This is the final program for CHI 2013.
- Monday: 9:00 – 10:20 | 11:00 – 12:20 | 14:00 – 15:20 | 16:00 – 17:20
- Tuesday: 9:00 – 10:20 | 11:00 – 12:20 | 14:00 – 15:20 | 16:00 – 17:20
- Wednesday: 9:00 – 10:20 | 11:00 – 12:20 | 14:00 – 15:20 | 16:00 – 17:20
- Thursday: 9:00 – 10:20 | 11:00 – 12:20 | 14:00 – 15:20 | 16:00 – 17:20
- Interactivity and Work-in-progress posters run throughout the conference
- Video showcase is presented in a special evening session
Sessions at-a-glance
Monday – 9:00-10:20
- KOPSpecial session: Opening Keynote Plenary
Monday – 11:00-12:20
- SCJPapers: Managing Social Media
- LDJPanel: Call All Game Changers: BYOD (Bring Your Own Disruption)
- STJPapers: Enhancing Access
- CRLCourse: User Interface Design and Adaptation for Multi-Device Environments
- SSGPapers: Learning
- CYUCourse: Body, Whys & Videotape: Applying Somatic Techniques to User Experience in HCI
- SAPAlt.chi: Reflection and Evaluation
- CJECourse: Six Steps to Successful UX in an Agile World
- LRASpecial session: Lifetime Research Award
- SKUPapers: Interaction in the Wild
- CVZCourse: Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation 1/3
- GEJSpecial Interest Group: Designing Interactive Secure System: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group
- GTLSpecial Interest Group: Human Computer Interaction for Development (HCI4D)
- SLMPapers: 3D User Interfaces
- SCXPapers: Crowdsourcing: People Power
- SFNPapers: Multitouch and Gesture
- STQLast-minute SIGs: Session 1
Monday – 14:00-15:20
- LJKPanel: Will Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Change Education?
- SJLPapers: Gaze
- SSKPapers: Technologies for Life 1
- CPQCourse: Practical Statistics for User Experience Part I 1/2
- SQBPapers: Evaluation Methods 1
- CVCCourse: Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities 1/2
- SKRPapers: Co-Design with Users
- CGJCourse: Agile User Experience and UCD 1/2
- SNKPapers: Language and Translation
- SPCPapers: Brain Sensing and Analysis
- CVZCourse: Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation 2/3
- GRGSpecial Interest Group: The Role of Engineering Work in CHI
- SBYPapers: Crowdwork and Online Communities
- SMBPapers: Keyboards and Hotkeys
- SHQPapers: Flexible Displays
- STTLast-minute SIGs: Session 2
Monday – 16:00-17:20
- SCFPapers: Smart Tools, Smart Work
- LXEPanel: Leveraging the Progress of Women in the HCI Field to Address the Diversity Chasm
- SNUPapers: Creating and Authoring
- CPQCourse: Practical Statistics for User Experience Part I 2/2
- SQSPapers: Exploring Games
- CVCCourse: Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities 2/2
- SBKCase studies: Innovating User-Centered Design
- CGJCourse: Agile User Experience and UCD 2/2
- SFUPapers: Tables and Floors
- SQZPapers: Design for Classrooms 1
- CVZCourse: Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation 3/3
- SRJSpecial session: Student Research Judging
- GVQSpecial Interest Group: Enhancing the Research Infrastructure for Child-Computer Interaction
- SMPPapers: Crowds and Activism
- SLFPapers: Large and Public Displays
- SELPapers: Embodied Interaction 1
- STXLast-minute SIGs: Session 3
Tuesday – 9:00-10:20
- SFKPapers: Interacting around Devices
- LPLPanel: CHI at the Barricades – an Activist Agenda?
