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Case studies

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  • YMJMon. 4pmCreating Small Products at a Big Company: Adobe’s “Pipeline” Innovation Process
    R. Adams (Adobe Systems, USA), B. Evans, J. Brandt
    R. Adams (Adobe Systems, USA)B. Evans (Adobe Systems, USA)J. Brandt (Adobe Research, USA)

    Pipeline is a new development process at Adobe designed to rapidly evaluate product ideas. We detail our adaption of lean approaches to the realities of a 10,000+ person company.Pipeline is a new development process at Adobe designed to rapidly prototype and evaluate new product offerings. Pipeline has user research at its core, and success is defined by how much is learned about a given problem, not by how much product is built. Starting ideas for new product directions are identified through Contextual Inquiry. Once a product direction is selected, an iterative process of development and evaluation is carried out over a 13-week period. Opportunities to pivot are built in at 3-week intervals, driven by evaluation results from laboratory studies. The Pipeline process is explained through an example product prototype, called “Gadget”. Gadget is an application targeted at Web developers that helps them more easily experiment with and modify the visual layout of a Web page.

  • YQTMon. 4pmProject Pokerface: Building User-Centered Culture at Scale
    A. Baki (Google, Inc., USA), P. Bowen, B. Brekke, E. Ferrall-Nunge, G. Kossinets, J. Riegelsberger, N. Weber, M. Mayer
    A. Baki (Google, Inc., USA)P. Bowen (Google, Inc., USA)B. Brekke (Google, Inc., USA)E. Ferrall-Nunge (Google, Inc., USA)G. Kossinets (Google, Inc., USA)J. Riegelsberger (Google, Inc, USA)N. Weber (Google, Inc, USA)M. Mayer (Google, Inc, USA)

    Learn about a compact, lightweight user immersion process that engages entire teams in user research. It creates lasting impressions and therefore provides momentum for change with minimal time and resources.We describe a project (‘Pokerface’) we ran at Google to increase our collective focus on the user. It involved hundreds of Eng/PM across multiple locations. This immersion project allowed non-UX professionals to feel firsthand the delight and, and at times, pain of our users when using our products. It strengthened the bond between colleagues and users and called to attention issues that needed immediate action.

  • YFRThu. 2pmMulti-modal Location-Aware System for Paratrooper Team Coordination
    D. Cummings (Texas A&M Univ., USA), M. Prasad, G. Lucchese, C. Aikens, T. Hammond
    D. Cummings (Texas A&M Univ., USA)M. Prasad (Texas A&M Univ., USA)G. Lucchese (Texas A&M Univ., USA)C. Aikens (Texas A&M Univ., USA)T. Hammond (Texas A&M Univ., USA)

    Lessons learned through an ethnographic analysis of Paratroopers facilitated the development of a location-aware navigation system and helped to effectively address common battlefield constraints while capitalizing on users’ expectations.Navigation and assembly are critical tasks for Soldiers in battlefield situations. Paratroopers, in particular, must be able to parachute into a battlefield and locate and assemble their equipment as quickly and quietly as possible. Current assembly methods rely on bulky and antiquated equipment that inhibit the speed and effectiveness of such operations. To address this we have created a multi-modal mobile navigation system that uses ruggedized to mark assembly points and smartphones to assist in navigating to these points while minimizing cognitive load and maximizing situational awareness. To achieve this task, we implemented a novel beacon receiver protocol that allows an infinite number of receivers to listen to the encrypted beaconing message using only ad-hoc Wi-Fi technologies. The system was evaluated by U.S. Army Paratroopers and proved quick to learn and efficient at moving Soldiers to navigation waypoints. Beyond military operations, this system could be applied to any task that requires the assembly and coordination of many individuals or teams, such as emergency evacuations, fighting wildfires or locating airdropped humanitarian aid.

