. Law (Univ. of Leicester, UK), E. Hvannberg, A. Vermeeren, G. Cockton, T. Jokela
    E. Law (Univ. of Leicester, UK)E. Hvannberg (Univ. of Iceland, IS)A. Vermeeren (Delft Univ. of Technology, NL)G. Cockton (Northumbria Univ., UK)T. Jokela (Joticon Oy, FI)

    Understanding via case study how HCI professionals transfer methods across contexts by appropriating and configuring method-resources can help creating new methods, training novices, and substantiating formal analysis of HCI methods.Recent studies on how traditional HCI methods are applied in practice entail re-conceptualization of the nature of such methods, leading to the notion of ‘method-as-set-of-resources’. Re-usable resources provide some, but not all, of the required resources for design work. Others must be provided within design work contexts. The expanding scope of use contexts alongside the shift of emphasis to user experience calls for the development of alternative HCI practices. These two trends can influence each other. Understanding, via structured case studies, how HCI professionals transfer the same (set) of design and evaluation methods across use contexts in terms of appropriating and configuring method-resources can provide applied knowledge for: (i) creating new methods, (ii) training novices, and (iii) laying a firmer groundwork for formal analysis of HCI methods. This workshop aims to bring together HCI professionals who have method-transfer experience and knowledge to share, analyze and synthesize insights so gained. Methods, transfer, approaches, resources, use context, case study, usability, user experience, practice

  • KSXW21: Designing and Evaluating Sociability in Online Video Games
    G. Christou (European Univ. Cyprus, CY), E. Law, D. Geerts, L. Nacke, P. Zaphiris
    G. Christou (European Univ. Cyprus, CY)E. Law (Univ. of Leicester, UK)D. Geerts (IBBT-KU Leuven, BE)L. Nacke (Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology, CA)P. Zaphiris (Cyprus Univ. of Technology, CY)

    Workshop that aims to bring together industry and academia experts to create the underpinnings of a framework for the design and evaluation of Online Video GamesThe emergence of Online Video Games has led to new ways of socializing with friends. Nowadays a good online game is also associated with the pleasure of socializing and interaction with other players. One cannot play such a game solitarily in a meaningful sense without interacting with the other players. However, there are still no integrated ways of designing and evaluating the inherent sociability of online video games, nor are there methods or guidelines for designing and evaluating social user experiences. Designers of online video games are often left to use their intuition and experience, many times leading to design failures. This workshop aims to further the understanding of designing for sociability and evaluating such designs for online video games. The goal is to exact a framework for the design of sociability structures in online games, and identify methods of effective evaluation of those structures that are practical and can be applied in the industry. With the wide reach of online video games, the time is ripe to codify and integrate the methods that have been developed for designing and evaluating social player experiences. The results will then be turned into a methodological framework that enables online video game designers to select appropriately existing methods and tools to design and evaluate systematically the social player experience of their online computer game prototypes and products.

  • KTZW22: Methods of Working with Teenagers in Interaction Design
    J. Read (Univ. of Central Lancashire, UK), M. Horton, O. Iversen, D. Fitton, L. Little
    J. Read (Univ. of Central Lancashire, UK)M. Horton (Univ. of Central Lancashire, UK)O. Iversen (Aarhus Univ., DK)D. Fitton (Univ. of Central Lancashire, UK)L. Little (Northumbria Univ., UK)

    The aim of the workshop is to bringing together practitioners and academics that have developed and used novel methods for carrying out research with teenagers in the interactions design area.Teenagers are a unique but little studied user group within the field of Interaction Design. Current literature on methodologies for research with children predominantly focuses on working with younger age groups and leaves a distinct gap between this and research methodologies used with adults. The aim of the workshop is to bridge this gap by bringing together practitioners and academics that have developed and used novel methods for carrying out research with teenagers in the interactions design area. The workshop will also refine and develop existing methods, create new methods, foster new collaborations, and define new research agendas to grow the research and literature in this area.