- SESPapers: Design for the Home
- CAXCourse: User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which Method to Choose? 1/2
- SCQPapers: Social Creativity
- CUECourse: Analyzing Social Media Data 1/2
- SAVAlt.chi: Experiences
- CZSCourse: Choice and Decision Making for HCI 1/2
- SQVPapers: Design for Classrooms 2
- SKGPapers: Reflecting on Phones
- CSJCourse: Cognitive Crash Dummies: Predicting Performance from Early Prototypes 1/2
- GYUSpecial Interest Group: Consumer Engagement in Health Technologies Special Interest Group
- GDGSpecial Interest Group: A new Perspective for the Games and Entertainment Community
- SSNPapers: Technologies for Life 2
- SLTPapers: Gesture Studies
- SJHPapers: Manipulating Video
- SUBLast-minute SIGs: Session 4
Tuesday – 11:00-12:20
- SMLPapers: Sustainable Energy
- LLCPanel: UX Management: Current and Future Trends
- SSRPapers: Impairment and Rehabilitation
- CAXCourse: User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which Method to Choose? 2/2
- SQPPapers: Exergames and Beyond
- CUECourse: Analyzing Social Media Data 2/2
- SAZCase studies: Communities of Practice
- CZSCourse: Choice and Decision Making for HCI 2/2
- SJSPapers: Full-Body Interaction
- SBRPapers: Video Communication
- CSJCourse: Cognitive Crash Dummies: Predicting Performance from Early Prototypes 2/2
- GFLSpecial Interest Group: Research-Practice Interaction: Building Bridges, Closing the Gap
- GUNSpecial Interest Group: Digital Art: Challenging Perspectives
- SEZPapers: Ideation Methods
- SLQPapers: Pointing and Fitts Law
- SHCPapers: Sensing Touch
- SUELast-minute SIGs: Session 5
Tuesday – 14:00-15:20
- SFYPapers: Displays Everywhere
- LRDPanel: Is My Doctor Listening to Me? Impact of Health IT Systems on Patient-Provider Interaction
- STCPapers: Clinical Settings
- CTGCourse: Practical Statistics for User Experience Part II 1/2
- SQLPapers: Game Design
- CFLCourse: Card Sorting for Navigation Design 1/2
- SBNCase studies: Changing How We Work
- CKCCourse: Expert Reviews – For Experts 1/2
- SCMPapers: Design for the Home
- SNDPapers: Novel Programming
- CXXCourse: Make This! Introduction to Electronics Prototyping Using Arduino 1/2
- GXSSpecial Interest Group: Managing UX Teams
- GPCSpecial Interest Group: Changing Perspectives on Sustainability: Healthy Debate or Divisive Factions?
- SIASpecial session: Social Impact Award
- SEVPapers: Temporal Design
- SHMPapers: Tactile Experiences
- SUHLast-minute SIGs: Session 6
Tuesday – 16:00-17:20
- SKYPapers: Public Displays
- LBRPanel: Gamification @ Work
- STFPapers: Communicating Health
- CTGCourse: Practical Statistics for User Experience Part II 2/2
- SSDPapers: Reading and Writing
- CFLCourse: Card Sorting for Navigation Design 2/2
- SKNPapers: Studying Digital Artifacts
- CKCCourse: Expert Reviews – For Experts 2/2
- SPXPapers: Ethics in HCI
- SJPPapers: Embodied Interaction 2
- CXXCourse: Make This! Introduction to Electronics Prototyping Using Arduino 2/2
- GMZSpecial Interest Group: HCI with Sports
- GBCSpecial Interest Group: SIG: NVI (Non-Visual Interaction)
- SEPPapers: Design Research
- SMEPapers: Developing the World
- SEBPapers: Collaborative Creation
- SULLast-minute SIGs: Session 7
Wednesday – 9:00-10:20
- SPJPapers: Aesthetics and the Web
- LGSPanel: Theory and Practice in UX Research: Uneasy Bedfellows?
- SQHPapers: Evaluation Methods 2
- CNSCourse: The Past 100 Years of the Future: CHI/HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and Television 1/2
- SSUPapers: Design for the Blind
- SAEAlt.chi: Design Lessons
- CHGCourse: Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments 1/2
- SLCPapers: Mobile Interaction
- SLJPapers: Performing Interaction
- CKZCourse: Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices 1/3
- GLXSpecial Interest Group: HCI for Peace Ideathon
- SKKPapers: Engagement
- SCTPapers: Knowledge Managment
- SFRPapers: Touch Interaction
- SUPLast-minute SIGs: Session 8
Wednesday – 11:00-12:20
- SNRPapers: Data Navigation
- LFBPanel: Digital Arts: Did You Feel That?