  • YDKWed. 11amA Software Development Methodology for Sustainable ICTD Solutions
    J. Doerflinger (SAP Research, DE), A. Dearden, T. Gross
    J. Doerflinger (SAP Research, DE)A. Dearden (Sheffield Hallam Univ., UK)T. Gross (Univ. of Bamberg, DE)

    Case study describing development of a software development methodology that supports development of sustainable and scalable long-term ICTD solutions. Can assist ICTD software development projects. Information and Communication Technology continue to be increasingly used in social development and poverty alleviation projects, known as Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICTD) projects. However, most interventions either fail completely as a result of attempting to use inappropriate software development approaches and technology concepts in the different ICTD context or they only execute small scale prototypes without positive long-term social impact. We present a case study on how we combined and adapted, using an iterative action research refinement approach, established interaction design methods into a software development methodology supporting scalable long-term ICTD software projects: the Technical ICTD Methodology (TIM). Our case study is based on the experiences of a series of ICTD projects executed within a major software corporation over a period of more than five years.

  • YCGWed. 11amCounter Entropy: Visualizing Power Consumption in an Energy+ House
    F. Heller (RWTH Aachen Univ., DE), K. Tsoleridis, J. Borchers
    F. Heller (RWTH Aachen Univ., DE)K. Tsoleridis (RWTH Aachen Univ., DE)J. Borchers (RWTH Aachen Univ., DE)

    This Case Study presents the design and evaluation of a home automation control application that supports easy understanding and analysis of household energy consumption.This case study presents the design and evaluation of an end-user energy consumption display for an energy+ house. The goal of our application is to give an easy overview over the power balance and to provide the user with the necessary information to understand specific consumption patterns. We defined the unit of Counter Entropy points and used it to create several visualizations showing the consumption of appliances, climate control, and lighting. Our evaluation showed that users easily understand where the currently consumed power is sourced and which factors influence the overall power consumption.

  • YXLTue. 2pmDo You Enjoy Getting Gifts? Keeping Personas Alive Through Marketing Materials
    C. Hochleitner (CURE – Center for Usability Research & Engineering, AT), C. Graf, M. Tscheligi
    C. Hochleitner (CURE – Center for Usability Research & Engineering, AT)C. Graf (CURE – Center for Usability Research & Engineering, AT)M. Tscheligi (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)

    This case study researches the potential of persona marketing materials to improve the persona method. We present and research the effects and likeability of long-living marketing materials and consumables.Personas are a design tool to ensure a strong user-focus within projects. In this case study we compare and discuss seven different persona marketing materials used to increase the acceptance of the personas by the project team. The marketing materials are a mixture of consumables (e.g., wine or cake) and long-living marketing materials (e.g., posters or savings box). The insights gained are encouraging and confirm that marketing materials can be useful for increasing the acceptance and usage of personas.

  • YBDTue. 11amEnhancing Company Communication: The Case of a Social Media Platform
    A. Krischkowsky (Univ. of Salzburg, AT), A. Weiss, S. Osswald, M. Tscheligi
    A. Krischkowsky (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)A. Weiss (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)S. Osswald (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)M. Tscheligi (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)

    This case study presents lessons learned from the introduction of a social media platform in an internationally operating company with five HCI actions to ensure a positive user experience. This case study reports on the pilot phase of a social media platform, based on Microsoft SharePoint 2010, which should enhance the communication between and within departments of an internationally operating semiconductor manufacturing company, which has different sites in Europe, the US, and Asia. Our research group monitored this pilot phase in order to increase the acceptability and usage among the employees of the company. Five different HCI actions have been undertaken for that: Information kick-off workshops to raise awareness, a survey on success criteria, an expert evaluation on usability problems, a collaborative use case definition, and a survey on benchmarking the tool in terms of user experience and acceptability. We demonstrate the benefits of HCI research for the introduction of this communication tool in the company.

  • YGUWed. 11amBiometric Interaction – a Case Study of Visual Feedback and Privacy Issues in New Face Recognition Solutions
    P. Kvarnbrink (Umea Univ., SE), K. Fahlquist, T. Mejtoft
    P. Kvarnbrink (Umea Univ., SE)K. Fahlquist (Umea Univ., SE)T. Mejtoft (Umea Univ., SE)

    This study brings a face recognition algorithm into a real-life gate system at an indoor training facility. The goal was to make the system efficient, easy to use and friendly.This case study describes how to convert a gate system from using magnetic keycards to face recognition. The gate is placed at one of Europe’s biggest indoor training facilities, IKSU. The goal with this case study was to make the system efficient, easy to use and friendly.