  • KUNW23: The Future of Personal Video Communication: Moving Beyond Talking Heads to Shared Experiences
    E. Oduor (Simon Fraser Univ., CA), C. Neustaedter, G. Venolia, T. Judge
    E. Oduor (Simon Fraser Univ., CA)C. Neustaedter (Simon Fraser Univ., CA)G. Venolia (Microsoft Research, USA)T. Judge (Google Inc. , USA)

    Explores future personal video communication technologies beyond “talking heads.” Designers will understand the value in moving to video communication systems that allow people to share everyday experiences over distance. Personal video communication systems such as Skype or FaceTime are starting to become a common tool used by family and friends to communicate and interact over distance. Yet many are designed to only support conversation with a focus on display ‘talking heads’. In this workshop, we want to discuss the opportunities and challenges in moving beyond this design paradigm to one where personal video communication systems can be used to share everyday experiences. By this we are referring to systems that might support shared dinners, shared television watching, or even remote participation in events such as weddings, parties, or graduations. This list could go on and on as the future of personal video communications is ripe for explorations and discussions.

  • KXSW24: POST_SUSTAINABILITY: A CHI Sustainability Community Workshop
    C. Preist (Univ. of Bristol, UK), D. Busse, L. Nathan, S. Mann
    C. Preist (Univ. of Bristol, UK)D. Busse (Samsung R&D Research Center, USA)L. Nathan (Univ. of British Columbia, CA)S. Mann (Otago Polytechnic, NZ)

    This workshop develops the Sustainable HCI agenda to encompass challenges of adaptation to environmental change, community resilience, contraction and collapse scenarios, and HCI in a resource constrained world.The goal of this workshop is to raise awareness, spark discussion, and start shaping a research agenda in the field of Sustainable HCI. There are three interrelated imperatives for this Post Sustainability workshop. First motivated by the desire to move sustainable HCI (or Sustainable Interaction Design SID) “beyond persuasion”. Second, the desire to move the sustainability of SID beyond an overly simplistic focus on single resource reduction. Third, the challenge of adaption to environmental impacts on society, potentially including societal contraction or collapse. The workshop will consist of a structured brainstorming session to construct a research agenda and then participants will, in groups, begin to develop action plans to realise this agenda.

  • KCSW25: Exploring the Diversity of Families: Designing Technologies for the Contemporary Family Life
    K. Kazakos (The Univ. of Melbourne , AU), E. Bales, C. Neustaedter, S. Yarosh, J. Kaye, D. Kirk
    K. Kazakos (The Univ. of Melbourne , AU)E. Bales (Univ. of California, San Diego, USA)C. Neustaedter (Simon Fraser Univ., CA)S. Yarosh (AT&T Research Labs, USA)J. Kaye (Yahoo! Research, USA)D. Kirk (Newcastle Univ., UK)

    This workshop will further our understanding on designing technologies for diverse family structures. It will investigate methods, design and evaluation techniques within contemporary and envisioned family and technology research.In recent years, the HCI community has expanded its interest to include exploring the role of technology within the domestic domain; particularly in the context of families and technology. Numerous studies have fo-cused on mapping the challenges and opportunities faced in designing technologies that are appropriated to the needs of contemporary families. However, few re-search lines have focused on supporting families with diverse structures and situations (i.e. divorced, same-sex, dealing with death, work-related periodic separation and reunion). This workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and designers who are interested in exploring the research space of family design and furthering our understanding of what it means to design technologies for diverse family structures. During the workshop we will readdress the meaning of a diverse family, the methods used to conduct family research as well as discuss design and evaluation techniques with a focus on user experience.

  • KEJW26: Explorations in Social Interaction Design
    E. Giaccardi (Delft Univ. of Technology, NL), L. Ciolfi, E. Hornecker, C. Speed, S. Bardzell, P. Stappers, P. Hekkert, M. Rozendaal
    E. Giaccardi (Delft Univ. of Technology, NL)L. Ciolfi (Sheffield Hallam Univ., UK)E. Hornecker (Bauhaus-Univ. Weimar, DE)C. Speed (Edinburgh Univ., UK)S. Bardzell (Indiana Univ. Bloomington, USA)P. Stappers (Delft Univ. of Technology, NL)P. Hekkert (Delft Univ. of Technology, NL)M. Rozendaal (Delft Univ. of Technology, NL)

    Explores a research agenda in social interaction design (SxD) that merges social networks and socially generated data with a vision for materiality in computing and tangible interaction. This one-day workshop brings together HCI scholars and practitioners who share a common interest in understanding and exploring how we will be socially connected in the future. Central to our discussion will be the exploration of an interdisciplinary research agenda in social interaction design (SxD) that merges social networks and socially generated data with a vision for materiality in computing and the possibilities of tangible and embedded interaction.

