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All communities | Design (7) | Engineering (4) | Management (2) |
User Experience (10) | Child-Computer Interaction (2) | Digital Arts (3) | Games and Entertainment (4) |
Health (2) | Sustainability (2) | HCI for Development (1) |
- GTLMon. 11amHuman Computer Interaction for Development (HCI4D)
We are proposing a SIG designed for Human-Computer Interaction for Development (HCI4D) Community. It is designed to foster further collaboration, dissemination of research results and findings from practitioners, as well as to promote discussion of how we can both learn from each other and from those we serve in underserved communities wherever they may be.
- GDGTue. 9amA new Perspective for the Games and Entertainment Community
Games and Entertainment has become an important area for researchers in Human-Computer Interaction. The community has grown dramatically in the past three years. During CHI 2012 a two-day workshop on Games User Research was held, and a growing number of game-oriented submissions shows the increasing importance of the field. In 2013 the successful Student Games Competition will continue and we plan to program engaging game experiences during CHI 2013. The games and entertainment community is the only community that got the agreement of the Conference Management Committee of SIGCHI to extend existence beyond the initial three years. The Games and Entertainment Community is thus extended for the years 2014 and following. It is of immense importance for the community to have the possibility to discuss new perspectives for the Games and Entertainment Community in a SIG.
- GCEWed. 2pmSIG NIME: Music, Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction
This SIG intends to investigate the ongoing dialogue between music technology and the field of human-computer interaction. Our specific aims are to consider major findings of musical interface research over recent years and discuss how these might best be conveyed to CHI researchers interested but not yet active in this area, as well as to consider how to stimulate future collaborations between music technology and CHI research communities.
- GHQWed. 2pmAutomotive User Interface Research Moves into Fast Lane
This SIG will explore issues related to the design of in-vehicle human-computer interfaces. A modern vehicle’s human-computer interface often facilitates the basic operation of the vehicle, but also provides more advanced features, such as assistive cruise control and lane keeping. Furthermore, today’s drivers and passengers frequently use brought-in devices, in order to access navigation instructions, and use non-driving related types of digital information such as social media. The SIG will explore how in-vehicle interfaces can facilitate safe interactions for all of the occupants of the vehicle, and how they can take advantage of connected vehicle technologies.
- GBCTue. 4pmSIG: NVI (Non-Visual Interaction)
In recent years there has been a surge in the development of non-visual interaction techniques targeting two application areas: making content accessible to visually impaired people, and supporting minimal attention user interfaces for situationally impaired users. This SIG aims to bring together the community of researchers working around non-visual interaction techniques for people of all abilities. It will unite members of this burgeoning community in a lively discussion and brainstorming session. Attendees will work to identify and report current and future research challenges as well as new research avenues.
- GFLTue. 11amResearch-Practice Interaction: Building Bridges, Closing the Gap
Previous work in the CHI community has identified and explored gaps between theory and practice in HCI research [2]. The recently formed SIGCHI Community on Research-Practice Interaction aims to help bridge the gap between research and practice, by for example supporting practitioner-friendly dissemination of results, and serving as a conduit for feedback from practitioners to researchers. This SIG is an opportunity for interested CHI attendees to meet members of the SIGCHI RPI community, and engage in discussions on RPI issues including the CHI format, dissemination of results, and supporting practice-based research
- GPCTue. 2pmChanging Perspectives on Sustainability: Healthy Debate or Divisive Factions?
This year’s Sustainability SIG invites participants to apply the conference theme “changing perspectives” to sustainability research and practice within the human computer interaction community. As the number of sustainability-oriented endeavors in the field continues to grow, so does the number of critiques on the work undertaken. Perspectives continue to shift concerning how the HCI community “should” attend to the monumental ecosystem changes societies face in the coming decades. For such an enormous problem, is it best to concentrate our limited resources (time, money, people) on compatible approaches in order to build on each other’s findings? Do recent critiques risk sundering a nascent community of scholars? Or is it misguided to privilege a limited number of approaches to addressing a complex, problematic situation?
- GYUTue. 9amConsumer Engagement in Health Technologies Special Interest Group
How do we keep consumers engaged in using health technologies? We welcome all researchers and practitioners who are interested in this question to join us for a spirited discussion, hosted by the CHI Health Community.
- GJSWed. 4pmCHI 2013 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) SIG: Past History and Future Challenges
In this SIG we aim to introduce the IFIP 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) approach to the CHI audience. The HWID working group aims at establishing relationships between extensive empirical work-domain studies and HCI design. We invite participants from industry and academia with an interest on empirical work analysis, HCI, interaction design and usability and user experience in work situations and in the workplace. This SIG is a vital step towards creating a CHI2014 workshop on this topic.
- GUNTue. 11amDigital Art: Challenging Perspectives
In this SIG for the Digital Arts Community, we respond to the conference theme of changing perspectives by offering challenging perspectives. The challenge comes in a two-way exchange between Digital Art and HCI. On the one side we have the making of new and unique forms, i.e. synthesis. Whilst on the other, we have knowledge-making grounded in the human sciences and engineering, in other words, predicting and validating analysis. In this SIG session we will provoke a discussion on these contrasting challenging perspectives. How does knowledge emerge between synthesis and analysis?