- SPTPapers: Passwords and Errors
- CNSCourse: The Past 100 Years of the Future: CHI/HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and Television 2/2
- IWCSpecial session: Interacting with CHI
- SRCSpecial session: Student Research Competition
- SBDCase studies: Novel Settings
- CHGCourse: Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments 2/2
- SNNPapers: Social Tagging
- SMZPapers: Food and Health
- CKZCourse: Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices 3/3
- GZXSpecial Interest Group: Invited SIG – HCI: An Asian Perspective
- GSJSpecial Interest Group: On Top of the User Experience Wave – How is Our Work Changing?
- SKDPapers: Mobile Applications
- SMVPapers: Crime and Conflicts
- SHFPapers: Haptics
- SUSLast-minute SIGs: Session 9
Wednesday – 14:00-15:20
- SHJPapers: Fabrication
- LYVPanel: Exploring the Representation of Women Perspectives in Technologies
- STMPapers: Mental Health
- CCSCourse: Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction 1/2
- SDCSpecial session: Student Design Competition
- CENCourse: Interaction Design for Social Development 1/2
- SAHAlt.chi: Ethics
- CMUCourse: Designing Augmented Reality Experiences 1/2
- LPASpecial session: Lifetime Practice Award
- SPQPapers: Consent and Privacy
- CKZCourse: Designing with and for Children in the 21st Century: Techniques and Practices 2/3
- GHQSpecial Interest Group: Automotive User Interface Research Moves into Fast Lane
- GCESpecial Interest Group: SIG NIME: Music, Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction
- SJEPapers: Text Visualization
- SMSPapers: Sustainability
- SLXPapers: Mobile Text Entry
- SUVLast-minute SIGs: Session 10
Wednesday – 16:00-17:20
- SMHPapers: Design for Development
- LSUPanel: Theory vs. Design-Driven Approaches for Behavior Change Research
- SJZPapers: Narrative and Materiality
- CCSCourse: Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction 2/2
- SGCSpecial session: Student Game Competition
- CENCourse: Interaction Design for Social Development 2/2
- SALAlt.chi: Nature and Nurture
- CMUCourse: Designing Augmented Reality Experiences 2/2
- SVKPapers: Design for Children
- SQEPapers: Evaluation Methods 3
- GQESpecial Interest Group: UrbanIXD :: Designing Human Interactions In The Networked City
- GJSSpecial Interest Group: CHI 2013 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) SIG: Past History and Future Challenges
- SJBPapers: Visual Perception
- SNGPapers: Searching and Finding
- SFGPapers: Mobile Gestures
- SUZLast-minute SIGs: Session 11
Thursday – 9:00-10:20
- KSPSpecial session: Special Joint Plenary with ACM ECRC 2013
Thursday – 11:00-12:20
- SHTPapers: Design for Developers
- LMTPanel: We Need to Talk: HCI and the Delicate Topic of Spoken Language Interaction
- SNYPapers: Perception and Awareness
- SEEPapers: Spatial Interfaces
- CBUCourse: Designing What to Design: A Task-Focused Conceptual Model 1/2
- SSYPapers: Autism
- CQNCourse: Storyboarding for Designers and Design Researchers 1/2
- SASAlt.chi: Spirit and Mind
- CLXCourse: HTML5 Game Development 1/2
- SHXPapers: Information Visualization
- CDQCourse: Designing Search Usability 1/2
- GKUSpecial Interest Group: Science vs. Science: the Complexities of Interdisciplinary Research
- SBUPapers: Social Media Practices
- SVDLast-minute SIGs: Session 12
Thursday – 14:00-15:20
- SPFPapers: Different Perspectives
- LUMPanel: The Future of HCI Publishing in Journals and Books
- SFDPapers: Multi-Device Interaction
- SJVPapers: On the Move
- CBUCourse: Designing What to Design: A Task-Focused Conceptual Model 2/2
- SPMPapers: Understanding Privacy
- CQNCourse: Storyboarding for Designers and Design Researchers 2/2
- SBGCase studies: In the Wild
- CLXCourse: HTML5 Game Development 2/2
- SEHPapers: Design Strategies
- CDQCourse: Designing Search Usability 2/2
- GGNSpecial Interest Group: Visions and Visioning in CHI: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group Meeting
- SCCPapers: Tensions in Social Media
- SVGLast-minute SIGs: Session 13
Thursday – 16:00-17:20
- KCLSpecial session: Closing Keynote Plenary