  • KFZW27: Designing Gamification: Creating Gameful and Playful Experiences
    S. Deterding (Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research, DE), S. Björk, L. Nacke, D. Dixon, E. Lawley
    S. Deterding (Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research, DE)S. Björk (Univ. of Gothenburg, SE)L. Nacke (Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology, CA)D. Dixon (Univ. of the West of England, UK)E. Lawley (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)

    This workshop establishes a baseline of current knowledge and practice around design and evaluation methods for gameful systems.In recent years, gamification – the use of game design elements in non-game contexts – has seen rapid adoption in the software industry, as well as a growing body of research on its uses and effects. However, little is known about the effective design of such gameful systems, including whether their evaluation requires special approaches. This workshop therefore convenes researchers and industry practitioners to identify current practices, challenges, and open research questions in the design of gameful systems.

  • KHCW28: MediCHI: Safer Interaction in Medical Devices
    Y. Li (Swansea Univ., UK), C. Vincent, P. Masci, H. Thimbleby, X. Ding
    Y. Li (Swansea Univ., UK)C. Vincent (Univ. College London, UK)P. Masci (Queen Mary, Univ. of London, UK)H. Thimbleby (Swansea Univ., UK)X. Ding (Fudan Univ., CN)

    Brings together medical device stakeholders to discus, review, compare and demonstrate effective and practical approaches to improve the design of medical devices for safer interaction in the future.Medical devices embedded with computer systems have been widely adopted in many healthcare situations with the intention to deliver accurate and effective medication. However, due to the nature of medical devices, usability issues and the complexity of their context of use, designing and evaluating interactive medical devices from a human error management perspective has always being challenging, particularly in high-risk areas. This workshop sets out to bring together international researchers and designers working in relevant fields to discuss, review, compare and demonstrate effective practical approaches that can be adopted to improve the design of medical devices for safer interaction in the future.

  • KHQW29: Blended Interaction: Envisioning Future Collaborative Interactive Spaces
    H. Jetter (Univ., DE), R. Dachselt, H. Reiterer, A. Quigley, D. Benyon, M. Haller
    H. Jetter (Univ., DE)R. Dachselt (Technische Univ. Dresden, DE)H. Reiterer (Univ., DE)A. Quigley (Univ. of St Andrews, UK)D. Benyon (Edinburgh Napier Univ., UK)M. Haller (Univ. of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, AT)

    Our workshop brings together leading experts in post-WIMP designs, technologies, and cognitive theories to create a unified view of future “Blended Interaction” in post-WIMP interactive spaces.Blended Interaction is interaction in physical environments including meeting rooms, design studios, or libraries, that are augmented with new UI technologies to blend the power of digital computing with natural work practices and collaboration styles. It combines the virtues of physical and digital artifacts so that desired properties of each are preserved and computing is integrated in a considered manner. Since rapid technological advances constantly challenge existing designs, we believe that HCI should move beyond creating new technologies, single applications, and novel interaction techniques towards an overarching unified vision and theory of Blended Interaction. Our workshop will bring together leading experts in cognitive theories and post-WIMP designs and technologies to create this unified view of Blended Interaction in a multidisciplinary approach.

  • KKUW30: Experiencing Interactivity in Public Spaces (EIPS)
    K. Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere Univ. of Technology, FI), J. Häkkilä, A. CASSINELLI, J. Müller, E. Rukzio, A. Schmidt
    K. Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere Univ. of Technology, FI)J. Häkkilä (Univ. of Oulu, FI)A. CASSINELLI (The Univ. of Tokyo, JP)J. Müller (Telekom Innovation Laboratories, TU Berlin, DE)E. Rukzio (Ulm Univ., DE)A. Schmidt (Univ. of Stuttgart, DE)

    This highly interactive workshop will create a description of “experience design space” and a research agenda for user experiences which take place in interaction with systems used in public spaces.Mobile and ubiquitous systems create opportunities for new kinds of interactivity in public spaces. Examples of human-technology interactions in public spaces include interactive displays on different scales; mobile systems enabling projection in public environments; smart interactive and reactive objects; tangible interfaces; and public media arts. Human-system and mediated human-human interactions become public and visible to the people around the same space. This creates many possibilities and challenges for designing the user experience that arise primarily from the social and physical context. This workshop will bring together researchers, designers, practitioners and media artists to discuss elements and viewpoints of such new forms of experiences. The results of the workshop will be an “experience design space” and a research agenda for experiences with interactive systems used in public spaces.