- GEJMon. 11amDesigning Interactive Secure System: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group
Despite a growing interest in the design and engineering of interactive secure systems, there is also a noticeable amount of fragmentation. This has led to a lack of awareness about what research is currently being carried out, and misunderstandings about how different fields can contribute to the design of usable and secure systems. By drawing interested members of the CHI community from design, user experience, engineering, and HCI Security, this SIG will take the first steps towards creating a research agenda for interactive secure system design. In the SIG, we will summarise recent initiatives to develop a research programme in interactive secure system design, network members of the CHI community with an interest in this research area, and initiate a roadmap towards addressing identified research challenges and building an interactive secure system design community.
- GZXWed. 11amInvited SIG – HCI: An Asian Perspective
- GKUThu. 11amScience vs. Science: the Complexities of Interdisciplinary Research
Human-Computer Interaction and Web Science are radically interdisciplinary fields, but what does this mean in practical terms? Undertaking research (and writing papers) that encompass multiple disciplinary perspectives and methods is a serious challenge and it is difficult to maintain conferences that fairly review and host contributions from multiple disciplines. The colocation of the ACM WebSci conference with CHI in Paris, offers an unusual opportunity to bring these two communities together. Previous discussions have considered how to conduct interdisciplinary work that bridges HCI/WebSci with specific areas. Our objective is to provide a space for interested researchers from both communities to share their views and approaches to tackling the tensions and complexities associated with interdisciplinary work, whatever fields are being bridged.
- GLXWed. 9amHCI for Peace Ideathon
Computers are increasingly mediating the way people make decisions, including those that can have an effect on conflict and peace. In addition, recent research provides empirical data on the factors that affect the likelihood of armed conflict. These conditions provide an unprecedented opportunity to the human-computer interaction community to play a role in preventing, de-escalating, and recovering from conflicts. This SIG will be the first opportunity for CHI attendees to meet during the main part of the conference, share their ideas, and provide concrete ways to move forward with this line of research.
- GMZTue. 4pmHCI with Sports
Recent advances in cheap sensor technology has made technology support for sports and physical exercise increasingly commonplace, which is evident from the growing popularity of heart rate monitors and GPS sports watches. This rise of technology to support sports activities raises many interaction issues, such as how to interact with these devices while moving and physically exerting. This special interest group brings together industry practitioners and researchers who are interested in designing and understanding human-computer interaction where the human is being physically active, engaging in exertion activities. Fitting with the theme, this special interest group will be “run” while running: participants will be invited to a jog together during which we will discuss technology interaction that is specific to being physically active whilst being physically active ourselves.
- GRGMon. 2pmThe Role of Engineering Work in CHI
The Engineering community faces a number of issues around its role in the larger CHI community and its contribution to SIGCHI-sponsored conferences. This SIG aims to stimulate discussion and attention on the work of researchers interested in the engineering aspects of HCI. It is the forum to report progress on key issues, identify objectives for the near future, and develop plans to address them.
- GGNThu. 2pmVisions and Visioning in CHI: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group Meeting
There are many visions that touch on the future of human computer interaction from a trans-human future to a post-technological UI. However visions related to the progress of technology are not new. Creative and insightful visionaries from Denis Diderot to Vannevar Bush have been postulating visions of possible futures or technology for centuries. Some idealised views end up discredited with advances in knowledge, while others now appear remarkably prescient. The question is, do visions and the process of creating them have a place in CHI, or are they simply flights of fancy? This SIG meeting provides a forum for visionaries; researchers and practitioners looking to consider the place and importance of visions within CHI. Can visions, the process of visioning and forming new visions help us refine, advance or develop new research or forms of interaction. And if visions are important to us, then are they part of the regular academic process? If so, should CHI provide venues for publishing new visions?
- GVQMon. 4pmEnhancing the Research Infrastructure for Child-Computer Interaction
The child-computer interaction community has been steadily adding research infrastructure over the past 20 years through books, the Interaction Design and Children conference, being a featured community at CHI, through an official IFIP group, and more recently through a journal. In this SIG we will discuss the next steps to further strengthen the research infrastructure in this research community with the goals of improving the quality of the research, enhancing research resources, and increasing the impact of the field in industry and education.
- GXSTue. 2pmManaging UX Teams
This SIG will serve two purposes: as a forum to share the results from previous CHI management workshops and current trends, and also as a forum for the management community to discuss topics of interest.
- GSJWed. 11amOn Top of the User Experience Wave – How is Our Work Changing?
The field of Human-Computer Interaction has evolved over three decades, from human factors and usability to user experience. But what has changed in practice, in the approaches and methods we use? Has anything changed other than the names of the teams within organizations? And what might be coming next? In this SIG, we discuss how the work of HCI professionals has changed over the years and explore the future of their work.
- GQEWed. 4pmUrbanIXD :: Designing Human Interactions In The Networked City
Interaction Design, in an urban context, is an increasingly important field of research. City populations are currently in a state of rapid flux. Conurbations are fast becoming a hybrid of the physical environment and the digital datasphere. How we, as physical beings, will connect with, interpret and adapt this increasing dataflow residing in our cities is already becoming a significant research question. The SIG organisers will frame the discussion through a human–centred view of the concerns, experiences and behaviours that may occur in cities of the future. By adopting an approach of Thinking and Doing it is hoped that the SIG will act as a catalyst for community building.