  • YHYTue. 11amLeverage User Experience through Social Networking to Improve Health Adherence
    R. Lin (IBM, TW), X. Zhu
    R. Lin (IBM, TW)X. Zhu (IBM T.J. Watson Research , USA)

    This case study makes a contribution to Human-Computer and Human-Human Interactions and the use of social media/gaming in the health care sector. Patient adherence is an important factor in improving health outcomes. However, as one of the causes of increasing population with chronic diseases, low adherence has become a major health care issue globally. Often, due to deferred benefits of treatment or lifestyle recommendations, many fail to adhere to their treatment regimen or health plans given by care providers until their conditions deteriorate. As poor adherence remains a significant yet inadequately addressed problem of severe health issues, it is critical to create effective interventions as part of the solutions. Previous studies have suggested that peer supports be effective to improve adherence, and social cognitive theories have indicated that personal realization and confidence enhanced through entertaining gaming elements could encourage behavior change. To understand how different motivation factors affect user experience through social networking, a health care adherence website with built-in behavior analyses was constructed to conduct experiments. Users’ health adherence levels can be reported to the website and shared among consenting social members for discussion or competition. Key design and development components are illustrated through the case study, including a social gaming and learning portal, an engineering approach to supporting different application scenarios, and information interventions based on predefined rules to achieve effective adherence. The preliminary analysis showed that people using social media for health care adherence may be motivated differently and act strategically during their social interactions.

  • YYPThu. 2pmWe’ll Take It From Here: Letting the Users Take Charge of the Evaluation and Why That Turned Out Well
    C. Munteanu (National Research Council Canada, CA), H. Fournier, J. Lapointe, B. Emond, I. Kondratova
    C. Munteanu (National Research Council Canada, CA)H. Fournier (National Research Council Canada, CA)J. Lapointe (National Research Council of Canada, CA)B. Emond (National Research Council of Canada, CA)I. Kondratova (National Research Council Canada, CA)

    A case study describing the challenges and approaches taken in conducting a qualitative evaluation of a mixed-reality training system with subject-matter experts under multiple stakeholder constraints.The operational challenges faced by law enforcement and public safety personnel are constantly evolving, while the training and certification process has stayed the same. New technologies such as virtual reality, mixed reality, or game-based simulators are being researched as promising enhancements to traditional training methods. However, their widespread adoption, particularly by smaller units, faces barriers such as cost – due in no small part to the difficulties of developing and especially evaluating such large-scale interactive systems. In this case study, we present MINT – a low-cost mixed-reality Multimodal INteractive Training system, aimed at supporting the training of small- and medium-sized law enforcement and infantry units. We discuss the challenges and approaches taken in the participatory design of the training system, its agile-based development and implementation, and its qualitative evaluation with users and subject-matter experts.

  • YKCTue. 11amDon’t Talk to Strangers! Peer Tutoring versus Active Intervention methodologies in interviewing children
    S. Ognjanovic (Digital Solutions, USA), J. Ralls
    S. Ognjanovic (Digital Solutions, USA)J. Ralls (Digital Solutions, DK)

    Based on our internal, qualitative studies, we found Peer Tutoring to be an appropriate method for usability testing with children.Digital products designed for children should be validated by children. When it comes to usability testing, not all the available methods which work well with adults are equally applicable with child participants. In our study, we investigated two methods, Peer Tutoring which was developed for children, and Active Intervention which originates from the more traditional Think-Aloud methodology with adults. Our goal was to find out which of the two methods does elicit more comments by 8-10 years old boys when using a web application. The results showed that Peer Tutoring did elicit the greatest number of comments. At the same time the number of prompts provided by the test moderator was tendentially lower than during Active Intervention.

  • YNMMon. 4pmData-driven Design Process in Adoption of Marking Menus for Large Scale Software
    J. Oh (Autodesk, Inc., USA), A. Uggirala
    J. Oh (Autodesk, Inc., USA)A. Uggirala (Autodesk, Inc., USA)

    This case study presents the user-centered design process that helped delivering the successful integration of marking menu into Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk’s flagship mechanical engineering software. This case study presents the iterative design process where usage data and feedback played key role in successful adoption of the marking menu to Autodesk’s major mechanical engineering software, Inventor.