  • KLJW31: Workshop on Engaging the Human-Computer Interaction Community With Public Policymaking Internationally
    J. Lazar (Harvard Univ., USA), S. Barbosa, J. Gulliksen, T. McEwan, L. Martinez Normand, P. Palanque, R. Prates, J. Tsai, M. Winckler, V. Wulf
    J. Lazar (Harvard Univ., USA)S. Barbosa (Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), BR)J. Gulliksen (KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, SE)T. McEwan (Edinburgh Napier Univ., UK)L. Martinez Normand (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES)P. Palanque (Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse, FR)R. Prates (State Univ. of Rio de Janeiro , BR)J. Tsai (Microsoft Corporation, USA)M. Winckler (LIIHS-IRIT, FR)V. Wulf (Univ. of Siegen, DE)

    There is a complex cycle of influence between human-computer interaction, and public policies which arise from national and local governments, as well as standards organizations and non-governmental organizations. There is an increasing interest in the intersection of human-computer interaction and public policy. This day-long workshop will examine successes and challenges related to public policy and human computer interaction, in order to provide a forum to create a baseline of examples, and to start the process of writing a white paper on the topic.

  • KPCW32: Displays Take New Shape: An Agenda for Future Interactive Surfaces
    J. Steimle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), H. Benko, A. Cassinelli, H. Ishii, D. Leithinger, P. Maes, I. Poupyrev
    J. Steimle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)H. Benko (Microsoft Research, USA)A. Cassinelli (The Univ. of Tokyo, JP)H. Ishii (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)D. Leithinger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)P. Maes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)I. Poupyrev (Disney Research, USA)

    Improvised, minimal, flexible and actuated displays leverage novel hardware and form factors to enable expressive interactions and visualizations. This vision-driven workshop aims to generate an agenda for future interactive surfaces.This workshop provides a forum for discussing emerging trends in interactive surfaces that leverage alternative display types and form factors to enable more expressive interaction with information. The goal of the workshop is to push the current discussion forward towards a synthesis of emerging visualization and interaction concepts in the area of improvised, minimal, curved and malleable interactive surfaces. By doing so, we aim to generate an agenda for future research and development in interactive surfaces.

  • KPQW33: Third Mobile Accessibility Workshop
    T. Guerreiro (Univ. of Lisbon, PT), S. Abou-Zahra, J. Bigham, L. Carriço, D. Gonçalves, Y. Yesilada
    T. Guerreiro (Univ. of Lisbon, PT)S. Abou-Zahra (W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), AT)J. Bigham (Univ. of Rochester, USA)L. Carriço (Univ. of Lisbon, PT)D. Gonçalves (Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)Y. Yesilada (Middle East Technical Univ., TR)

    Bringing together Mobile HCI and Accessibility, this workshop is the source of synergistic works that have the potential of deeply transforming mobile interfaces towards a more inclusive future.Mobile interaction presents challenges that go beyond the traditional desktop contexts. These difficulties become even greater when considering people with disabilities or people without disabilities that experience situational impairments. Further, mobile devices and interfaces have been evolving at an astonishing rate which leads to increasing difficulties in maturing the field and consequently to ensure accessibility by different people and under different circumstances. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the Mobile HCI, Mobile Accessibility, and Mobile Web areas, towards identifying the most prominent challenges for mobile accessibility and guidelines for a more structured and faster development of accessible solutions.

