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Invited talks

CHI 2013 will feature three invited talks by the recipients of the main SIGCHI awards:

Lifetime Achievement in Research AwardLRAMon. 11am

George Robertson, now retired from Microsoft Research, is this year’s winner of the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement in Research Award.

The SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to the study of human-computer interaction. This award recognizes the very best, most fundamental and influential research contributions. It is awarded for a lifetime of innovation and leadership and carries an honorarium of $5000.

George G. Robertson is an ACM Fellow and a member of the CHI Academy. Before retiring in 2011, he was a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, where he led an information visualization research group. Before joining Microsoft, he was a Principal Scientist at Xerox PARC, and worked on 3-D interactive animation interfaces for intelligent information access. He developed a number of visualization and 3-D user interface systems. He was the architect of the Information Visualizer and invented novel 3-D interaction techniques and a number of visualization techniques. These include Cone Trees, the Perspective Wall, the Spiral Visualization, the Document Lens, the WebBook and the Web Forager, the Data Mountain (a document management visualization), the Task Gallery (a 3-D Windows® operating system shell), the Polyarchy Visualization for interacting with multiple intersecting hierarchies, Scalable Fabric for window and task management, and Schema Mapper for managing mappings between schemas. He also did pioneering work on animated 3-D user interfaces, inventing: Point of Interest navigation, Fix and Float, Peripheral Lens, Toolspaces and Glances, and Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting. He has also been a Senior Scientist at Thinking Machines, a Senior Scientist at Bolt Beranek and Newman, and a faculty member of the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University. In the past, he has made significant contributions to machine learning, multimedia message systems, hypertext systems, operating systems, and programming languages. Robertson served on the Advisory Board of the Department of Homeland Security National Visualization and Analytics Center from 2004-2011. He was an Associate Editor for the Journal of Information Visualization. He served on the IEEE Information Visualization Steering Committee from 1995-2009. He chaired UIST’97 and InfoVis 2004.

Lifetime Achievement in Practice AwardLPAWed. 2pm

Jakob Nielsen, principal of the Nielsen Norman Group is this year’s winner of the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement in Practice Award.

The SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to the practice and understanding of human-computer interaction. This award recognizes the very best and most influential applications of human-computer interaction. It is awarded for a lifetime of innovation and leadership and carries an honorarium of $5000.

Jakob Nielsen is Principal of Nielsen Norman Group (www.nngroup. com), a user experience firm he co-founded with Donald A. Norman in 1998. Nielsen is the founder of the “discount usability engineering” movement, which emphasizes fast and efficient methods for improving the quality of user interfaces. As part of this effort he co-invented the heuristic evaluation method. Nielsen is the author of the best- selling book Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity, which has sold more than a quarter of a million copies in 22 languages. His other books include Usability Engineering, Usability Inspection Methods, International User Interfaces, Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed, Prioritizing Web Usability, Eyetracking Web Usability, and Mobile Usability. Nielsen’s Aler tbox column on web usability has been published on the Internet since 1995 and has received a cumulative 175 million pageviews. From 1994 to 1998, Nielsen was a Sun Microsystems Distinguished Engineer. His previous affiliations include Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), the Technical University of Denmark, and the IBM User Interface Institute at the T.J. Watson Research Center. He holds 79 United States patents, mainly on ways of making the Internet easier to use.

Social Impact AwardSIATue. 2pm

Sara Czaja from The University of Miami is this year’s recipient of the ACM SIGCHI Social Impact Award.

This award is given to individuals who promote the application of human-computer interaction research to pressing social needs.

Sara J. Czaja is a Leonard M. Miller Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Industrial Engineering at the University of Miami. She is also the Scientific Director of the Center on Aging at the University of Miami and the Director of the Center on Research and Education for Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE). The focus of CREATE is on making technology more accessible, useful, and usable for older adults. Prof. Czaja has extensive experience in aging research and a long commitment to developing strategies to improve the quality of life for older adults. Her research interests include: aging and cognition, aging and healthcare access, family caregiving, aging and technology, and functional assessment. She is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and the Gerontological Society of America. She served as a member of the Technical Advisory Panel of the APA Presidential Task Force on Integrative Healthcare for an Aging Population. In addition, she is a member of the National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Factors and Home Health Care.