  • YUEWed. 11amWhat Should I Read Next? Awareness of Relevant Publications Through a Community of Practice
    G. Parra (KU Leuven – Univ. of Leuven, BE), J. Klerkx, E. Duval
    G. Parra (KU Leuven – Univ. of Leuven, BE)J. Klerkx (KU Leuven – Univ. of Leuven, BE)E. Duval (KU Leuven – Univ. of Leuven, BE)

    This case study presents the design and findings of TiNYARM, a Science 2.0 tool that enables researchers to share and suggest reading activities with their peers.Due to the dramatic growth in the number of scientific publications, evaluating what is more or less relevant to read (and why) is becoming a more challenging task. This case study presents the design and findings of TiNYARM, a Science 2.0 tool that enables researchers to share and suggest reading activities with their peers. Social Awareness Streams, Personal Information Management and Gamification concepts are applied in order to generate awareness and engage users.

  • YZSTue. 2pmMinimizing Change Aversion for the Google Drive Launch
    A. Sedley (Google, Inc., USA), H. Müller
    A. Sedley (Google, Inc., USA)H. Müller (Google, Inc., AU)

    Case study describing change aversion and the application of change management principles to the Google Drive launch. Can assist in launching interface changes to minimize user discomfort and effort.Change aversion is a natural response, which technology often exacerbates. Evolutionary changes can be subtle and occur over many generations. But Internet users must sometimes deal with sudden, significant product changes to applications they rely on and identify with. Despite the best intentions of designers and product managers, users often experience anxiety and confusion when faced with a new interface or changed functionality. While some change aversion is often inevitable, it can also be managed and minimized with the right steps. This case study describes how our understanding of change aversion helped minimize negative effects for the transition of the Google Docs List to Google Drive, a product for file storage in the cloud. We describe actions that allowed for a launch with no aversion.

  • YRXTue. 2pmThe Fingerstroke-Level Model Strikes Back: A modified Keystroke-Level Model in developing a gaming UI for 4G networks
    K. Song (Hanyang Univ., KR), J. Kim, Y. Cho, A. Lee, H. Ryu
    K. Song (Hanyang Univ., KR)J. Kim (Hanyang Univ., KR)Y. Cho (Hanyang Univ., KR)A. Lee (Hanyang Univ., KR)H. Ryu (Hanyang Univ., KR)

    we suggested a new gaming style with FLM, and confirmed that FLM serves well as the predictive model in the touch-sensitive mobile UIs.With the 4G mobile technology, LG U+ established a new business model, inter-network mirroring game service, that allows PC and mobile game users to play against each other. However, due to an unsolicited input command design for touch-sensitive UIs, it is hard to adjust competitive levels between them. The traditional Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) was not applicable to predict the task performance in the touch-sensitive user interface. This case study thus proposed Fingerstroke Level Model (FLM), and analyzed the inter-network mirroring game – ‘Freestyle II™’ with FLM. The empirical study confirmed the effectiveness and efficiency of FLM, and suggested how HCI methods can improve the design of mobile gaming user interface.

  • YTBTue. 11amThe Needs of Early School Children and Their Parents with Respect to the Design of Mobile Service Offers
    A. Szostek (Warsaw School of Social Psychology, PL), J. Kwiatkowska, O. Górnicka
    A. Szostek (Warsaw School of Social Psychology, PL)J. Kwiatkowska (Czestochowa Univ. of Technology, PL)O. Górnicka (Warsaw School of Social Psychology, PL)

    We investigated needs of early school children and their parents to identify ingredients for mobile service offers. We identified three categories of needs: safety, entertainment and communication. The goal of the project was to investigate the needs of early school children and their parents to identify ingredients for a mobile service offer. The results showed a difference regarding such needs between children age 7-8 and age 9-10, and between girls and boys. We identified three categories of needs: safety, entertainment and communication. Based on the findings we proposed a number of implications for the design of mobile service offers for early school children.

