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CHI Anonymization Policy

The CHI Papers and Notes review process will continue to use blind reviewing. As in previous years, we will use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper. Authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper, as noted in the submission instructions (Note: changing the text color of the author information is not sufficient). Also, please make sure that identifying information does not appear in the document’s meta-data (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ dialog box).

Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion. We do expect that authors leave citations to their previous work unanonymized, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account by the authors. However, authors are encouraged to cite their own work in the third person, e.g., avoid “As described in our previous work [10], …” and use instead “As described by <Author Name> [10], …”.