  • KQSW34: Patient–Clinician Communication: The Roadmap for HCI
    R. Patel (Univ. of Washington, USA), L. Wilcox, A. Back, M. Czerwinski, P. Gorman, E. Horvitz, W. Pratt
    R. Patel (Univ. of Washington, USA)L. Wilcox (Columbia Univ., USA)A. Back (Univ. of Washington, USA)M. Czerwinski (Microsoft Research, USA)P. Gorman (Oregon Health & Science Univ., USA)E. Horvitz (Microsoft Research, USA)W. Pratt (Univ. of Washington, USA)

    This workshop will bring together clinical and HCI expertise to define future directions for research on synchronous patient-clinician communication.Effective communication between patients and their clinicians during clinical encounters has a positive impact on health outcomes. Technology has the potential to help transform this synchronous interaction, but re-searchers are still at early stages of developing interventions to assess and improve patient–clinician communication. In this workshop, we envision opening up a dialogue among researchers and clinicians who wish to discuss directions for future research in this domain. In particular, the workshop will focus on exploring how technologies available today, as well as projected for the future, can support the communication needs of clinicians and patients.

  • KRGW35: Evaluation Methods for Creativity Support Environments
    A. Kerne (Interface Ecology Lab, Texas A&M Univ., USA), C. Latulipe, S. Drucker, L. Candy, K. Höök, A. Webb, E. Carroll
    A. Kerne (Interface Ecology Lab, Texas A&M Univ., USA)C. Latulipe (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)S. Drucker (Microsoft Research, USA)L. Candy (Univ. of Technology, Sydney, AU)K. Höök (Mobile Life @ Stockholm Univ., SE)A. Webb (Interface Ecology Lab, Texas A&M Univ., USA)E. Carroll (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)

    This workshop gathers a community of researchers developing and evaluating CSEs. We will share approaches, engage in dialogue, and develop best practices. Creativity refers to the human processes that underpin sublime forms of expression and fuel innovation. Creativity support environments (CSEs) address diverse areas, such as education, science, business, disaster response, design, art, performance, and everyday life. A CSE may consist of a desktop application, or use specialized hardware, networked topologies, and mobile devices. CSEs may address temporal-spatial aspects of collaborative work. This workshop gathers a community of researchers developing and evaluating CSEs. We will share approaches, engage in dialogue, and develop best practices. The outcome is not a single prescription, but an ontology of methodologies with consideration to how they map to creative activities, and an emerging consensus on the range of expectations for rigorous evaluation to shape the field of CSE research. The workshop will organize an open repository of CSE evaluation methods and test data.

  • KRUW36: Many People, Many Eyes: Aggregating Influences of Visual Perception on User Interface Design
    K. Reinecke (Harvard Univ., USA), D. Flatla, E. Solovey, C. Gutwin, K. Gajos, J. Heer
    K. Reinecke (Harvard Univ., USA)D. Flatla (Univ. of Saskatchewan, CA)E. Solovey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)C. Gutwin (Univ. of Saskatchewan, CA)K. Gajos (Harvard Univ., USA)J. Heer (Stanford Univ., USA)

    Integrate visual perception research into user interface design in order to make them more effective, usable and visually appealing to a diverse audience.Many factors influence a user’s visual perception of an interface (e.g., culture, gender, visual impairment). In general, interface researchers and designers have considered these factors in isolation, without considering the combined effect of every factor influencing the visual perception of the user. As a result, interfaces have been optimized for single factors (e.g., improving accessibility for individuals with low vision), at the expense of optimizing for the individual’s visual perception experience (e.g., considering cultural preferences and lighting conditions while assisting users with low vision). In this workshop, we will begin the process of combining the broad range of visual perception knowledge to create a holistic approach to understanding users’ visual perception. The resulting knowledge pool will be used for generating interfaces better suited to the full range of users’ visual perception abilities.