  • YPQThu. 2pmThe Democratization of Mission Control
    J. Trimble (NASA Ames Research Center, USA), T. Dayton, A. Crocker
    J. Trimble (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)T. Dayton (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)A. Crocker (NASA Johnson Space Center, USA)

    This work is a real world example of putting together participatory design methods with agile development to develop new user interface technology.In 2002, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, during observations of space operations teams preparing for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Missions, the User Centered Technology Group from NASA Ames Research Center observed users coping with software interoperability issues. The packaging of software in multiple applications, each with its own pre-determined set of compartmentalized functions, forced users into the role of software integrators. In 2008 the Mission Control Technologies (MCT) project sought to address these issues by replacing multiple NASA Mission Control applications with composable user-objects. The primary stakeholders were NASA flight controllers and mission operations management. The feature that sold mission management on the project was that user objects modeled their real world counterparts. Once a user object was created, say for Space Station telemetry, that object could be reused. This meant that the association between a user object and it’s data needed to happen once, as opposed to previous software systems, which required data to be associated with on screen displays each time a new display was built. While we sought to design and develop a new system, it was important to realize that the existing software was working, that users were familiar with that software from years of use, and the introduction of change was potentially disruptive to users. At the request of our customer, the initial MCT user objects would be for telemetry and monitoring of the Space Station. To design the software, we used participatory design (PD), in which the users are the domain experts and the designers facilitate the sessions. In addition to creating the artifacts that the team needed to build design specifications, the PD sessions forged bonds between the teams. For the users, the PD sessions were often the first time that they created explicit representations of their work. The team used agile development methods. Deliveries to the customer were made every three weeks, with a release every twelve weeks. A nightly build was available for download. A strategic road map guided priorities for design and development. The agile development cycle resulted in a multi-front set of engagements for the user experience team. The nightly build allowed the customer to provide daily feedback on features. The strategic road map guided priorities for the PD sessions. PD sessions typically lasted for several days and were planned. Daily feedback from nightly builds was often spontaneous. While participatory design was the core enabler for the developers and the customers to come together to create designs for which all felt a sense of ownership, agile development was the enabler that pushed the design specs into the world of real code and a working product. The constant availability of our product made our progress visible to all. This pushed everyone on the team to constantly improve it.

  • YLFThu. 2pmAutomotive HMI Test Package: An Exploitable Approach to Study In-Car HMIs
    D. Wilfinger (Univ. of Salzburg, AT), A. Meschtscherjakov, N. Perterer, M. Murer, A. Laminger, M. Tscheligi
    D. Wilfinger (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)A. Meschtscherjakov (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)N. Perterer (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)M. Murer (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)A. Laminger (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)M. Tscheligi (Univ. of Salzburg, AT)

    This case study describes our approach on how to holistically evaluate multifunctional in-car HMIs of modern cars and how we addressed related challenges.This case study describes the development of a method package for evaluating in-car HMIs holistically. The goal is to provide a toolbox that is easy to replicate and allows evaluators to identify the effects of the system usage on the drivers’ state. Additionally it aims at finding interface flaws that cause distraction and negative experiences. We applied the toolbox in two example studies, which informed the further application of the HMI study approach. We learned that the combination of established expert and end user methods with a real test track leads to useful results that are easy to communicate to both scientific and public audiences.

  • YVHTue. 2pmBest Practices for Enterprise Social Software Adoption: A Case Study of Deploying IBM Connections within IBM
    M. Yang (IBM, USA), M. Warner, D. Millen
    M. Yang (IBM, USA)M. Warner (IBM, USA)D. Millen (IBM Research, USA)

    Best-practices to drive enterprise social software adoption.In this case study, we present the results of a longitudinal study of the end-user adoption of social software within a large global enterprise. Existing Technology Adoption Models (e.g., UTAUT) were extended and used as a general framework for studying user adoption. Several “best practices” to promote end-user adoption are identified and discussed, including: integration with company intranet, email notifications, evangelism programs, executive support, mandatory migration and usage, and corporate-sponsored campaigns or events.

  • YENMon. 4pmUX Design with International Teams: Challenges and Best Practices
    C. Yiu (Microsoft Corporation, USA)
    C. Yiu (Microsoft Corporation, USA)

    Being a UX designer at Microsoft leading projects with multiple stakeholders from U.S., China and Israel, I would like to share my insights on the challenges and best practices.International UX collaboration has become the necessity for producing great global products. Microsoft Windows Intune™, an IT management and security product in the cloud, consists of engineering groups in different parts of the world. Being a UX designer leading projects with multiple stakeholders, vendors and contractors from U.S., China and Israel, I would like to share my insights on the challenges and best practices – organizing seeding and recurring visits; having key remote UX champions; utilizing the right communication channels; sharing works early; and be sensitive of time zone and cultural differences.