General Information – Two Days Workshops - Saturday’s Workshops - Sunday’s Workshop
RepliCHI is focused on the issues surrounding how, when, and why we should replicate research findings, whether confirming/challenging theories, replicating experiments, or applying research in practice. RepliCHI is inviting 1) experience reports and 2) well-considered position papers.
Max L. Wilson, University of Nottingham
Paul Resnick, University of Michigan
David Coyle, University of Bristol
Ed Chi, Google, Inc.
W02: Geographic Human-Computer Interaction
GeoHCI 2013 aims to provide a much needed venue for members of the human-computer interaction and geography communities to create and share knowledge on topics that span this disciplinary boundary.
Brent Hecht, Northwestern University
Johannes Schöning, Hasselt University
Muki Haklay, University College London
Licia Capra, University College of London
Afra Mashhadi, Alcatel-Lucent
Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota
Mei-Po Kwan, University of California, Berkeley
W03: Workshop on Human Computer Interaction in Third Places.
This workshop will promote a forum to discuss the roles and challenges of computing when introduced in third places. Third places lie between home and work, and help create the social links that tie communities together.
Roberto Calderon, University of British Columbia
Sidney Fels, University of British Columbia
Junia Anacleto, Federal University of São Carlos
W04: Organic Experiences: (Re)shaping Interactions with Deformable Displays
Deforming displays presents a new opportunity for introducing shape and tangibility into user experiences. Through a series of seminar sessions, we will explore issues related to human-centered design, prototyping and evaluation of these new, organic user experiences.
Jason Alexander, Lancaster University
Ryan Brotman, Arizona State University
David Holman, Queen’s University, Kingston
Audrey Younkin, Intel Corporation
Roel Vertegaal, Queen’s University
Johan Kildal, Nokia Research Center
Andrés Lucero, Nokia Research Center
Sriram Subramanian, University of Bristol
W05: Game Jam
Explore novel interaction techniques while building games from scratch in 48 hours. Game Jam at CHI.
Alan Chatham, Carnegie Mellon University
Ben Schouten, Eindhoven University of Technology
Cagdas Chad Toprak, RMIT University
Florian Mueller, RMIT University
Menno Deen, Fontys University of Applied Science
Regina Bernhaupt, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III
Rohit Khot, Royal Melbourne Institute of Techonology
Sebastiaan Pijnappel, RMIT University
W06: Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness
Ian Li, Google
Jon Froehlich, University of Maryland, College Park
Jakob Larsen, Technical University of Denmark
Grevet Catherine, Georgia Institute of Technology