  • KTLW37: Avec le Temps! Time, Tempo, and Turns in Human-Computer Interaction.
    J. Thomas (IBM T. J. Watson Research , USA), P. Yue, T. Erickson, E. Blevis, C. Letondal, A. Tabard
    J. Thomas (IBM T. J. Watson Research , USA)P. Yue (Indiana Univ. Bloomington, USA)T. Erickson (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)E. Blevis (Indiana Univ. Bloomington, USA)C. Letondal (ENAC, FR)A. Tabard (Univ. of Munich (LMU), DE)

    This workshop explores conceptions of time and how they may be better supported with technology.Time is central to HCI. Humans have varying conceptions and experiences of time: linear versus cyclical; discrete versus continuous; personal versus collective. Computational systems also represent time in various ways. And interaction itself plays out over time. Yet HCI has rarely examined time as a concept in its own right. In particular, the ways in which people conceive of and experience time are often at odds with the ways in which interactive systems represent and express temporal factors. In this workshop we aim to make explicit and question the tacit assumptions that underlie the use of time in human computer interaction. The focal themes for this workshop are: (1) examination of people’s conceptions of time vis a vis various topics (e.g. career, fashion, sustainability); (2) exploration of representations of time in systems; (3) the design of time-oriented interactive systems that support long term reflection, action and behavior change (e.g., as it applies to activities and phenomena like careers, fashion, and sustainability).

  • KVCW38: FAB at CHI: Digital Fabrication Tools, Design, and Community
    D. Mellis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), S. Follmer, B. Hartmann, L. Buechley, M. Gross
    D. Mellis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)S. Follmer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)B. Hartmann (Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA)L. Buechley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)M. Gross (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)

    Digital fabrication is changing the way physical objects and interactive devices are designed, prototyped, and produced. This workshop seeks to connect researchers interested in the intersection of HCI and fabrication. This workshop explores the implications and opportunities of digital fabrication for the field of human-computer interaction. We highlight five themes: design tools and interfaces, online collaboration around physical objects, prototyping in the interaction design process, hands-on learning, and unique, personalized artifacts. For each, we provide an overview and a survey of related work. The workshop seeks to foster a network of researchers and others working in these and related areas. It explores potential research directions and ways that the CHI community can make a positive impact on design, craft, and maker culture.

  • KVQW39: Reclaiming Repair: Maintenance and Mending as Methods for Design
    D. Rosner (Stanford Univ., USA), S. Jackson, G. Hertz, L. Houston, N. Rangaswamy
    D. Rosner (Stanford Univ., USA)S. Jackson (Cornell Univ., USA)G. Hertz (Univ. of California, Irvine, USA)L. Houston (Lancaster Univ., UK)N. Rangaswamy (Microsoft Research India, IN)

    This workshop explores the fundamental work of repair and its impact on the study of design and technology as important yet undervalued forms of innovation.Technologies inevitably break, degrade, and decline. In response, people mend and maintain what they already have: parts are replaced and software is updated. In this workshop, we propose to explore the fundamental work of repair and its impact on the study of design and technology as important — yet undervalued — forms of innovation. Broadly speaking, we hold the work of repair as acts of sustaining, managing, and repurposing to cope with attrition and regressive change. In order to investigate such processes, this workshop aims to bring together a range of scholars and practitioners from across the world to expand HCI’s established views on design, development, and society.

  • KYUW40: Grand Challenges in Text Entry
    P. Kristensson (Univ. of St Andrews, UK), S. Brewster, J. Clawson, M. Dunlop, L. Findlater, P. Isokoski, B. MARTIN, A. Oulasvirta, K. Vertanen, A. Waller
    P. Kristensson (Univ. of St Andrews, UK)S. Brewster (Univ. of Glasgow, UK)J. Clawson (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)M. Dunlop (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK)L. Findlater (Univ. of Maryland, USA)P. Isokoski (Univ. of Tampere, FI)B. MARTIN (Univ. de Lorraine, FR)A. Oulasvirta (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE)K. Vertanen (Montana Tech of The Univ. of Montana, USA)A. Waller (Univ. of Dundee, UK)

    This one-day workshop will offer an interdisciplinary forum of discussion for both practitioners and academics interested in text entry in its many forms and varieties. Our workshop serves two purposes. First, to bring text entry researchers working in the human-computer interaction (HCI), natural language processing (NLP) and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) communities together at CHI. Second, we will set three major grand challenges for text entry research: a) removing the performance bottleneck in text entry; b) designing efficient localized text entry methods; and c) bridging the communication gap between users with disabilities and society at large. These challenges will be discussed in a panel format at the workshop. The discussions will center on support activities, such as identifying obstacles for success in meeting these challenges and formalizing procedures for measuring progress in the text entry field.